View Full Version : Support the Appeal for Scott Mackay Please

26-May-02, 01:38
Please support the Appeal for Scott Mackay. Scott used to stay in Thurso about 15 years ago and moved to USA with his Mum Lindy and American husband.

Scott has non hodgkins Lymphoma and needs a bone marrow transplant urgently.

Scott's website has been linked on my Mackay Clan website webring for about a year now as I have tried to link up with Mackay's all over the World.

His wife Marisa contacted me some weeks ago so I suggested she comes to Bill Fernie @ Caithness.org who has helped the campaign Immensely.

Please visit the link on caithness.org - http://www.caithness.org/fpb/may2002/bonemarrowappeal/bonemarrowplea.htm and email Marisa and Scott if you are able to go along and register for a match for sufferers of this disease.

Email them on [email protected] if you can help at all.

12-Jul-02, 18:58
Here is an update email I received from Scott's wife Marisa on the 10th :-

Hi to all: just a quick update to let everyone know that after seeing the transplant doctor yesterday it was tetermined that Scotts tumors are back. To try and hold him till 7-22 he will begin a short course of chemo thursday. His pain and nausea prevent him from doing much but for those of you in calls reach please give him a bell and shout some encouraging words. For those of you who know friends not listed on this email,,ie: army buds can you give them a buzz and let them know? I know there are a few guys out there (Puff, Sarano) that he would love to hear from. He more than likely will be back in the hospital friday as the chemo needs to run for 48 hours straight ,,but I am trying to get them to hook up a pump so he can be home with his family. Marisa Mackay

Keep praying for them for those who pray and send an email of support if you can. It means so much to Marisa, Scott and the bairns. Their email is [email protected]