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View Full Version : Additional cases from yesterday's sheriff court session

02-Oct-12, 11:54
Community service for bail breach accused... and a warning

A WICK woman, who breached her bail order twice within a month, escaped a jail sentence, this week.
Kim McTier (43) was instead ordered to carry out 60 hours unpaid community service by Sheriff Andrew Berry who warned her that a repeat of the offence would probably attract a prison sentence.
McTier, of Pilot Row, Papigoe, appeared from custody, yesterday, and admitted her latest bail breach which occurred at the weekend, after she was again found in the company of her husband at the family home in Vansittart Street, Wick. Earlier, this month she was fined £100 for violating a court order banning her from having any contact with her husband.
In a repeat of that offence, she was again found with her husband in an intoxicated state, at the weekend.
Solicitor Neil Wilson said that there was nothing to suggest that McTier was anything other than welcome at her home. The couple had been drinking together but her husband tired of her company and contacted the police Mr Wilson added that the accused was frightened of losing her job as a kitchen if she remained the custody.
Sheriff Andrew Berry recalled McTier’s previous appearance on a similar offence earlier, recently, and observed: “You have done exactly the same thing, again.”
The sheriff added: “I have a duty to the public which could mean that if you continue to fail to comply with court orders, I will have no alternative but to send you prison, regardless of any commitments you may have.”

Community service for rowdy accused

A REPEAT of neighbour trouble led to Donald McPhee being ordered to carry out 120 hours of unpaid community service.
McPhee (26) admitted threatening or abusive behaviour in Ackergill Crescent where he lives, on May 5. He shouted and swore at two of his neighbours, in the latest incident.
A background report before the court indicated a history of difficulty with his neighbours and McPheed was said to “react inappropriately” to alleged provocation.
Solicitor Neil Wilson added that McPhee was attempting to move house as a means of eliminating the
problem's flashpoint.