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09-Dec-06, 20:20
well who does everyone want to win the X-factor? :lol:

09-Dec-06, 20:32
Easy, Ben and Leona in the final.

LEONA to win, outstanding tonight!!

09-Dec-06, 20:34
It has to be Ben for me - I really like his voice. Leona has a fantastic voice but just not my thing - I've never really been too fussed on Ray however he was a wee soul tonight - I felt sorry for him!

09-Dec-06, 21:03
Ray "Munster" Quinn is so annoying i want to put my foot through the telly
Hope the bookies are right and he gets the boot tonight

09-Dec-06, 21:50
What a load of tosh that was, think the young lad should have gone.

I would think Simons singer will win this year, after all, its his turn[disgust]

09-Dec-06, 21:52
Ray "Munster" Quinn is so annoying i want to put my foot through the telly
Hope the bookies are right and he gets the boot tonight

Afraid munster is through to the final.:roll:

09-Dec-06, 21:59
Afraid munster is through to the final.:roll:

I dont know what it is about him - -just strikes up instant loathing

Hopefully talent will now win through

09-Dec-06, 22:02
I dont know what it is about him - -just strikes up instant loathing

Hopefully talent will now win through

It's that cheesy wide grin, slicked back greasy hair and curled up nose that makes my stomach feel like i'm on a roller coaster.

Sad to see Ben knocked out.

09-Dec-06, 22:06
As I said in the other thread:

So obviously fixed. Thats the true talent gone. Just the Tintin lookalike and the poor Mariah Carey imitator left in it. Neither will last past January.

09-Dec-06, 22:25
Maybe all you Ben fans should have voted for him and he wouldnt have gone out by such a close margin. Personally Im delighted Leona is through to the final and I did want Ben to be there also. I think next week Leona will show just how versatile a performer she is but Ray might have a problem. Just wonder how the vote will go seeing as Simon has both finalists. Will the Louis/Sharon brigade vote or just not bother. LEONA to win for me.

footie chick
09-Dec-06, 23:15
They both win! Ray is already a famous actor {if you count Brookside as being famour} Leona is pure talent but Ben for me had the X Factor as he is a musician as well as a singer ;)

09-Dec-06, 23:17
Maybe all you Ben fans should have voted for him

I did vote for Ben.

ice box
09-Dec-06, 23:19
Its a fix as it is every year .

footie chick
09-Dec-06, 23:21
They both win! Ray is already a famous actor {if you count Brookside as being famour} Leona is pure talent but Ben for me had the X Factor as he is a musician as well as a singer ;)

10-Dec-06, 00:26
Ben should not have gone out tonight!:(
I did vote for him.

Did anyone else think that Ray's tears may have been an act?
After all he was very good at blubbing on Brookside!

10-Dec-06, 06:06
Yup, I reckon Ben was the most talented of the three semi-finalists, and he seemed to be in it for more than just the fame aspect of it. If there's any justice then he'll get a record deal, and I suspect he'll be around a lot longer than the others.

10-Dec-06, 11:50
didnt see it last night can someone fill me in? good performances? what did they sing? (i'm not addicted!!! [lol])

10-Dec-06, 12:04
It's being shown again today at 13:05 on STV if you want to see it for yourself.

10-Dec-06, 12:05
It's being shown again today at 13:05 on STV if you want to see it for yourself.

oooh thank you !! however we had a party last night and i'm going to have to clear the decks and find the tv before i do any watching!!! :roll:

10-Dec-06, 13:27
Well I wanted Ben too win. As someone else has said he was a musician as well as a singer. I really liked his voice. But given what I have left to choose from I'll be voting for Leona.

10-Dec-06, 14:42
I'll not be voting. I voted for the person I thought had the 'X' Factor. Neither of the remaining two have that X factor, and in my opinion neither will be on our screens beyond the end of January. I will not waste a penny voting for them.

ice box
10-Dec-06, 14:48
They got rid of the wrong person last night (ben) boy can that man sing hope he goes far .

10-Dec-06, 16:50
I'll not be voting. I voted for the person I thought had the 'X' Factor. Neither of the remaining two have that X factor, and in my opinion neither will be on our screens beyond the end of January. I will not waste a penny voting for them.
I didnt vote for any of them, i dont thin any one of them, win or lose will be on our screens after xmas, its just a money making racket on the run up to xmas.£1 a text to vote, what a con.

10-Dec-06, 22:28
Maybe all you Ben fans should have voted for him and he wouldnt have gone out by such a close margin. Personally Im delighted Leona is through to the final and I did want Ben to be there also. I think next week Leona will show just how versatile a performer she is but Ray might have a problem. Just wonder how the vote will go seeing as Simon has both finalists. Will the Louis/Sharon brigade vote or just not bother. LEONA to win for me.Tried to vote for ben could'nt get though

10-Dec-06, 22:57
I voted for Ben as well - twice (how sad!). Don't think I'll bother voting next week as I don't care anymore. Leona not my scene and I take back what I said about feeling sorry for Ray - don't like him at all! I think Leona will win - (I heard ages ago that she was going to win!) but I don't think Sharon has had a turn of winning yet - has she?

11-Dec-06, 20:12
i would have to say ray to win :D

11-Dec-06, 21:55
Well no surprise what I think about this! How on earth could Ben be kicked out of this? Was it the teeniebopper army texting 20 texts to the minute that kept the little weed in - angela5 and dreadnought got him down to a tea - tintin indeed :D Hahahaha!

Leona will win - Ray can't sing that high,.....erm,......well, I don't think he can but maybe he will adopt a pose next week that might help him hit the high notes ;)

This year will not be like last years final - better acts, and the last three of last year definitely beat the last three of this year.

Ah well, I'll watch it just to satisfy my curiosity but like the rest - I will not be voting.