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20-Sep-12, 19:09
We were in Wick today .... went there via Watten and home via Castletown. Our usual watering hole is Rivendell, but it is closed on a Thursday. We were just lamenting that fact when we saw Glyn`s car outside the cafe and the door opened, so popped in. Glyn was just there to take in some deliveries and do some woodwork, but made us a lovely lunch which was much appreciated.....not only that.........we were not his first customers of the day.

So on a Thursday if you are passing Rivendell and the chain is down, you might be in for a special treat. Thursday could be Glyn`s new busiest day.

Also threats...or is that a promise (?) of Sunday lunches in the very near future.

Can`t wait.

20-Sep-12, 21:27
He is very accommodating, even on his "day off" !! :)

20-Sep-12, 23:18
Never heard of it, where abouts is it?

20-Sep-12, 23:47
This cafe is where the filling station used to be at "Lochshell". It is roughly about 3/4 mile out of Wick on the John O' Groats road; past Tesco's. It is on the left hand side.

21-Sep-12, 07:54
Totally agree,,, Here is what I put on earlier
The Rumblin Tum
had a nice cup of coffee and a fish an chips in this cafe and it was lovely, its on your way out of Wick on the Castletown road after you pass Tesco's. It also has a market shop where I got a lovely Turnip and there are some flowers at it to. Well worth a try when passing I noticed they also do carry outs
the only day they are NOT open is a Thursday but open the rest from 9am to 7pm
however he did say that no-one would be turned away even if it was Thursday :Razz

21-Sep-12, 08:20
Maybe one Thursday we could have a vast turn out of orgers!

Every time we have been there we have met passing tourists, but know a lot of orgers use the cafe too. Hope we can keep Glyn`s trade up during the winter months.

Lovely meal choices and almost as cheap as Tesco meal deals in the cafe, but far better quality and superior banter!

21-Sep-12, 10:52
Maybe one Thursday we could have a vast turn out of orgers!Every time we have been there we have met passing tourists, but know a lot of orgers use the cafe too. Hope we can keep Glyn`s trade up during the winter months.Lovely meal choices and almost as cheap as Tesco meal deals in the cafe, but far better quality and superior banter! Hey Glyn, thought Sunday lunch was only for special customers.......Bring it on......

21-Sep-12, 16:50
See you there soon...Bertieboy!

21-Sep-12, 21:49
Cheers for the comments everybody.

Sunday Dinners start this coming weekend, the 23rd. Serving as long as we have the Scottish Roast Beef in, once its gone, that's it. Available from 12 to 12:30 onwards.
Roast Beef,
Roast Potatoes.
Various Veg & Gravy.

If required, also available will be 2 soups & 2 desserts.

As Poppett would say, we have to start somewhere.

21-Sep-12, 23:36
you got the starts...what about the afters?
Whats the puddings?
Im one of them that looks at the puds before looking at the mains and starters..:lol:
The pud decides in my case anyway.....

22-Sep-12, 12:16
There will be the normal fresh cream sponges, then a gateaux -(I think) plus a homemade gooseberry pie/crumble with cream.

22-Sep-12, 12:40
Hubby loves gooseberries, so that`s sold to him.

Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday (x3).

22-Sep-12, 20:54
why not make thursday an orgers day only no org id no enter ,,,,, ?????

sort of freemason handshake for entry lol

22-Sep-12, 21:23
...what a good idea Riggerboy ...... with a roast dinner on the menu???...........sounds like perfection to me.

Poor Glyn will never get a day off at this rate!

23-Sep-12, 18:42
You absolutely excelled yourself Glyn.

Everything was spot on.

Delighted you have decided to have a Sunday lunch special every week.

I have thankfully recovered from the palpitations brought on by the gateau.......which had brandy in it.......yummy end to perfect roast beef dinner.

See you again very soon.