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View Full Version : To pay.....or not to pay.....that is the question.

20-Sep-12, 18:17
The new toilets are open at Thurso`s riverside.

As you walk into the large hall there is a glass fronted office with a pay counter, but nobody there to take money or a sign to say how much it is going to be and if/when we have to pay.

Don`t suggest I ask the council.....I did, and they don`t know.

20-Sep-12, 18:18
I would spend a penny regardless :)

21-Sep-12, 10:55
The new toilets are open at Thurso`s riverside.

As you walk into the large hall there is a glass fronted office with a pay counter, but nobody there to take money or a sign to say how much it is going to be and if/when we have to pay.

Don`t suggest I ask the council.....I did, and they don`t know.

Think you will find that it was widely publicised about a year ago that Highland Council would no longer employ fulltime toilet attendants and no charges would be made to use toilets

21-Sep-12, 14:32
Why Oh why take up so much valuable space with the paybooth and its accessories then?

The advertised hours state that the facilities are maintained on a contract with VACMAN cleaning contractors.

24-Sep-12, 10:21
Is there access to the disabled toilet? I do have a key but have met many people without a key needing to use this faciity.

24-Sep-12, 11:59
The disabled toilet access is separate to the main ladies and gents which is behind a shutter when closed.

Key is available from tourist office for the toilets in Groats, so assume Thurso will be the same.

Disabled toilet key is on the RADAR scheme, but their keys are very expensive now but a skeleton key is available online from Incontinence comfort.

24-Sep-12, 14:08
Why Oh why take up so much valuable space with the paybooth and its accessories then?

The advertised hours state that the facilities are maintained on a contract with VACMAN cleaning contractors.

1.Maybe they hope to charge in the future

2.They have had the cleaning contract for years

Not much information available on how to obtain a key.Both ladies and gents appear to have a disabled toilet but what happens if they and the tourist office are closed

24-Sep-12, 20:37
The disabled toilet access is separate to the main ladies and gents which is behind a shutter when closed.

Key is available from tourist office for the toilets in Groats, so assume Thurso will be the same.

Disabled toilet key is on the RADAR scheme, but their keys are very expensive now but a skeleton key is available online from Incontinence comfort.

You can buy a RADAR Key from Amazon.co.uk for as Little as £1.95 + P&P and even from the RADAR site it only costs £2.25 + P&P. So that is not Very Expensive as you claim



25-Sep-12, 09:40
When I phoned RADAR they told me a key and book of loos (which you can`t get the key separate from) was 20 quid plus postage and packing and VAT if not exempt.

I got two keys delivered overnight for less than a tenner from Incontinence comfort website.

25-Sep-12, 10:30
The new toilets are open at Thurso`s riverside.

As you walk into the large hall there is a glass fronted office with a pay counter, but nobody there to take money or a sign to say how much it is going to be and if/when we have to pay.

Don`t suggest I ask the council.....I did, and they don`t know.

Lets look at the facts, we have a public convenience but no cashier and no donations box.
Why would you pay?
Thread aout nothing

25-Sep-12, 16:44
When I phoned RADAR they told me a key and book of loos (which you can`t get the key separate from) was 20 quid plus postage and packing and VAT if not exempt.

I got two keys delivered overnight for less than a tenner from Incontinence comfort website.

I do not know who you spoke to at RADAR but if you go to the RADAR web site as I posted above, you can buy the key by itself for only £2.25 + P&P.

Also, if they advised you that the Key with the Scheme Guide was £20 + P&P, then they were also incorrect with that information. If you go to the RADAR Web Site the Key along with the Book and Fully Inclusive of P&P is only £17.99.

Click on link below to see the RADAR Price on their own site.


26-Sep-12, 19:12
I bought a key from Sutherland District Council and if my memory serves me right it cost £4 this included postage.For those who don't have a key the Tourist office is not open all year round.
I did go for a nosey today and they are very nice:lol:

Corrie 3
26-Sep-12, 19:21
I did go for a nosey today and they are very nice:lol:
Last time I went for a nosey in a public loo I got arrested!! Lol.
