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View Full Version : Great Org Day

19-Sep-12, 21:03
Yesterday was morgificent here in Edinburgh. I ran into golach at the supermarket and we had lunch together. Then rich announced that he was in town and we had dinner. Great to see both of them. :)

Corrie 3
19-Sep-12, 21:17
Yesterday was morgificent here in Edinburgh. I ran into golach at the supermarket and we had lunch together. Then rich announced that he was in town and we had dinner. Great to see both of them. :)
I'd love to run into Golach !!!!


19-Sep-12, 22:09
The joys of city life.

Glad you all had a good time, and at least you were well fed canuck.

20-Sep-12, 18:47
i often wonder when i'm letting passengers on and off the bus whether they are fellow orgers lololol. No one has ever mentioned the Org on the bus so i guess not :lol:

20-Sep-12, 19:03
Now every time I see a bus I am going to wonder if the driver is BillM.

Orgers should have a government health warning on them.