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View Full Version : Is Westminster Going Feudal on Holyrood – MSP’s to be Evicted to Dynamic Earth

14-Sep-12, 12:32

Basically they're going to refurbish the House of Commons and the House of Lords which they estimate will cost £3 Billion - and they were smug over Holyrood costing £400 Million - and while this is being done they're going to displace the Scottish and Welsh parliaments from their own buildings.

Since the 11th century Scotland has been subject to a Feudal system of property ownership. Effectively this means that while the property may belong to the owner, the land that the property stands on is owned by the crown, normally under the wing of a lord or duke.

When we first heard about what we are going to tell you we weren’t sure if it was a joke at first, but now that it has been reported by the BBC, well it looks like it is for real.

In recent weeks Westminster have announced a planned refurbishment of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The palace of Westminster which houses both UK parliaments is to undergo a £3 Billion overall at the cost of the tax payer.

This announcement has annoyed many UK citizens who are calling it a waste of money, particularly in the middle of a recession. Others are claiming that the price announced is never the price paid with some estimates saying that it will probably cost double that amount to complete the work.

Of course, many involved in the construction of Holyrood are smiling at the fact that they go so much stick about the £400m cost that it took to build Scotland’s parliament, considering it is nowhere near the £3 Billion for Westminster.

So! Whats the plan then?

Well – It has been said that having the parliament in session while the work is being carried out could mean the job would take £10 billion and last 20 years. So, the MP’s and Lords are going to have to go elsewhere. But where can they be put?

Oh YES! We couldn’t believe it but it’s true.

The solution proposed by the commission planning the work involves the temporary relocation of the House of Lords, House of Commons and the Cabinet office to sites in Scotland and Wales, a move which has been widely condemned by MPs as no more than a sop to reduce Nationalist unrest and agitation in both those countries.

The House of Lords will take over the Senedd building in Cardiff bay, which currently houses the Welsh Assembly. The Assembly will move back into the neighbouring Ty Hywel bulding which they occupied before the Senedd was built.

While there are over 800 peers, and the Senedd has space for just 60 assembly members, this is still seen as a practical solution since so few peers now turn up for debates in Westminster, and far fewer are expected to make the trip to Wales.

The House of Commons will move to the Scottish Parliament in Holyrood and the Scottish Executive will be moved to the nearby Dynamic Earth, which will be closed to the public while MSPs are in session.

The debating chamber of the Scottish Parliament is unable to accommodate all 650 current MPS, even if most take seats in the visitor’s galleries. However, planned boundary changes are expected to reduce the number of MPs, particularly those from Scotland, and make the chamber a more comfortable fit for those who remain.

So basically, the devolved governments of Scotland & Wales are being pushed out of their own parliaments to make way for the Lords & Masters at Westminster. It seems as if the Westminster parliament is going Feudal on the Scottish Government.

However, MSP’s are absolutely furious at the prospect of being evicted from the state of the art building at Holyrood and into the smaller dynamic earth building.

Tricia Marwick MSP the Presiding Officer told the BBC: “I might be able to fit half of them in the canteen, but the rest will be split between the earthquake simulator and the tropical rainforest. How is that ever going to work?”

But one issue that doesn’t seem to have been raised is of course the fact that in 2014 Scotland may very well vote Yes to Independence and of course if that happens there will be no more “You are doing it!” from Westminster. Of course Scotland could very well offer the UK parliament the use of dynamic earth of the SECC in Glasgow. The question is, how would they feel about running their government from a foreign country?

14-Sep-12, 12:45
£3 billion! Three bloody billion for what? How can it cost that much and what's being done? Are all the fittings made of solid gold? So much for "we're all in this together" and "a time of austerity", it doesn't matter when it's the taxpayers money. £1 billion was spent on a bloody big dome that was full of cack that very few could get to and even fewer actually went to see. And now this. No wonder we get hacked off with politicians.

14-Sep-12, 13:50
£3 billion! Three bloody billion for what? How can it cost that much and what's being done? Are all the fittings made of solid gold? So much for "we're all in this together" and "a time of austerity", it doesn't matter when it's the taxpayers money. £1 billion was spent on a bloody big dome that was full of cack that very few could get to and even fewer actually went to see. And now this. No wonder we get hacked off with politicians.

Keep in mind that government estimates and timescales usually - almost certain - to double.

14-Sep-12, 15:38
Is this a wind up?

14-Sep-12, 18:18
I rather think someone is being a bit gullable

14-Sep-12, 18:30
Report here on BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-19386492

Corrie 3
14-Sep-12, 19:02
Report here on BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-19386492
I see the report states that the place is infested with Rodents.............Including a ginger one from Inverness!!


14-Sep-12, 21:18
£3 billion! Three bloody billion for what?.....

Well... If it costs £16,000 for the repair of a bus shelter (http://forum.caithness.org/showthread.php?185664-How-much-does-a-Bus-Shelter-cost) then £3,000,000,000 sounds about right to me... lol
The question is... Who's gonna be lining their pocket out of this?

14-Sep-12, 22:42
I knew eventually there would be a use for thon Millenium Dome!