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View Full Version : Wick's saturday markets

04-Sep-12, 12:29
Can any one tell me who i need to get in touch with about getting a stall in the saturday markets in wick?
Ryan S.

04-Sep-12, 15:30
Can any one tell me who i need to get in touch with about getting a stall in the saturday markets in wick?
Ryan S.

Mrs Armitage 01847 821417

05-Sep-12, 21:36
Beware - If you have anything to sell that the other stalls sell, then you will not be allowed to set up. We did try.

05-Sep-12, 21:47
Had the same experience. I don't see the logic to this.

10-Sep-12, 19:59
Is probably why the market is slowly dieing a death - shame really.

11-Sep-12, 10:14
Didn't appear to be dieing a death last Saturday!!!!!!!!

15-Sep-12, 16:51
How many stalls were there ?

secrets in symmetry
15-Sep-12, 16:58
How long has the Wick Saturday market been running?

pig whisperer
15-Sep-12, 19:13
we tried to book a pitch as a casual [just for the one saterday] but was told we couldnt come on [just the once] because someone else was doing the same as us, this smacks of protectionism, & hardly encourages a healthy & thriving market

15-Sep-12, 20:34
Today there were 3. Sometime there are as many as 4. I have given up going there. More need to be added to make it more attractive. A veg stall would be good.

15-Sep-12, 20:53
i don't see how 3 or 4 stalls could be called a market, more like a handful of street traders. The selection is limited too and not at all cheap compared to local businesses although some of the stuff is unique. I enquired about a stall a while back but because what i was wanting to sell wasn't in line with the spirit of the "market" i was told i couldn't have one.
On a similar perspective, Haldanes old place would have had good potential if someone could have taken it on before poundland and divvied it up into small stalls. We could have potentially had a great market with 30-40 or more different small businesses in there as i know several of my friends have some decent business ideas and would have jumped at the chance to take on a stall instead of being lumbered with a 5 year lease on a decaying building with no parking outside and crap footfall.

15-Sep-12, 21:05
the 1st time i was in wick to meet my now wifer there was over 13 stalls all the way into market square and on several occasions ofer it slowly dwindled. to the sorry stae of 2 or 3 it wa when i was up in aug. Though it has been worse i remember once just being 2 stalls.

secrets in symmetry
15-Sep-12, 23:13
Can anyone tell me how long this Saturday market has been running?

My grannie claims it's a new fangled thing that didn't exist in her day.

16-Sep-12, 12:07
been travelling up and dpwn for last 9 years and it has been there so at least 9 years as far as i know.

17-Sep-12, 14:49
the 1st time i was in wick to meet my now wifer there was over 13 stalls all the way into market square and on several occasions ofer it slowly dwindled. to the sorry stae of 2 or 3 it wa when i was up in aug. Though it has been worse i remember once just being 2 stalls.

Must have been something special on nightspirit.I can never remember seeing that amount of stalls in a normal Saturday.Quite often in the winter there are only the two regular ones but at least they turn out regardless of the weather and hopefully they will continue to do so.

17-Sep-12, 17:59
The Market Square stalls were set up by the 4f partnership around 13-14 years ago. The 4f partnership was run by Julie Crowe, John Henderson, Patricia Sugherland and Rod Pimm. 4f stood for Food, Farmin, Fishing, and Forestry and was set up to promote local businesses and to help businesses get information about what they wished to do.The market square stalls were originally run by the 4f. They were there for anyone to hire and the intention was to take them to Thurso, and anywhere else that wished to have a regular market. As a few folk have said it ran quite successfully for some time, ran by Julie Crowe, the co-ordination of the 4f partnership.

When funding was withdrawn Julie gave up her post, this coincided with a bout if ill health for her. Anyone who wished a stall was given as much help as they needed to get their idea up and running, this includes quite a few of the current stall holders. The market stalls were then handed over to the current team who run it. I believe it is Mrs Armitage you contact to book a stall now, I'm sure she will be very helpful towards anyone who wishes to run a stall. It would be lovely to see it back up and runnin at full strength. As has been said before there are lots of small businesses who could benefit from a while on the square gettin their products known.

I think sadly the 4f partnership was ahead of its time, people now are looking for local food, local products, local knowledge and that's what 4f was about. But that's how it goes sometimes.

(before anyone asks how I know this, Julie is my mother, I helped set stands up many times, lugged the poles in and out of storage, which was originally our shed!! I'm sorry if I have forgotten anyone who helped set up the 4f partnership, it's not my intention to cause any offence.)

17-Sep-12, 18:43
I have been trying to start up something similar in Latheron village hall, on perhaps a monthly basis, tables selling local produce etc. I had ONE enquiry! Still willing to try, if anyone is interested, but the lack of interest/enthusiasm has overwhelmed me.:(

17-Sep-12, 20:06
In fact, Mey Market has been going for two years now and its main emphasis is on local products. Finding stallholders is not as easy at it might seem, and although not duplicating stalls might seem illogical, Mey also has to follow this idea though restricting it to no more than two very similar stalls. The logic of this is that income in a market here is quite low. If one stall takes a reasonable amount and other stalls are introduced selling the same things then that income is probably half or less and no stall is viable, plus in a limited space there needs to be a good variety of stalls otherwise customers will stop coming. Food stalls are always difficult to get and keep. In a thriving market in a city with lots of space and lots of customers this doesn't apply. Mey Market tries to cater to visitors but also to locals and has to put the customer experience first, but anyone can enquire about a stall and will be given every encouragement though there is often a waiting list. We try to maintain an high standard and try different options, even having awaydays (Pulteneytown Centre this Saturday) to get people interested and reach as many customers as possible. Running a market and keeping it going in an area such as this is tough, but we try our best.

17-Sep-12, 20:44
Must have been something special on nightspirit.I can never remember seeing that amount of stalls in a normal Saturday.Quite often in the winter there are only the two regular ones but at least they turn out regardless of the weather and hopefully they will continue to do so.

quite possibly - shame it is getting smaler same with the one in grenock it started with about 8 - 10 stalls now lucky if there are 4.

20-Sep-12, 20:29
yes a veggie stall would be good plz someone!

Kevin Milkins
21-Sep-12, 07:56
In fact, Mey Market has been going for two years now and its main emphasis is on local products. Finding stallholders is not as easy at it might seem, and although not duplicating stalls might seem illogical, Mey also has to follow this idea though restricting it to no more than two very similar stalls. The logic of this is that income in a market here is quite low. If one stall takes a reasonable amount and other stalls are introduced selling the same things then that income is probably half or less and no stall is viable, plus in a limited space there needs to be a good variety of stalls otherwise customers will stop coming. Food stalls are always difficult to get and keep. In a thriving market in a city with lots of space and lots of customers this doesn't apply. Mey Market tries to cater to visitors but also to locals and has to put the customer experience first, but anyone can enquire about a stall and will be given every encouragement though there is often a waiting list. We try to maintain an high standard and try different options, even having awaydays (Pulteneytown Centre this Saturday) to get people interested and reach as many customers as possible. Running a market and keeping it going in an area such as this is tough, but we try our best.

A very good overview of this threads subject.

I would imagine the market trade economy to be very fragile, well done to the long term stall holders who brave all weather conditions to supply Wick with there products.

secrets in symmetry
23-Sep-12, 17:30
The Market Square stalls were set up by the 4f partnership around 13-14 years ago. The 4f partnership was run by Julie Crowe, John Henderson, Patricia Sugherland and Rod Pimm. 4f stood for Food, Farmin, Fishing, and Forestry and was set up to promote local businesses and to help businesses get information about what they wished to do.The market square stalls were originally run by the 4f. They were there for anyone to hire and the intention was to take them to Thurso, and anywhere else that wished to have a regular market. As a few folk have said it ran quite successfully for some time, ran by Julie Crowe, the co-ordination of the 4f partnership.

When funding was withdrawn Julie gave up her post, this coincided with a bout if ill health for her. Anyone who wished a stall was given as much help as they needed to get their idea up and running, this includes quite a few of the current stall holders. The market stalls were then handed over to the current team who run it. I believe it is Mrs Armitage you contact to book a stall now, I'm sure she will be very helpful towards anyone who wishes to run a stall. It would be lovely to see it back up and runnin at full strength. As has been said before there are lots of small businesses who could benefit from a while on the square gettin their products known.

I think sadly the 4f partnership was ahead of its time, people now are looking for local food, local products, local knowledge and that's what 4f was about. But that's how it goes sometimes.

(before anyone asks how I know this, Julie is my mother, I helped set stands up many times, lugged the poles in and out of storage, which was originally our shed!! I'm sorry if I have forgotten anyone who helped set up the 4f partnership, it's not my intention to cause any offence.)Thanks for the most informative post I've seen on this forum for a very long time.

I had no idea the stalls were that recent. I could have sworn I remembered them as a young kid. Was there some other market before your mother's one?

24-Sep-12, 14:24
yes a veggie stall would be good plz someone!

Greystone Farm sell a selection at their stall

Kevin Milkins
14-Oct-12, 10:43
I don't get up to the market as often as I would like to, but I made the effort on Saturday to check out the new card stall.:Razz

Although the weather was poor, the town looked busy and I got some good quality cards at a very reasonable price.

Good luck Allison with your new project and well done to all the regular stall holders for braving all weathers to bring your goods to the square.

14-Oct-12, 18:18
Secrets in symmetry, sorry it's taken me so long to reply to you, I forgot to check up on this thread for a wee whiley! And thank you for your kind comments, I do try to be helpful when I can lol.I'm not sure if there were any before the 4f stalls, I don't remember any but then ma memory is shot to pieces quite a lot at the mo,so I could well be wrong.

Mrs Bucket
14-Oct-12, 20:39
There is a covered market in Wick operating daily variety of products including fuel it is hard to miss called Tesco

secrets in symmetry
16-Oct-12, 00:02
Secrets in symmetry, sorry it's taken me so long to reply to you, I forgot to check up on this thread for a wee whiley! And thank you for your kind comments, I do try to be helpful when I can lol.I'm not sure if there were any before the 4f stalls, I don't remember any but then ma memory is shot to pieces quite a lot at the mo,so I could well be wrong.Don't worry about the late reply - I forgot to check up on it too.

I was maybe thinking about the Continental Market, but that hasn't be coming to Wick for that many years if I remember correctly. Was there ever a market associated with the sideshows?