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View Full Version : Christmas Shopping Rant!!

06-Dec-06, 12:11
Please someone tell me that I am not the only one to not have completed the pressie shopping? I have stacks of stuff left to get, Argos never have any of what I want in stock, i'm really stressed out, skint and feeling BAHHHH humbug with Christmas atm, why oh why am I never organised! Have got a massive headache, fed up of getting the OUT OF STOCK page, really blinking well cheesed OFF[evil]

Sorry but I had to do that

06-Dec-06, 12:16
Tis' the season to be jolly la la la la la la la la la :)

06-Dec-06, 12:19
I seem to have bought LOADS of presents, but still have LOADS left to get :(

I get it into my head that I have to spend similar amounts on people - my mum and dad get the same amount spent on them, then my sisters have to be equal, then my brother-in-laws :roll: Then what do I do? I've over spent on my mum and 1 sister, so I now have to overspend on my dad and the other sister!!

If its any consolation, its my birthday on 3rd January and my hubby ordered something on internet and was dead chuffed with himself - then they phoned to say it was out of stock, but have taken his money. He changed it to another item and they are out of stock - both times the site have said they had stock.

06-Dec-06, 12:30
Please someone tell me that I am not the only one to not have completed the pressie shopping? I have stacks of stuff left to get, Argos never have any of what I want in stock, i'm really stressed out, skint and feeling BAHHHH humbug with Christmas atm, why oh why am I never organised! Have got a massive headache, fed up of getting the OUT OF STOCK page, really blinking well cheesed OFF[evil]

Sorry but I had to do that

Your not the only one Wish, I also have loads of stuff to get and i'm having the same problem with 'out of stock' it's driving me mad. I'm feeling very down at the moment with all this christmas stress.:(

06-Dec-06, 12:38
Always look on the bright side of life,doo doo doo doo doo:Razz

06-Dec-06, 13:16
I have been doing a load of shopping on www.mcallans.com (http://www.mcallans.com) (yes, as in the local shops) - loads of highlandwear stuff and free delivery anywhere in the world. Plus some special Xmas offers, only online.

I have been sending various Scottish items abroad to friends so it has saved me such a lot of hassle! It is good to see a local company out there taking on the likes of Argos and Tesco and offering a better service.

06-Dec-06, 13:24
I have been doing a load of shopping on www.mcallans.com (http://www.mcallans.com) Plus some special Xmas offers, only online.

Wonder why they only have 'special xmas offers' online and not in their shop for the local people.:confused

06-Dec-06, 13:40
very strange that its only online what about local people doing local shopping?

06-Dec-06, 13:48
As far as I know they do have offers in the High Street shops for local people (is the 20% off everything still going?), just the online ones are different. So if you are smart.... you would either buy in the shop or online wherever is cheapest - which was why I pointed it out! Tescos do online only offers as well (ie CDs and DVDs are cheaper online) so its not like McAllans are unique in this. Like I said, I think it is good that someone local is trying to play a bigger and better game, and if we as consumers play it right then everyone wins.

06-Dec-06, 13:52
I have only bought a few presents :( really struggling to get in the christmas spirt! The kids want the decoration up maybe i should might get in the mood :roll:

06-Dec-06, 13:58
i have got mine and have wrapped a fair bit. i just like being organised dont like rushing at the last minute. my boys havent said anything about putting the decorations up could be due to the fact that the youngest got a fish tank and is excited cos i got his fish the day.

06-Dec-06, 14:03
Glad to see I'm not alone.Somehow this christmas seems to have creeped up on me,keep getting out of stock on line too.
Decided to postpone the gift giving till next month wonder if anyone will believe me.;)
I need it to snow,then it'll be more like christmas.
I use to get all my kids toys in the local shops here,smellies in the chemist and bits and bobs elsewhere.Seem to remember being less stressed too.
Thankfully on the mend now and have managed a wee walk but the thought of Inverness shopping is making me tremble at the knees,it'll be heaving this weekend.:eek:

06-Dec-06, 16:44
i know i have loads to do to plus buy cards and write them all out. can't believe it has come round so quick. what is really annoying is when you want 3 for 2 and you can only get 2 out of the 3 in stock. I grudge buying only 2 things and don't want to make it up with something i don't really want!

06-Dec-06, 17:42
Done about 80% of my present shopping. The only thing i had a problem with was trying to get the new Nintendo Wii ,As it has sold out on preorder everywhere .
Other than that its been great .

06-Dec-06, 17:47
if you are coming to inverness pc world,currys and comet have rows of the wii in stock

06-Dec-06, 17:52
Christmas shopping??! Gaaa! I hadn't noticed it was so close - I haven't even begun. :~(

Alice in Blunderland
06-Dec-06, 18:04
I havent bought any cards yet or any presents and I am so relaxed and cool about it.............it just hasnt sunk in yet I think.:confused I wont let it stress me though the kids will be getting only one main pressie and some stocking fillers that wont take me long to get. :cool:

06-Dec-06, 18:06
if you are coming to inverness pc world,currys and comet have rows of the wii in stock

I think you will find they are empty boxes as they are not out untill friday .
And they will be sold out if you ask.

06-Dec-06, 18:06
the shops sell cool stuff,shame about the staff i find inverness alot more friendlier which is why im going down on saturday,at least il get a smile,last year i even got a have a nice xmas after i had bought clothes from the officers club which i thot was nice of them

06-Dec-06, 18:06
Christmas shopping??! Gaaa! I hadn't noticed it was so close - I haven't even begun. :~(

Well, here's a suggestion: PM Fluff, find out the phone number for the store where she has something on order and is feeling guilty about getting it somewhere else, phone the manager and offer to buy it. There you are! Who knows what it is, but I am sure that it is nice.

06-Dec-06, 18:09
I havent bought any cards yet or any presents and I am so relaxed and cool about it.............it just hasnt sunk in yet I think.:confused I wont let it stress me though the kids will be getting only one main pressie and some stocking fillers that wont take me long to get. :cool:

And don't worry about weeboyagee. He won't even notice that he doesn't have that "shirt my sister bought" under tree. He probably hasn't even opened all the packages he purchased in Toronto. He was a real hit with the local retail market.

06-Dec-06, 18:10
the shops sell cool stuff,shame about the staff i find inverness alot more friendlier which is why im going down on saturday,at least il get a smile,last year i even got a have a nice xmas after i had bought clothes from the officers club which i thot was nice of them

Take it you mean the staff in caithness, give them some credit there not all moaning prunes.:lol:

06-Dec-06, 18:11
Yeah just rang them and they will not have any Nintendo Wii for sale in store till end of january. All empty boxes instore i was lucky i preordered.

06-Dec-06, 18:16
[quote=angela5;168261]Take it you mean the staff in caithness, give them some credit there not all moaning prunes.:lol:

lol iam no angel but when it comes to your job you should be lively,relating with customers,argos makes me laugh,waiting for your order ppl are standing waiting,and there is 3 employes standing with arms folded!!! they could easily ask how the customer is doing,are you looking forward to xmas etc but no no you dont get a thank you just a stupid mumble its beginning to get irritating! working for better i was trained on customer service no1 is perfect but no1 is trying up here!!!

06-Dec-06, 18:34
They arent the happiest of people in Argos, I was in a month ago for the first time & I said hows about a smile folks to which 1 female did but the others mustve been having a bad day or they were just wishing they were elsewhere?:~(

06-Dec-06, 18:37
They arent the happiest of people in Argos, I was in a month ago for the first time & I said hows about a smile folks to which 1 female did but the others mustve been having a bad day or they were just wishing they were elsewhere?:~(

its like that most days lad! cant be paying enough for them standing doing nothing

06-Dec-06, 18:50
its like that most days lad! cant be paying enough for them standing doing nothing

Ye should apply for a job there to sort em out tell a few jokes & get them smiling & maybe moving their hands a bit?;)

06-Dec-06, 20:00
I was in Argos for the first time today. Although there were a few thing out of stock I have to say that I found the service really good. The chap who took my order was efficient and friendly and the lady who deal with my order was really chatty and helpful. Didn't see anyone with their arms folded - but it was fairly busy. Obviously went on a good day.

06-Dec-06, 20:04
I was in Argos for the first time today. Although there were a few thing out of stock I have to say that I found the service really good. The chap who took my order was efficient and friendly and the lady who deal with my order was really chatty and helpful. Didn't see anyone with their arms folded - but it was fairly busy. Obviously went on a good day.

More good days than bad i'd say as i've had no problem with the staff all friendly and cheery.

06-Dec-06, 20:25
As far as I know they do have offers in the High Street shops for local people (is the 20% off everything still going?), just the online ones are different. So if you are smart.... you would either buy in the shop or online wherever is cheapest - which was why I pointed it out! Tescos do online only offers as well (ie CDs and DVDs are cheaper online) so its not like McAllans are unique in this. Like I said, I think it is good that someone local is trying to play a bigger and better game, and if we as consumers play it right then everyone wins.

there is now an offer of 30% of selected items in McAllans so obviously a great time to shop locally.

07-Dec-06, 16:06
Spent some time wandering around thurso this morning to do a bit (start) christmas shopping. Totaly wasted my time ended up getting zero presents then went and got a hot pie from Johnstones and came home and did some online ordering. :lol: I saved at least 30% on the cost of things I wanted to get by ording online.

12-Dec-06, 17:39
Phew!! Maybe I should have started a new thread as this isn't really a rant - quite the opposite. :)

I had a panic phonecall from a friend who was having difficulty locating the main Christmas present for her 6 year old. Having had her dad search the internet all morning, she phoned to see if I could find it on ebay. Not wanting her to have to pay over the odds for the item, I thought there must be an easier way.....it was out of stock in Argos in Wick, but figured I knew someone in Inverness who could collect it and post it, no joy, they were out of stock. However, there was stock in Elgin. I managed to contact a firm in Elgin through my work who sent someone round to collect it for me and I should have it by Thursday. I know one wee boy who will be happy on Christmas morning :D

12-Dec-06, 17:43
thats why i ask early what my pair want for christmas henry20, get it early so that im not hunting all over for it.

12-Dec-06, 17:44
Well done henry20.

u saved the day :D

Billy Boy
12-Dec-06, 17:45
good on you lol,there's nothing like going that extra mile to make someone happy:D