View Full Version : Thurso Fun Day

02-Dec-06, 13:33
Just Wondering Has Anyone Been Down To The Thurso Fayre Yet?is It Worth A Look?

02-Dec-06, 17:07
there wasn't much fun at the fun day!!! very disappointed not to see santa. i must say the christmas lights 'switch-on' was good though.

Bill Fernie
02-Dec-06, 17:16
Sant was in his Grotto in Market Square Wick again today and will be again next Saturday afternoon 2.00pm - 4.00pm

02-Dec-06, 17:17

Thanks for that - will take the kids through next weekend. I was probably wrong to assume he would be there at the christmas fun day!

02-Dec-06, 17:49
i must say the christmas lights 'switch-on' was good though.

I thought the lights looked good once they were switched on. Not so sure about the run up to it with the ramblings and feedback through the speakers. Just play some music next year might be good idea. We were rushing up to the square because we could here somone counting down and thought we were going to miss the switch on and then no lights. Not sure what the countdown was for?

02-Dec-06, 18:29
Not sure what the countdown was for?

There was a practise countdown for all the kids.

Big G
02-Dec-06, 22:09
The turn on of the lights was great! The choirs from Pennyland, Miller and Mount Pleasant were great! Well done Children!
Also the Caithness and Sutherland choir were BRILLIANT! a huge well done!

Well done everyone.:D

Mr P Cannop
02-Dec-06, 22:19
did any one get any photos from the Thurso fun Day ??

Wee Monkee
02-Dec-06, 22:37
Yesterday in the Groat it said that Santa's Sleigh was going to be there today, I feel sorry for the bairns that expected to see Santa. What good is Santa's sleigh without santa?!:confused

02-Dec-06, 22:48
Yesterday in the Groat it said that Santa's Sleigh was going to be there today, I feel sorry for the bairns that expected to see Santa. What good is Santa's sleigh without santa?!:confused
Have to agree with you there Wee Monkee, surely it was a bit of bad planning that. Wasn't in town myself but was speaking to a few people who's kids were disappointed when they couldn't find Santa.:~(

02-Dec-06, 23:44
My daughter was disappointed as well.

When we got home I had to fake an email from santa saying that "he was ill in bed with a cold, but don't worry i'll be better soon".

It was very disappointing, It should have been advertised as the 'Thurso Not So Fun Day'

The CFM 'bubbles' kept her amused for a while, sad eh?

If you are reading Bob, cheers for the red face, I wizna 'Lost' I wiz jis sussin out if i'd be able to pass ye off as Santa, ho,ho,ho Merry Christmas!

Alice in Blunderland
02-Dec-06, 23:46
Oh dear maybe he double booked hes such a busy chap at this time of year:( Hope next year Santa makes it to the fun day as it seems it was no fun for the kids who were looking for him. Just back from running Weeboyagee to Thurso and the lights looked lovely. :D

02-Dec-06, 23:54
My daughter was disappointed as well.

When we got home I had to fake an email from santa saying that "he was ill in bed with a cold, but don't worry i'll be better soon".

It was very disappointing, It should have been advertised as the 'Thurso Not So Fun Day'

The CFM 'bubbles' kept her amused for a while, sad eh?

If you are reading Bob, cheers for the red face, I wizna 'Lost' I wiz jis sussin out if i'd be able to pass ye off as Santa, ho,ho,ho Merry Christmas!

Glad to Hear it Webmannie, It's taken Years of training to get my figure into such a festive shape I'll have ye know!!!

We were instrumental in reuniting a real 'Lost Boy' with a worried parent in record time so all in all it was a great day.

And the CFM Toy Appeal got a fantastic boost from the shoppers in the street today.

Thanks to all and Webmannie, if your ever lost phone CFM on that magic Number and we'll get you home safely (WE KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE!!!).

03-Dec-06, 00:13
Never mad it, had soo much to do, can't be in 2 places and all that. Who switched on the lights?

03-Dec-06, 00:21
Never mad it, had soo much to do, can't be in 2 places and all that. Who switched on the lights?

Tricia, the Gala Queen's Attendant.

03-Dec-06, 00:41
aw right What happened to the queen herself? do they not have a celeb doing the honours?

03-Dec-06, 00:51
aw right What happened to the queen herself? do they not have a celeb doing the honours?

Every one of the Kids who sang for the crowds was a celebrity in their own right on the night and the attendant done a good job so don't knock it, especially as we don't know all of the circumstances involved, maybe the Gala Queen couldn't be in two places at the same time either!

03-Dec-06, 01:06
Every one of the Kids who sang for the crowds was a celebrity in their own right on the night and the attendant done a good job so don't knock it, especially as we don't know all of the circumstances involved, maybe the Gala Queen couldn't be in two places at the same time either!
Sure thing. I just heard that KD Tungstall wanted to switch them on. I was only being empathetic asking you where the gala queen was, in reality I couldn't care less.What was I knocking?

Big G
03-Dec-06, 01:16
i think the gala queen is at uni!

03-Dec-06, 01:21
I she? are we going to get into a convo about what one and what she's studying. hope not
I couldn't give a pet's mart about it, just asked outta interest:D

Big G
03-Dec-06, 01:24
well i'm just answering your question - i did wonder why she wasn't there too!

03-Dec-06, 01:47
Our host and his missus did a star job hosting the Christmas Light Switch On as did the Gala attendant who performed all her duties brilliantly. The Gala Queen is currently at University
A few problems, we live and learn its the first time we've done it like that, but the kids did fantastic and kept going - - real pro's

We tried to make things traditional and family orientated this year, hope it was perceived like that but we'll wait and see the feedback

Well done and thanks to all who took part -
-sorry it was so cold but atleast the rain held off to the end - nearly!

03-Dec-06, 11:29
I was really dissappointed with the Thurso Fun day. NO SANTA. How terrible. From what I heard Thurso Town Improvements and Thurso Round table did nothing for fun day this year. We don't even have a santa's grotto. What community spirit. My daughter thought she was hearing Santa singing but when she got to the precint she was dissappointed she couldn't find him.
Just aswell we went a quick run to wick and visited Santa there.

03-Dec-06, 13:20
Thurso Town Improvements did the 'lights switch on' on the Friday as it had been felt it distracted folk from the Funday and the funday distracted folk from switch on.

So it was decided to do it the night before and let the funday have its prominenence

Sorry if you feel a lack of communiy spirit but there seemed to be plenty on Friday night when we turned on the lights and Santa was in residence as the pictures on the org will show you.

Always remember these groups are run by volunteers your welcome to join and do these things the way you want

The Funday is organised by Thurso Traders Association in an effort to attract trade to the town

I believe a grotto is being opened by one group in the next week in one of the shops

03-Dec-06, 14:48
felt it distracted folk from the Funday and the funday distracted folk from switch on.

Who came up with that one? I've never heard anything so stupid, It's a small community not a city we're in.

I heard it was because of in-fighting between both camps?

Can you comment Gogglebox?

03-Dec-06, 17:59
Who came up with that one? I've never heard anything so stupid, It's a small community not a city we're in.

I heard it was because of in-fighting between both camps?

Can you comment Gogglebox?

Certainly can comment - - -Uninformed or misinformed absolute drivel!!

If you consider the way the shops are spread in Thurso and where the square is it is sometimes felt that the Switch On Distracts folk away from the shops, particularly the precinct when the funday is on. Plus people possibly prefer to shop rather than go to the switch on when there is discounts etc to be had.

However this year we wanted to try and make the lights more of an event in the same way they are in most other towns so thats why they went on Friday rather than at the end of the funday.

Additionally we wanted to include children from the schools as Christmas is really for and about children and it is easier to get them on a Friday rather than on a Saturday when parents want to shop etc so that why we did it the way we did.
And also obviously its darker so it has a better effect when they are switched on

Just out of curiosity you say both camps?
Who are the camps you think exist and have to do with these things

03-Dec-06, 21:18
Took the kids to the Thurso fun day, especially looking forward to seeing Santa on his sleigh like last year.

No Santa, little boy was in tears. Not good at all.

Last year was excellent with the stalls in the street, Santa's sleigh and then the lights switch on. Why change something that worked perfectly?

03-Dec-06, 21:22
Why change something that worked perfectly?

Very true, if it aint broke then dont fix it!
Didnt go down to the fun day myself as we were too busy!
I am glad I didnt now.
Why did they stop the Santa's Grotto anyway??

03-Dec-06, 21:50
Why change something that worked perfectly?


I priced up some stuff that at first was advertised at about £1000 when we started finalising the prices started rocketing to nearly £3500
The suppliers were treating it as a three day thing as they decided they needed to charge a day either side to travel. im afraid that kind of penalty for location doesnt sit well for fundraising organisations.

We did have a chance at the outdoor ice rink for Thurso for the weekend but the bloke pulled out fairly late on into negotiations when he got an offer closer to home which cut his overheads and made it more profitable to him.

When you are operating within a fundraising budget you cannot gamble with the money and prudence has to be a key factor.

Imagine the flak if we had spent £3500 and it had poured rain or been gales all weekend and nobody turned up or everybody had spent the weekend in Wick in the newly opened Tesco!!

It has also to be remembered that the funday is nothing to do with any other organsation than the traders association which picks the first Saturday in December to have its Funday.

The lights usually go on in the first Saturday too we decided to try something different and make it a one off event away from commercialisation for families.

Some preferred it some maybe not but it was worth a try i think and is up for review for another time

Santa did manage to make it to the lights though.

He's a busy man and maybe somebody forgot to let him know the funday was on in time.
Maybe he did not have enough helpers as they maybe had other committments like work etc!!

If its anything like the hassle we get santa's probably still busy filling out Health & Safety forms, Child Protection Policies and licence applications for the council!! All very worthwhile im sure but laborious.

You cant just throw some bloke in a red suit anymore

However I do believe Santa could be making a few appearances in the town in the near future from what he told me - - in a double glazing shop in the precinct - -must be a branch grotto, probably getting his Insurance and Builders certficate sorted out as we speak!!

Wonder will he get a special parking badge from the National elf!! hohoho!!

I'll get me coat!!

04-Dec-06, 00:26
Very true, if it aint broke then dont fix it!
Didnt go down to the fun day myself as we were too busy!
I am glad I didnt now.
Why did they stop the Santa's Grotto anyway??

It will be appearing. Unfortunately suffering some of the same problems as us at TTIA and had to get a few last minute unexpected paperwork issues tidied up

In this litigous society groups have to all be very careful, volunteers are great but protection now has to be built in to protect everything from the volunteers to the people /public who attend things. We dont all have solicitors in our groups who can do these things so have to seek advice

Its a shame but is now essential after all the horrendous things that have happened in the world but im sure you would rather we were all doing these thing legally rather than wing and a prayer

We get some ridiculous things though like an entertainments licence for a bouncy castle, thats why TTIA had to pull a lot of the planned entertainment at our funday in the summer

One other thing i hope i havent come across defensive in my answers
As an organiser within TTIA i make sure that we fully address all feedback and comments as my colleagues know and if it is possible we try to produce the events that the public want.
However there are reasons why things happen and things do not happen

Its not about groups not getting on its usually about extortionate pricing from the South or unavailability of the things we try to get .
Believe me all these groups try their damndest to give the public the town the things they want and can be proud of but sometimes they dont come off - its just a fact of life but we do take the sensible points and do canvas the public.

I happen to know the organisation who does the sleigh every year have been struggling for manpower to build it - -these thing dont just appear in an hour - -due to extra work with their employers, Im sure it will appear on our streets soon though as they are a very good organisation and know it is important to the town

I believe the Rotarty wanted to park last years idea for a period as it possibly was unsustainanble on a yearly basis for cost but thats not to say all these organisations wont work together again on this event
These organisation work together constantly

TTIA worked with the Rotary club at the gala.

We discussed at length the many entertainment options we were proposing to bring up for the Friday night Switch On and to be in action on the Saturday at the Funday with the Traders who now have a representative on our committee.

We also worked during the summer very succesfully with the Traders Association in getting the Continental Market here and will again for next year Market

We recently were involved in projects with The Thurso Pipe Band and expect to do more work with them soon and we supported the Taste Of Tartan group for the last couple of years. We are currently in discussion with Thurso Beyond 2000 about a few things

So contrary to some misinformed rubbish that may be circulated i can confirm that the voluntary organisations work together most rely on each other to help them and an interchange of ideas and support is what will benefit all the community

Again I emphasise all these groups of full of unpaid volunteers trying to inprove their commuity. We know in this community there are many people who could do these roles better and come up with better ideas and we are desperate for you to come forward to help us benefit the community

New blood is need on them all and New idea and a New approach
So please even if you can only contribute a little it would be a benefit

Information on getting involved can be found on the Caithness.org pages but for Thurso Town Improvements it is www.thurso.org email [email protected]

Anyway thats enough from me on the logistics of doing some of these events

We try to make them everything we can and try and put on the thing the community want
I will keep an eye on the comments and report them back at our next meeting and we shall see what influence it has.
Its good that people take the trouble to comment so atleast we are being noted

Less than a year ago due to some unfortunate financial decisions and a reputation as a gala only committee TTIA was almost bankrupt and a nonentity in the community. The gala was in real danger of not happeing for the first time in about 50 odd years

We are now building a good solid fund for diabled friendly play equipment to refurbish the play parks, we are averaging atleast one event a month and not all to make money, some like the Switch On to just put on for the community and improve our profile so we have come along way in a short time and who knows with public support can get this organisation back to its best and leading the way with a high profile and finances that can really make a change to all our lives

But we will not stupidly risk the money we have as it is the publics purse not ours!

04-Dec-06, 13:02
I spoke to someone from the thurso acottiation and they told me santa was going to be there but he had a nuther job at the last minnute and had to go there and it was to short nottice to get a nuther one the lady i spoke to could not appolagise more she is so sorry for letting all the kids down.

04-Dec-06, 14:22
Well said gogglebox and keep up the good work.

04-Dec-06, 14:35
Again I emphasise all these groups of full of unpaid volunteers trying to inprove their commuity. We know in this community there are many people who could do these roles better and come up with better ideas and we are desperate for you to come forward to help us benefit the community

Well said Gogglebox - critisism always rears its ugly head but with very few offers of help or constuctive suggestion.