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27-Jul-12, 23:15
so what do you think of it

27-Jul-12, 23:22
loving Underworld's music throughout so far :D

the earlier bit with the forging of the rings was spectacular, some bits were a bit .... meh

27-Jul-12, 23:45
Loving it, got both a Polish and a Lithuanian barmaids in my local , the cheers that went up when their teams entered nearly lifted the roof

28-Jul-12, 00:03
who's lighting the torch then ? any bets ?

28-Jul-12, 00:04
Great spectacle just a shame they couldn't have spent more of the money on a better kit for our athletes instead of dressing team GB like chavs.

28-Jul-12, 00:06
The Queen could at least have smiled just e once, she looked like she couldn't be bothered at the start and thoroughly bored by the time the UK squad entered the stadium, the camera flicked to her as she was checking her nails when they walked in. If its too much for you dear then stay at home in future. BTW, I've enjoyed the opening ceremony.

28-Jul-12, 00:10
lol good shot of her there looking .... 'interested' , Tom Daley gets a wee cheer from me, the lad must be wishing his dad could see this

28-Jul-12, 00:14
i take it back, the queen loves the Arctic Monkeys, they're so representative of all the Greatness of Britain

28-Jul-12, 00:42
They made a big deal of the fact that all the bits of paper were bio degradable, then set off enough fireworks to blow a biddy big hole in the ozone layer, not to mention all yon biddy flames that are burning.

Corrie 3
28-Jul-12, 07:22
I thought the choice of having 7 young athletes to light the flame instead of some "Superstar" was a good one.

Not sure if anyone living outside the UK would fully understand the theme but I enjoyed it.

My only downside is how many years will it take our children and their children to pay for it?

At last we can now get on with what it is all about......The sports !!

I hope there are a few Scots on the medals podium, that would be great!!


28-Jul-12, 14:47
I got really hacked of with it, why were the french announcing everything first then in English second? who was hosting the games us or France????
rant over lol

28-Jul-12, 14:49
I am losing out by not watching the competitions this time around. I guess I am getting too old to view what I used to enjoy. I hope the rest of you folk enjoy the games.

28-Jul-12, 14:57
I got really hacked of with it, why were the french announcing everything first then in English second? who was hosting the games us or France????
rant over lol

Its apparently because the French "invented" the modern olympic games. The International Olympic committee was created by a frenchman.

28-Jul-12, 14:59
Have to admit i was bored 10 minutes in.
But then it all started to really kick off and I loved every minute of it. The Industrial revolution part was brilliant and what they did with the 5 rings was genius but the best part for me is the united torch. personally I think that will be hard to beat in the future.
Love that Beckham didn't light it, thought the young athletes were a great idea. But again that torch - brilliant!
Oh and the fireworks - fabulous. Did y'all see the chopper go through em though :O Not sure if he got his timing a bit wrong.

My US friends had serious problems understanding the "sick kids in beds" and "the Mary Poppins bit" so I'm trying to enlighten them. :)

Have to say the BBC coverage is brilliant too. I now get to watch the entire Equestrian events - Fab!

Oh and Niknak, I thought that too. french first, English second, what's that all about? But I think we were simply being polite lol.

I was gutted to see the GB clothing. Chavvy IMO

Corrie 3
28-Jul-12, 16:04
I was very, very disappointed to see so many empty seats. Mind you, at £2012 per seat I am not surprised. That would be £8048 for a Family of four, an expensive Friday night out by anyones means. But wouldn't it have been great if they could have given the empty seats to deprived children or children with learning difficulties?
It would have been such a wonderful gesture but perhaps the British kindness and generosity doesn't stretch that far!!


28-Jul-12, 19:28
the opening i thought was good , but my problem is whats going to having to all that accommodation once it is all over , our taxes help to get them all up to a standard for being lived in, I think it shoud be used for social housing and get the number of familyect that are in band bs housed, but think its going to be sold off as apartments whats your thoughts.

29-Jul-12, 15:58
I enjoyed the ceremony very much. However, I'm not sure why the Arctic Monkeys were on or why Paul McCartney was wheeled out yet again! Its like The Emporers New Clothes ....... he really can't sing but nobody dares to tell him.

29-Jul-12, 16:08
the opening i thought was good , but my problem is whats going to having to all that accommodation once it is all over....
It's getting an E20 postcode in honour of Eastenders

....I think it shoud be used for social housing and get the number of familyect that are in band bs housed....
Should be

...but think its going to be sold off as apartments....
Probably will be

29-Jul-12, 16:24
I was very, very disappointed to see so many empty seats. Mind you, at £2012 per seat I am not surprised. That would be £8048 for a Family of four, an expensive Friday night out by anyones means. But wouldn't it have been great if they could have given the empty seats to deprived children or children with learning difficulties?
It would have been such a wonderful gesture but perhaps the British kindness and generosity doesn't stretch that far!!


There were as many seats prices £20.12 as there were £2012 in the public sale, and it was a sell out. I do find it strange why somebody who bought/won/was given a ticket wouldn't turn up though.

29-Jul-12, 16:27
the opening i thought was good , but my problem is whats going to having to all that accommodation once it is all over , our taxes help to get them all up to a standard for being lived in, I think it shoud be used for social housing and get the number of familyect that are in band bs housed, but think its going to be sold off as apartments whats your thoughts.

It was in the guardian that half are being used for social/affordable housing, and half sold for profit to help fund the games.