View Full Version : Tesco - Delivering in Caithness

20-Jan-05, 13:52
Sorry if the title got some of you excited but the fact of the matter is that the people of caithness and sutherland have been ripped off by the likes of Safeway, Morrisions and now Somerfield for too long. I was barely able to accept the Safeway in Thurso but now that our friends Somerfield have taken over things have gone from bad to worse.

The Somerfield in Thurso and Wick are two of the largest stores that they have and they have no plans to extend them, only renovate so that the layout is more "Somerfield like". The food is poor quality and the selection is questionable.

That's why I am trying to see what support there would be for Tesco expanding their delivery service to this area once per week. They could use a refrigerated lorry to make occassional deliveries to this area and I think (and hope) that the demand would be there. Even for non refrigerated items - you could still save a small fortune!!!

I will be shortly writting to them to ask them to consider this an an option. To show what support we have for this will require people to actually get involved for a change.

Please email your name and postcode (that should be enough I guess) to [email protected] and I will pass this info to tesco to support my request.

If you don't want to pass your details or postcode on just email me and I'll at least have the email address if they should care to ask for proof of this interest. I will not give this out or pass to anyone.

Please pass this on to your friends and family as they can also help

20-Jan-05, 18:55
I used to be a regular customer of Tesco direct when I lived down the line. However, I lived 15 miles from the store and my village was the furthest that they would deliver to.

I would be very surprised if they will deliver up here. Though the service and quality is second to none. We ordered online and the options and special offers were easily available at a click of a button. If the item was not available you had the option of doing without, or accepting an alternative product. This way we could try other things.

I hope they do start up here or better still build a store with a petrol station.

20-Jan-05, 19:13
Would you pay extra for this service?

20-Jan-05, 19:24
Would you pay extra for this service?

There was a service charge of £5, it saved a trip to the store, (i can see how it benefitted young mothers with their 'Can I have that?' brigade. )

If you hate shopping then this is the shopping experience for you.

The delivery man carried it to our doorstep and even put the groceries in the fridge for us!! The service was brilliant!

20-Jan-05, 20:05
would this be asked for in Wick or Thurso. I guess it would be up to the demand?I am all for something like this..a bit of competition.

20-Jan-05, 21:44
[quote="ajr"]That's why I am trying to see what support there would be for Tesco expanding their delivery service to this area once per week. They could use a refrigerated lorry to make occassional deliveries to this area and I think (and hope) that the demand would be there. Even for non refrigerated items - you could still save a small fortune!!!

I will be shortly writting to them to ask them to consider this an an option. To show what support we have for this will require people to actually get involved for a change. Quote

I have heard a rumour from a very reliable sorce that tesco are looking for ground to build a store in Wick.

21-Jan-05, 00:00
I have heard a rumour from a very reliable sorce that tesco are looking for ground to build a store in Wick.

A good health tip. Don't hold your breath!!

21-Jan-05, 13:34
while I agree that somerfields have gone down hill considerbly since taking over - I think we should remember that these two stores emply something like 140 people locally - Tescos online delivery service will not do that

we should be aiming our complaints at somerfield management to improve the services locally - still, I would love to see a tesco or asda opening here!

21-Jan-05, 16:49
Competition between the supermarkets (that is, if another were to open in either of the towns) would only improve the services of the supermarkets that are already here... Don't ya think?

21-Jan-05, 17:51
while I agree that somerfields have gone down hill considerbly since taking over - I think we should remember that these two stores emply something like 140 people locally - Tescos online delivery service will not do that

we should be aiming our complaints at somerfield management to improve the services locally - still, I would love to see a tesco or asda opening here!

It all depends what you want. If you want a store that employs lots of people then you should expect to pay higher prices due to the extra labour overheads.

Similiarly, if you want cheap groceries then go to a store which keeps employment and wages to a minimum.

I prefer the latter.

22-Jan-05, 00:17
:D I would certainly pay for a delivery from tescos to wick, maybe once a month, save me driving to Inverness or Dingwall, but I dont think Tescos would do this. it would be a nice earner for someone with a van, like the Argos man does, and would earn the driver a lot of money Im sure. How about car sharing, four of you sharing the petrol, £5 each to Tescos and back once a month.
I was told Tescos were measuring next to Caithness Glass and want to buy the land there for a new Tesco. :lol:

22-Jan-05, 12:01
I was told Tescos were measuring next to Caithness Glass and want to buy the land there for a new Tesco. :lol:

I heard that too, I also heard the council were draggin their heels. the ground's vacant so what's the problem? Now I hear they're after Hamsworth park - come on something must be wrong if that is true.

23-Jan-05, 01:02
Frankly I applaud any effort to improve the generally shoddy quality of service we see in the North. Many retailers use the excuse of an additional 110miles to rip far north residents off even more.

If the big retailers in the county believe they are giving a good service, which is value for money then they have nothing to fear from a Tescos in Caithness. As any Tesco will have the same problems to overcome and deal with as they do.

The same goes for the petrol retailers in the county, if they believe they are giving a good service and selling petrol at the best price they can, given their geographical location they have nothing to fear from a Tescos opening a filling station in the county.

A Tesco in Wick will also attract people to the town from all over the county and beyond who will take the opportunity to patronise other shops while they are there.
Wick desperately need the financial boost a Tesco would bring.

Many people already go to Inverness on a regular basis to do there grocery shopping. This is lost revenue to the county.

So go on Mr County Council prove to us that the County Council doesn't make decisions based on what is best for the privilaged few to protect their financail position but for the general population who are getting fed up with RIP OFF CAITHNESS.

Give TESCO a chance.

23-Jan-05, 01:21
Hey Mickey, you speak for all of us. But let me remind you, the Grand poster in the cyber sky is actually one of those that you speak of. So ultimately any word against the system is subject to the 'delete' button. Even mine...

23-Jan-05, 03:16
If my post is deleted by the Grand Poster it just goes to show conclusively that I am RIGHT.
The right to free speech is always the first thing to go in any corrupt society. If I am wrong they have nothing to hide. If I am right then theor actions will speak for themselves.

Ps if it does get deleted then the next step will be a letter to the Groat asking why? and for whose benefit this web site is run for.

23-Jan-05, 08:27
Many people already go to Inverness on a regular basis to do there grocery shopping. This is lost revenue to the county.

And very bad for the environment...

Blabber Mooth
23-Jan-05, 17:18
I was told Tescos were measuring next to Caithness Glass and want to buy the land there for a new Tesco.
I heard that Tesco's were measuring there too, but someone else said that Asda are interested in the Harmsworth park. Tesco's know this and instead of the park next to Caithness Glass, they are buying the Factory instead, so they can open sooner and before Asda.

23-Jan-05, 22:44
ASDA and TESCO opening up a shop in Wick. Mmm I cant see the defenders of the faith at the County Council letting that one fly.
But hell we can dream.


23-Jan-05, 23:28
Good to see that my initial post has stimulated so much discussion but disapointed in the number of replies to [email protected]

I have had 9 so far and would like to be able to go to Tesco UK Ltd with more than 9 requests for this service. If someone can put the link or even the address on the electronic bulletin board at Dounreay that would hopefully drum up some more emails.

I wouldn't hold my breath about Tesco or ASDA building up here. That story has been going about for years!!

I agree with Mickey and the questionable stance of the county council. I have heard so many stories again and again about them and their refusal to grant permission for companies to move to Caithness. They seem to come up with excuse after excuse after excuse. Didn't they previously deny Tesco from purchasing on the basis that their cheaper petrol and diesel would make it difficult for the existing petrol stations to fix their prices higher than anywhere else in the UK? I may be wrong about that one but I have been told this so many times!

ANYWAY - BACK TO WHAT MATTERS - EMAIL PLEASE - - - [email protected]

I need a name and postcode.


24-Jan-05, 00:13
I suppose it would all depend on the size of a Tesco store if one ever does open in Wick. If it was just a small store like the one in Aviemore it wouldn't be much good.
I use the one at the Inverness Retail Park, also the one in Hull. I only use the one in Hull because it is close to our house. I certainly don't think that Tesco is any cheaper than Asda, Co-op, Somerfield, Sainsbury, Morrisons etc but they do however offer a decent range of organic products. I must say up until now it has been almost impossible to find a decent range of organic foods in Wick but hey, along come little old Somerfields and I can't believe what I see
Organic: Apples, Bananas, Tomatoes, Potatoes, Carrots, onions, cheese, crispbread, biscuits,white and wholemeal bread, tinned beans, tinned tomatoes, yogurt, honey, chocolate spread, jam, peas etc, there seems to be an organic alternative to most everyday foods. That is something that was badly needed up in Wick. People shout for organic, so lets hope they now go out and buy it.
I won't knock Somerfield because I now have CHOICE, I no longer have to just put up with what's available.
Of course Tesco sell organic meat and milk too. Don't know if there will be room for another supermarket in Wick, one might end up closing.... how about Lidll???
Getting back to the origins of this thread. I might use a Tesco delivery if it was available.

24-Jan-05, 00:20
So basically what you are saying is that rather than give Wick the much need investment boost it so badly needs. Stop a considerable amount of money going to Inverness on a weekly basis and we are not just talking groceries here, many people would rather shop for shoes, white good basically everything while they are down. They would rather protect their financial postion and let the county capital become a ghost town.
Yep sounds like our County council to me.


ps Perhaps they have a few more charity shops lined up for the place, just to add insult to injury.

24-Jan-05, 14:50
[I heard that Tesco's were measuring there too, but someone else said that Asda are interested in the Harmsworth park. Tesco's know this and instead of the park next to Caithness Glass, they are buying the Factory instead, so they can open sooner and before Asda.[/quote]

From a reliable sorce - Tesco's are interested in buying the ground next to Caithness Glass, but because the council are draggin their well oiled heels, they switched their interest to Hamsworth park, mistakenly believing that it was not owned by the council.

25-Jan-05, 17:18
Sorry I haven't read through this whole thread, but it did catch my eye. I would be all for a Tesco delivery, however I can't see that it will happen. I wrote to Tesco just last month to ask if I could use their online service to order my groceries, pay the service charge, and then pick it up at the Inverness shop. Answer... no, that service is not available! As I go down now fairly frequently, but would like to limit the time spent grocery shopping, I thought it would be a great idea, but they didn't. :( So, please let us know when they start the deliveries up here! :)


01-Feb-05, 16:25
17 responses to date!! most in support one calling me for everything for trying to take jobs "away" from Caithness. Thanks for that but I didn't bother to read all of it and deleted it anyway.