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View Full Version : unusual pets :)

26-Nov-06, 16:40
I noticed that someone was rehoming baby stick insects on the forum and this got me wondering about unusual pets, I have had some red bellied newts, albino frogs, big snails but my favorite unusual was the chipmunks, they were fabulous to watch chasing each other round their 6 foot run.

02-Dec-06, 23:27
the most unusuall i have are my children *G*

02-Dec-06, 23:40
chipmunks, they were fabulous to watch chasing each other round their 6 foot run.

I used to have a chipmunk a few years back, i had a big enclosure built for it but i found it was very unfriendly i was scared going in to feed it, it would jump on you and sink it's teeth in:eek:

02-Dec-06, 23:43
the most unusuall i have are my children *G*

Very good Brandy but monkeys are not that unusual.:lol:

03-Dec-06, 00:11
Mine used to try to hide nuts in my ears!! And I had to stop going in with earings on as it freaked me out when they inspected them. I also quickly learned not to wear baggy trousers :eek: