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24-Nov-06, 17:26
Was it just me or is it gun shots I heard this morning? They were very loud and shot 5 times. Don't know where it was coming from but I saw birds flying away from the area around the High School/ Coop..

25-Nov-06, 01:33
I have noticed a few shooters about in their shooting clothes and land rovers, poor birds.

25-Nov-06, 11:16
I have noticed a few shooters about in their shooting clothes and land rovers, poor birds.
Just you say it Fran, green wellies and tweed jackets, eek!! :eek: I thought it was only me who felt that way.

25-Nov-06, 14:37
Just you say it Fran, green wellies and tweed jackets, eek!! :eek: I thought it was only me who felt that way.

Nope me three!

Whenever I hear shooting I just feel so sad.:(

25-Nov-06, 16:12
http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/7/7_2_109.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZN) http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/10/10_2_22.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZN) wouldnt it be great to hide in the bushes and shoot them (the shooters) with paint guns.........ooooh what fun!!!!
That would teach them!!!! See how they like it!!!!!!!

25-Nov-06, 17:48
It wasn't Gun Shots it was a wee brat on his way to school letting off fireworks.[mad]

25-Nov-06, 18:18
Some people never seem to be happy on here. There is a certain few who are always complaining about something or another be it the local shops, petrol stations etc. There is nothing wrong with the sport of shooting as long as it is carried out in the appropriate way. What some people don’t seem to realise is that the wild animals/birds being shot need to be controlled to acceptable number other wise we would be over run with them and where would be them. :confused

25-Nov-06, 18:22
Some people never seem to be happy on here. There is a certain few who are always complaining about something or another be it the local shops, petrol stations etc. There is nothing wrong with the sport of shooting as long as it is carried out in the appropriate way. What some people don’t seem to realise is that the wild animals/birds being shot need to be controlled to acceptable number other wise we would be over run with them and where would be them. :confused

Does that mean the amount of humans need to be controled aswell?... In my opinion, I don't think there is any reason for shooting animals. Enough get hit by cars on roads. Do we really need shooting to add to it?

25-Nov-06, 18:25
Take it you live in a town ?

25-Nov-06, 18:25
i second that alicat

25-Nov-06, 18:29
Take it you live in a town ?

Yes I do. I suppose you're writing from a farmers point of view to keep their animals safe? I also think though that, people aren't just allowed to shoot criminals for committing crimes so why shoot animals? Is it not the same thing? Lots of people do just shoot for the fun of it. "Ohh look, I've shot a bird but I cant find it so lets go and shoot another one...oh lost it too".. Maybe I'm just talking rubbish here as I know very little about this subject. :D

25-Nov-06, 18:34
what ever happened to ppl liveing of there land shooting all type of birds and animals there was nothin said then

25-Nov-06, 19:16
Rearing pheasants or ducks in pens and then releasing them to be shot if they can avoid being turned into road kill is totally sick.

That's not about population control at all it's "let have a nice day in the countryside and kill something to make it perfect". And if you are one of the poor tied house estate workers and a wage slave to some sicko land owner you have my sympathy!

25-Nov-06, 20:02
and what about the black back ma's that kill lambs and will pull out sheeps eyes if one gets stuck on its back??
sorry cant offer sympathy, but its just my opinion

25-Nov-06, 20:13
Haveing done a few lambings I don't have a problem with shooting a black back or a fox in that situation, no easy answer however if its an eagle or other protected species. Fortunately doesn't happen that often.

25-Nov-06, 20:26
Shooting animals/birds for sport is a long tradition in Scotland including Caithness and employs a good number of people and takes money into the local economy. I have mixed views but you have to look at both sides.
A sport substitute is to have petty criminals /yobs dressed up as pheasants and fire away at them with paint pellets. This could be done by way of community service

25-Nov-06, 20:43
Does that mean the amount of humans need to be controled aswell?... In my opinion, I don't think there is any reason for shooting animals. Enough get hit by cars on roads. Do we really need shooting to add to it?

In the eyes of the old man wea the stick we are just another animal, wait does he have a stick? anyway many see him in different lights, ops !!! or darks... What? if we were to cull us poor mortal beings then surely the bad ones would live on... ( oh my there i go talking in riddles for hundreds not to understand a single word i say ) xxx :roll:

25-Nov-06, 21:05
Is it better to watch animals suffer and die from disease and starvation when there numbers become too dense, I am sure thats exactly what happened to the deer when they stopped controlling their numbers, I rarely ever saw deer when we travelled throughout Scotland to shows now I see many dead on roadsides and have had many close shaves over the last few years as they are in large numbers by the roadside as there just isn't enough food on the hills to support them and they are coming in earlier every year. I would rather see their numbers controlled than them dying slowly from starvation.

25-Nov-06, 21:06
as i come from the land where children are raised hunters *grins*
hunting as a sport.. just for the thrill of the kill i think personally is wrong.
however i do agree with hunting.
for instance.. in scotland is not the deer population.. way above what it should be? and deer have to be culled every year?
what is kinder.
hunters going out. making a clean kill.. that is usually not very painful.
the meat of the animal being then eaten and used.
or letting the poor animals multiply to the point they are racked with disease and slowly starve to death?
because that is a very real threat.
i know that where i come from there is very strict laws. on when where how and what you kill.
you will get in major trouble for killing a doe out of season.
most hunters can take down a dear in one shot. and try to go straight for the heart.
but then again i guess it is how you are brought up.
how your culture looks at it.
i personally feel that any one that eats meat should not get on a moral high horse on hunting.
as farmed animals are usually a lot more mistreated that wild game.
imagine all the chickens that are electrocuted to death.
the slaughter houses full of scared and dying animals.
think how you would feel being herded with a multitude of others into a place that reeks of death and blood.. the terrified screams of others.. and not a clue what is going on.
i guess it is just how you look at it.
if you think about it .. fishing is really cruel..
heres a poor little fish swimming along. sees a nice tasty treat.. and ends up with a massive hook in its mouth. and then if that trauma isnt enough.. then its reeled in .. and then it suffocates slowly..
or its caught in a net.. crushed with hundreds of other fish... before either being crushed to death or suffocated.
not very nice. but its well accepted.
it is part of life. and we do what we do to eat.
im sure that if we were in the wild.
a big cat or wolf.. wouldnt think.. oh thats cruel to hunt and kill that poor human.. *giggles* prob. thinks.. yeah!!! fast food tonight!

25-Nov-06, 22:11
Haveing done a few lambings I don't have a problem with shooting a black back or a fox in that situation, no easy answer however if its an eagle or other protected species. Fortunately doesn't happen that often.
I agree with what you say protecting 1 species is unprotecting another

25-Nov-06, 22:16
If I can just pick up on one of your points. Animal populations don't usually go on multiplying to the point where there is large scale death from starvation. Usually a poor food supply suppresses fertility or abortion or reabsorption of the foetus takes place as with deer. Interestingly deer are great adapters and were originally forest animals. There are many stalkers and deer forest managers who strongly disagree with the current drive by some conservation bodies to reduce numbers in order to re establish an exagerrated vision of what the Caledonian forest once may have been during a different climate regime.

26-Nov-06, 23:45
We don't control the animal populations for the animals benefit, only for our own greed, whether it's to keep them off crops or provide shooting for gentry, it's all the same. Greed.

Even with the deer. If we hadn't cut down all the forests and fenced off most of their natural territory, they'd be hard pressed to require controlling.

27-Nov-06, 00:37
"Not to hurt our humble brethren (the animals) is our first duty to them, but to stop when there is not enough. We have a higher mission - to be of service to them whenever they require it. If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men."

Saint Francis of Assisi

27-Nov-06, 14:01
Does that mean the amount of humans need to be controled aswell?... In my opinion, I don't think there is any reason for shooting animals. Enough get hit by cars on roads. Do we really need shooting to add to it?

So I can take it you are a vegetarian then and have never eaten any meat of any kind, or used any animal derived products?

of course certain animals need controlled, but yes, I also think the world's human population could do with controlling also, but that subject is a bit more difficult.

27-Nov-06, 15:07
that the problem when you put that of a human life next to an animal? you cannot compare the two, im an animal lover but to place the two lives next to each other on par is ridiculos!

it reminds me a few years back i was watching a animal hospital programme or the likes and they were operating on a hamster using general anesthetic to remove a deformed tooth, i flicked over to the other channel and it was a programme about famines etc in africa and they were removing a childs tonsils without general anesthetic, ill let you make your own minds up on whats correct or not?

and as far as the shooting debate goes, it is proven that gamekeepers etc do more good for the population of wild birds ect than any other activity, controlling pests/predators, establishing proper sanctuarys for there own birds helps the wild bird population, feeding, all help the WILD birds as much as there own.