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23-Nov-06, 13:55
This has to be one of the best ideas -


Or to be doubly sure next of kin would be a good addition

23-Nov-06, 16:05
Very good idea.....so good that everyone in my family with a mobile has had ICE numbers stored for years.
There should be much more publicity about this idea. If you know anyone with a mobile ask them if they've done this simple thing that can sometimes save lives, at the very least let friends and family be made aware of a situation much faster.

Thanks Grantyg for posting.:D

23-Nov-06, 17:04
Have had this in my mobile for quite sometime now. Hopefully no-one will ever need to use mine but you never know.
Good of you to spread the word.

23-Nov-06, 17:48
That's brilliant! I'm going to ask the whole family to do it. Thanks for the idea ;)

23-Nov-06, 17:49
I've always put an 'a' in front of my main contacts so that they appear at the top of an alphabetical list along with their name and relationship to me - i.e. a NAME - wife, a NAME mother-in-law, a NAME M8, etc. and always thought the more info you could give someone the better.

23-Nov-06, 17:53
Bobinovich, I put A - Me at the top of my list because I can never remember my own number :roll:

23-Nov-06, 20:03
Ive had ICE in my phone for quite a while , but good idea sassylass on the A suggestion. Im going to do that aswell , i can never remember my own no. jan x ( I have lots of senior moments ) LOL:lol:

24-Nov-06, 02:00
I put this on the board some time ago and have leaflets if anyone wants one