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18-Nov-06, 22:57
Hi, after being a lurker ive registered so i can join in :lol:

I used to live in upper dounreay (no 4 to be exact) around 1998 , i live back in liverpool now and i miss the old place, i was wondering, does anyone have, or could they get/take some photo's of the old place? it would be amazing to see it and the surround area again.

I miss the coal fires more than anything, central heating just aint the same :(


18-Nov-06, 23:08
Hi Stark, welcome to the org, have fun:D

footie chick
18-Nov-06, 23:11
welcome I miss the fire as well central heating is not all its cracked up to be

Billy Boy
18-Nov-06, 23:14
welcome lol,you can't beat a coal fire on a cold caithness night,:D

18-Nov-06, 23:18
thanks for the welcome guys..

the coal fire gives of a deep heat, u put your freezing hands near one of them and ur fine in a couple of mins, do that with electric heating and youll be there all night!

Is coal still relativly expensive up there?

18-Nov-06, 23:28
I will take a few pics of upper dounreay, maybe tomorrow if the weather is favorable but it is a one horse village up there, so I'd better watch my step...:D

18-Nov-06, 23:35
thanks, id really appreciate it it'll be a bit of a tear jerker to see it again because i loved the old place :(

if u dont mind, can you get some of the immediate surrounding area to show the missus?

Mr P Cannop
18-Nov-06, 23:42
where is upper dounreay ??

18-Nov-06, 23:52
its a row of about 5 houses on a road opposite dounreay, as you come out of reay you can either turn right for the thurso/shebster road, or carry on towards dounreay, upper dounreay is about a 1 min drive up the forss/ dounreay rd on the right. as u go up the lane u pass a big farmhouse on the left, then there are the houses (where i lived)

19-Nov-06, 11:20
Hello Stark and welcome to the Org.
Your really lucky that you've got this local site its a great way for you to keep in touch with things at home.The photo forum is excellent for giving you pictures of Caithness.:D
Coal on Skye is £10 50 for the cheapest kind.Last time I bought it it was £6 50 and that was only three years ago.Electric is cheaper just not so cosy.:(

19-Nov-06, 12:56
yeah it was about £5 a bag when i was up there, and yeah ive been using .org since around the time it started, only just registered though :eek:

19-Nov-06, 14:15
A wee crackly video, is it a stark difference?

http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f244/Rheghead/Caithness/th_MVI_0631.jpg (http://s48.photobucket.com/albums/f244/Rheghead/Caithness/?action=view&current=MVI_0631.flv)


19-Nov-06, 14:53


Well that pretty well sums up Upper Dounreay for me, enjoy!

19-Nov-06, 15:14
Wow, what can i say? thank u very much. The house on the left is No4 , thats where i used to live, ive had to study the picture hard though because the landlord has done some work, the middle lower window used to be the front door, allthough everyone used to enter from the backdoor :roll:

Seeing the photo's just makes me homesick for the old place,moving from the city to dounreay was a shock (a welcome one) to the system, everything is so peacefull up there. Id give anything to be back up there. Oh well.

Thanks again Rheghead.


19-Nov-06, 16:31
Hi stark, even though i dont originate from caithness i would give anything to be living back up there...even my back teeth if i had any !! jan x:lol: Welcome to the org anyway !

19-Nov-06, 16:51
Me niether, Im from Cheshire..

Once youve got Caithness in your blood, it never goes. I'm going to be coming upto Caithness early next year for a few days for some photography, just need to find somewhere to stay ha ha

19-Nov-06, 18:36
Stark, welcome to the "live" side of the org.

Rheghead those pictures are fabulous. From all of us who have fallen in love with the Caithness country side over the years, thank you.

19-Nov-06, 21:35
Yeah , Welcome Stark, rheghead those Pics are great its what i need now and again I was brought up in Scotscalder/Thurso/Castletown and later to skerray. Once lived in those climes you never get rid of it thanks guys once again may be i should try to scan some old photos or even photos from here?!!

19-Nov-06, 22:10
Hi Stark
Welcome to the org & happy posting.

25-Nov-06, 21:27
Stark, Welcome to Orgville.

I'm still thinking about the name Upper Dounereay which I suppose is not the same as Upper Reay if it exists. Is there a Lower Upper Dounereay or a Doune Uppereay and isn't about time that some government spin doctor renamed the whole area anyway like Windscale became Sellafield overnight.

misty woman
25-Nov-06, 21:32
Hi stark,and welcome to the org!

25-Nov-06, 21:35
Welcome to the org stark

26-Nov-06, 16:30
Welcome in from the cold, Stark. You'll find a friendly bunch in here. See if you can find your way to the bar for a drink.

30-Nov-06, 17:43
Hi Stark,

Saw your message and the photos, thought I'd let you know that no 4 Upper Dounreay was sold off by the farm and is now part of no 6 next door! Don't think you'd recognise the inside of the house either as it has all been altered. No coal fire now, though, sorry.......!!! As you can see from the pics, we haven't got round to doing much about the garden yet, but we're working on it. Glad to hear you enjoyed living here, we do too! :)

30-Nov-06, 18:58
jazz, this appears to be your first post. Welcome aboard.

30-Nov-06, 20:04
hi and thanks, jazz, do u have any foto's, or could you take any of the interior? it would bring back so many memories..

You got rid of the cold fire?? madness :lol:

05-Dec-06, 18:39
Hi, and thanks for the welcome!

Digi camera not cooperating at the mo, will get a lend of one and take some more photos for you if we get a nice sunny day!

As for the coal fire - there's still one in the other part of the house, but the chimneys needed too much repairing! Got underfloor heating instead......sorry!

05-Dec-06, 20:22
ha ha its just that i have a mental image of how it used to be, and i'd love to see what it looks like now, the electric water heater used to be at the back of the living room (window to the left of the front of the house) , and it allways leaked!