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View Full Version : Band aid for student's first aid mission

04-May-12, 07:37
Thurso charity gig to boost Becky's fundraising

IT’S a far cry from Caithness to Kenya but that’s the journey teenage student Becky Wymer will be making later this year to help train locals in first aid.
The 18-year-old from the village ofMey, is part of an 11-strong team from Robert Gordon’s University, in Aberdeen, due to fly out to the East African republic on a month-long, mercy mission, in August.
The students became interested in the project through one of the promotions circulated at the university, by First Aid Africa, a UK charity which arranges overseas initiatives for students and groups.
Becky is studying for a degree in child nursing and also does voluntary work with St Andrew’s Ambulance unit.
She said: “Coupled with the fact that I love travelling, the trip ticked all my boxes and, hopefully, give myself and my fellow students a chance to make a difference.”
The group will tutor the locals at a community near the town of Kisii, on how to make the most of the resources available to them which could be as basic as using broom handles for splints.
The students have to raise the expenses of the journey themselves and Becky has found Caithness folk quick to dip into their pockets to help her on her way, and has paid tribute to their generosity. To date, fundraising and donations have netted £625...so there’s still a substantial shortfall. However, Becky is hoping that a local version of Band Aid will help push the fund over the £1000.
Her father, policeman Andy Wymer is an ex-Royal Marines musician and regular performs with the popular Caithness Big Band which is set to stage a special performance at the Royal British Legion (Scotland) Club, in Thurso, on May 12.
Helping to add to that target along will be a stall Becky’s mum, Teresa, will be operating, the same day, at Bower.
Needless to say, our erratic weather is not exactly conditioning Becky and her student companions to the temperatures she will experience in Kenya so she is looking forward to the warmth there, as a dedicated sun worshipper. However, the practical tutorials will be conducted outside and the first-aiders have been warned to take care.
If you can’t make the Big Band bash but would like to give Becky a helping hand, financially, in her worthy venture, you can do so, by logging on to her site bmycharity.com
Click on the link and under the heading, Find a Friend, enter beckysafricatrip