View Full Version : a huge thank you to all who voted...

Nick Noble
03-May-12, 22:05
...and to those who did not, please remember that you have exactly the council you deserve.

also remember (whether I am elected or not!) if you have an issue that you need help with related in any way to council services you can contact me at any time, phone on 01847896757, email [email protected]

I must also thank all those candidates that have fought a good clean fight based on real local issues, and hope that whoever is elected the town of Thurso gets better representation than it has over recent years.

04-May-12, 00:40
...and to those who did not, please remember that you have exactly the council you deserve.

I'm not sure what this even means ...

are you saying that the non voters will have a council that they deserve, while those who did vote will have a council that they don't deserve ?

04-May-12, 09:56
It means that if you didn't bother voting then you really can't complain about who is elected or how they work in their new council position. If you didn't bother to vote then you don't deserve a better council than the one that was elected - good or bad.

04-May-12, 10:08
".. and hope that whoever is elected the town of Thurso gets better representation than it has over recent years.."

I wish that this also applied to our MP.
Is he still alive?

Corrie 3
04-May-12, 10:11
I wish that this also applied to our MP.
Is he still alive?
He might as well be in Heaven for all the good he does here!!
Good to see the people of England and Wales give the LibDems a good kicking yesterday, it's nothing more than they deserve after bedding the Tories!!


04-May-12, 10:22
"..He might as well be in Heaven for all the good he does here!!.."


Now come on be fair. He does turn up for opening local events, providing there is a press photographer there

Corrie 3
04-May-12, 10:32
Now come on be fair. He does turn up for opening local events, providing there is a press photographer there
No Anfield, the LibDem's use a cardboard cut-out for those rare occasions!!!


04-May-12, 11:03
Can anyone tell me what party the MSP mentioned in todays Groat and Doanalsin's diary, the one that got a slap on the wrist for breaking the rules? He cannot be one of the SNP surely?

04-May-12, 11:04
No Anfield, the LibDem's use a cardboard cut-out for those rare occasions!!!

Which confirms my post about him going to that big expenses playground in the sky

04-May-12, 11:54
I'm not sure what this even means ...

are you saying that the non voters will have a council that they deserve, while those who did vote will have a council that they don't deserve ?

It means that if you didn't vote then you have the council you deserve because you didn't vote. if the council does something you don't like then that's your fault for not voting.

Now come on be fair. He does turn up for opening local events, providing there is a press photographer there

You mean like this one:


The man should just hire a look-alike.

Corrie 3
04-May-12, 13:37
You mean like this one:


The man should just hire a look-alike.
Looks like we might need to get another cardboard cut out ordered. Mind you, the way things are going at the moment for the LibDems in Scotland maybe best to wait and then order one! As for your suggestion of a look-alike I think that might be rather difficult, is their anyone else who looks remotely like that???


04-May-12, 14:26
Looks like we might need to get another cardboard cut out ordered. Mind you, the way things are going at the moment for the LibDems in Scotland maybe best to wait and then order one! As for your suggestion of a look-alike I think that might be rather difficult, is their anyone else who looks remotely like that???

This chap perhaps


but then again there is more life in Saddam

04-May-12, 14:31
It means that if you didn't bother voting then you really can't complain about who is elected or how they work in their new council position. If you didn't bother to vote then you don't deserve a better council than the one that was elected - good or bad.Well said, i have always said this, when people moan about who gets in, if you cant be bothered doing the decent thing for your county/town by using your vote, then ssshhhhttt when you dont like what happens to the county/country, after the last general election i for one have changed my thoughts on who should be in, we need to get these people out.

John Little
04-May-12, 14:34
The message is quite clear. If Cameron, leader of a minority party, and Clegg, leader of a disintegrated former party imagine that they still have a mandate after this, then they are purblind.

And to still be blaming Labour for the world recession after two years of Thatcherite monetarism is breathtakingly stupid. Who, exactly, is Cameron fooling?

And for Labour to have such a lead with that Milliband puppet as leader speaks volumes for what they might get if someone half-way decent were running the party.

So thanks for the votes - yes - the people of Britain have sent a very clear signal. In a decent democracy we would now have a general election.

Corrie 3
04-May-12, 14:38
And I would like to thank all the people who voted for the SNP.....You did the right thing!!!


Corrie 3
04-May-12, 15:01
Bad luck Nick, I hope you do better next time!!
Well done for trying though!


Corrie 3
04-May-12, 15:03
Congratulations to Bill and Gail in Wick!!


04-May-12, 15:59
The message is quite clear. If Cameron, leader of a minority party, and Clegg, leader of a disintegrated former party imagine that they still have a mandate after this, then they are purblind.

And to still be blaming Labour for the world recession after two years of Thatcherite monetarism is breathtakingly stupid. Who, exactly, is Cameron fooling?

And for Labour to have such a lead with that Milliband puppet as leader speaks volumes for what they might get if someone half-way decent were running the party.

So thanks for the votes - yes - the people of Britain have sent a very clear signal. In a decent democracy we would now have a general election.

I'd say it's worse than that for the Conservatives: the far right element, even their own back benchers are annoyed with the modernisers in the party, there's been talk of switching to UKIP. And I agree Milliband really is a bad choice for Labour leader.

I used to like the Lib Dems, but with odd exception they've sold their soul and didn't even get 30 pieces of silver for it.

04-May-12, 16:08
No, all the non-voters blame the voters for the numpties they elected that screw everything up. :)

Mr P Cannop
04-May-12, 16:59
Ward 2 - Thurso http://www.highland.gov.uk/NR/rdonlyres/AC3B113D-84B8-470D-B8D8-E8791ED422DE/0/morelinks.gif (http://www.highland.gov.uk/yourcouncil/elections/highlandcouncilelections/2012results/results-ward02.htm)


Donnie Mackay


John S. Rosie


Roger Saxon
Scottish Labour Party

Mr P Cannop
04-May-12, 17:01
Ward 3 - Wick http://www.highland.gov.uk/NR/rdonlyres/AC3B113D-84B8-470D-B8D8-E8791ED422DE/0/morelinks.gif (http://www.highland.gov.uk/yourcouncil/elections/highlandcouncilelections/2012results/results-ward03.htm)


Bill Fernie

Neil MacDonald
Scottish Labour Party

Gail Elizabeth Ross
Scottish National Party (SNP)

Ward 4 - Landward Caithness http://www.highland.gov.uk/NR/rdonlyres/AC3B113D-84B8-470D-B8D8-E8791ED422DE/0/morelinks.gif (http://www.highland.gov.uk/yourcouncil/elections/highlandcouncilelections/2012results/results-ward04.htm)


David Bremner

Robert Coghill

A.I. Willie Mackay

Alex MacLeod
Scottish National Party (SNP)

Corrie 3
04-May-12, 17:01
Well it certainly doesn't get any better for the LibDem's.....Beaten by a bloody Penguin in Edinburgh!!!!....;)


There you go Nick Noble and John Thurso, you just know you have to get dressed up for the next election to stand a chance of winning!!!

(Perhaps I could suggest hiring "Bambi" and "Snow White" costumes for you)!!!!..............:eek:


04-May-12, 17:25
Well it certainly doesn't get any better for the LibDem's.....Beaten by a bloody Penguin in Edinburgh!!!!....;)


There you go Nick Noble and John Thurso, you just know you have to get dressed up for the next election to stand a chance of winning!!!

(Perhaps I could suggest hiring "Bambi" and "Snow White" costumes for you)!!!!..............:eek:


People probably trusted the penguin more, he seemed more realistic than any Lib Dem candidate.

04-May-12, 17:26
...and to those who did not, please remember that you have exactly the council you deserve.

And u didnt get in? I honestly cant see why...

I thought about voting though, i really did! Considered it for a wee while, then thought....with all the junk mail coming through my letter box what a waste it was, if i wanted to vote for someone it wouldnt be because of the paper they put through my door.

Corrie 3
04-May-12, 17:40
People probably trusted the penguin more, he seemed more realistic than any Lib Dem candidate.
Yes, I think I would sooner put my Faith in the Penguin than any LibDem!!!


04-May-12, 17:47
BAD Shelley for not voting!!! Im ashamed to call you my buddy LOL

Seriously, I went mainly on the blurb on the Org for each candidate. Im sure those elected will have the towns best interests at heart but doubt they will have any kind of punch on a national level.

Well done to the Thurso fellas.

04-May-12, 18:22
BAD Shelley for not voting!!! Im ashamed to call you my buddy LOL

Seriously, I went mainly on the blurb on the Org for each candidate. Im sure those elected will have the towns best interests at heart but doubt they will have any kind of punch on a national level.

Well done to the Thurso fellas.

I do apologise, but i never know who to vote for! Its a tough decision, by the time my mind would be made up, it would be a re-election. lol. Maybe next year ;)

04-May-12, 18:59
well I am happy Liberals and the Scot nasties kicked into touch in Edinburgh, now lets get rid of Eck from Holyrood

Corrie 3
04-May-12, 19:21
now lets get rid of Eck from Holyrood
Lol Golach, haven't you learned yet that the SNP are here to stay?
If you are still voting Labour then you are a Dinosaur, they are passed it and have a Muppet in charge of them and don't give a hoot about Scotland and her people.
As an old weed smoker on here calls himself........"GetWithTheTimes".......(Remember him?)!!


04-May-12, 19:25
would voting for a tub of lard be the same as voting for big Eck

04-May-12, 19:51
Lol Golach, haven't you learned yet that the SNP are here to stay?

Along with Father Christmas, The tooth Fairy and Nessie, only the SNP are not quite as believable as those 3 LOL

Corrie 3
04-May-12, 20:12
Along with Father Christmas, The tooth Fairy and Nessie, only the SNP are not quite as believable as those 3 LOL
I see your hatred of the SNP is on par with your hatred of Islamist's entering Britain!!!

Corrie 3
04-May-12, 20:20
now lets get rid of Eck from Holyrood
I have just twigged why your every post mentions Alex Salmond.........I think it's because you are secretly in love with Alex and you don't like the idea of sharing him with anyone else.......I am right aren't I golach?


04-May-12, 22:20
I see your hatred of the SNP is on par with your hatred of Islamist's entering Britain!!!

yet another corrie 3 miss quote, you really need to start reading articles/posts thoroughly as it seems you read the heading and then fill in the rest yourself (like a sort of predictive reading)

But I must point out that I don't hate the SNP and actually think they are very good, in fact after Billy Connolly they are some of my favourite comedians.

By the way do you hate "incomers" or anyone who doesn't worship the SNP most?

I bet "incomers" who don't worship the SNP really top your hate list eh

04-May-12, 22:51
Alan Carr: the local elections is like voting for your favourite STD.

04-May-12, 23:51
I have just twigged why your every post mentions Alex Salmond.........I think it's because you are secretly in love with Alex and you don't like the idea of sharing him with anyone else.......I am right aren't I golach?C3........

Maybe you know Eck better than me Corrie, but I can assure you I do not swing that way, maybe you do, whatever turns you on Corrie :confused

05-May-12, 00:34
i voted ai wullie no matter who he represents ..he cares and listens....

Corrie 3
05-May-12, 10:12
But I must point out that I don't hate the SNP and actually think they are very good,
Thats good because they are going to be around for a very long time so get used to it!


05-May-12, 10:13
Like you, Dadie my votes went to the two people who have proved to me they listen, care and get things done. If anyone is offended then tough. Donnie Mackay has helped our family enormously in the last seven years and Nick Noble more recently has achieved more in 9 weeks than a battling community did in 9 months, so hats off to them both from me.

05-May-12, 11:19
Thats good because they are going to be around for a very long time so get used to it!


As will all the other parties, "incomers" , Jeremy Clarkson and all the other people who dont agree with your antiquated/racist views, so I would suggest you have a lot more "getting used to" to worry about than me.:D

By the way what will the SNP do when they lose the referendum, which they will for sure:lol:

05-May-12, 11:25
Like you, Dadie my votes went to the two people who have proved to me they listen, care and get things done. If anyone is offended then tough. Donnie Mackay has helped our family enormously in the last seven years and Nick Noble more recently has achieved more in 9 weeks than a battling community did in 9 months, so hats off to them both from me.

and that is the most honest and sensible reasons I have seen on here for voting for candidates , well done to you:D