View Full Version : Netbook

02-May-12, 18:06
Jus wondering if anyone could heLp me, I hav a netbook an e bairn spilt juice on the keyboard an now some of the buttons don't work but everything else does, does anyone no how to fix it or no anyone that can fix it cheap? Please pm me thanks

03-May-12, 08:03
Jus wondering if anyone could heLp me, I hav a netbook an e bairn spilt juice on the keyboard an now some of the buttons don't work but everything else does, does anyone no how to fix it or no anyone that can fix it cheap? Please pm me thanks

The juice has probably dried and made under the keys sticky. Your best bet is to use some cotton buds dipped in water or some cleaning fluid and try to wipe around and under the keys, holding down the key next to the one you want to get under might help if they're close together. You can try spraying a small amount of water on it the keyboard or using a damp cloth be careful though it could break something if it's too much.

Failing that depending on the netbook it's possible to replace the keyboard of you could get a USB keyboard and plug that into it.

04-May-12, 02:10
Jus wondering if anyone could heLp me, I hav a netbook an e bairn spilt juice on the keyboard an now some of the buttons don't work but everything else does, does anyone no how to fix it or no anyone that can fix it cheap? Please pm me thanks

i'll take a look if you wish


04-May-12, 09:47
I know, I know you will probably be aware of this but please make sure you switch the laptop off and unplug the cable when using liquid anywhere near it! Good luck...

05-May-12, 01:43
what good will that do?

how about taking out the battery too?

belt and braces?
