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View Full Version : Hmmn is there any point in the Courier and JOGJ anymore?

25-Apr-12, 14:52
I buy it every week,its always a case of if you dont you might miss something :lol: but recently everytime I read it I am more or less reading what has already been posted on here in Donaldsins diary!It does make you wonder if this will cause the demise of the papers in the longrun? What do other folk think? x

25-Apr-12, 15:02
Well !! It's not everyone who has a computer and I think hundreds of folk in Caithness really look forward to their local paper and read it from
cover to cover. I hope it continues for a very long time.

25-Apr-12, 15:31
Thats exactly my point Trinkie,will it in time cause those who cannot access a computer to no longer get local news as the paper stops because of poor circulation? Many who do have access will stop buying it if everything is already online for free surely? My worry is that we can cause the death of our local paper through reading it all online? x

25-Apr-12, 15:34
Thats exactly my point Trinkie,will it in time cause those who cannot access a computer to no longer get local news as the paper stops because of poor circulation? Many who do have access will stop buying it if everything is already online for free surely? My worry is that we can cause the death of our local paper through reading it all online? x

If there ain't no Groat, there won't be a fits in e Groat?

25-Apr-12, 15:39
If there ain't no local rag how are us jobseekers going to fulfil the governmental requirement to read the local rag in search of a job?

25-Apr-12, 15:40
LOL you have a point,but sometimes the fits in e groat but is on here very early in the morning,so lots of people havent managed to buy a Groat yet,and if they have what would be the point in reading it on here too? I just think that perhaps if everything in on here people will stop buying it,but then thats only my opinion and I could (and have been ) wrong about it x

25-Apr-12, 15:42
If there ain't no local rag how are us jobseekers going to fulfil the governmental requirement to read the local rag in search of a job? Good point! I guess then they will say search local website instead,but then again with all the searches they expect every week a local paper not being available would restrict jobseekers even more! x

25-Apr-12, 15:46
ermm........it fits nicely in the bottom of the bedding compartment in the rabbits hutch.:lol:
And sometimes there is news in it too!

25-Apr-12, 15:46
Good point! I guess then they will say search local website instead....

Already gotta do that anyway & doesn't matter how many websites you search it still only counts as one of the three things you have to do.

25-Apr-12, 15:49
Yip Alrock,I remember it all too well :( seems they never think we have done enough,no matter what!x

25-Apr-12, 15:51
Many here in Edinburgh buy the daily Evening News just for what we call down here Hatches, Matches and Despatches. Can that be accessed on the E'Groat?

just found out you can

25-Apr-12, 15:57
Yip Alrock,I remember it all too well :( seems they never think we have done enough,no matter what!x

Oh... BTW... Got any jobs going? Know of any jobs going?

Something for my jobsearch diary there, see if that'll keep them happy....
Hmmm.... Maybe I should start spamming everyone on e org with their own business looking for work & when I get a complaint made tell them to complain to the jobcentre, not me, as I am only doing what I have been told I have to if I want to keep receiving my JSA.

25-Apr-12, 16:15
If there ain't no local rag how are us jobseekers going to fulfil the governmental requirement to read the local rag in search of a job?

Very few jobs are ever advertised there anyway, you can read this paper end to end in about 2 minutes.

25-Apr-12, 16:29
Very few jobs are ever advertised there anyway, you can read this paper end to end in about 2 minutes.

Whether or not there are any jobs it is still a requirement to look in order to receive JSA.

25-Apr-12, 16:43
Whether or not there are any jobs it is still a requirement to look in order to receive JSA.

I see, complete waste of time then.

25-Apr-12, 16:51
It can hardly be a waste of time just to look. You can look at the paper for free in the library if money is the issue.

25-Apr-12, 17:24
The Groat and Courier will fizzle out by time. The younger generation don't give two hoots about a newspaper. I have worked for 3 newspapers in the US and people only want the Sunday paper for one reason only and that is to cut out the food coupons. I used to read the Groat and Courier when I was in my late teens. I don't think theirs many teens reading the local paper.

Your Ipads, laptops, Smartphones is all the younger generation worry about and that where they get their information form.

The newspaper industry is doomed and has a shelve life of about 4-7 years left.

25-Apr-12, 17:29
Just a weekly Caithness Journal will be more than adequate for our needs.

25-Apr-12, 23:09
The Groat and Courier are a way of life in Caithness. The online resume by Noel Donaldson is just that, a resume. It doesn't have a lot of the snippets and such like which you get in the hard copy. Reading a few bits online is a poor second best in my opinion.

26-Apr-12, 07:21
The Groat and Courier are a way of life in Caithness. The online resume by Noel Donaldson is just that, a resume. It doesn't have a lot of the snippets and such like which you get in the hard copy. Reading a few bits online is a poor second best in my opinion.
I agree. The Groat and Courier come with caithness like wind and rain.

26-Apr-12, 07:54
I didnt perhaps make myself clear,I actually want the local papers to stay,they are indeed part of caithness life,but I am worried that by posting most of the news online beforehand people will stop bothering buying it,in these uncertain times when money is tight people cut back where they can,and by reading it all online saves them a few pennies every week. I can only assume that NoSN have agreed to their stories being published outwith their own site,but yet cannot understand why they would do so? x

26-Apr-12, 08:06
Just a weekly Caithness Journal will be more than adequate for our needs.

i totally agree with Rheghead, not enough news for two paper every week- one joint paper will be much better.

26-Apr-12, 14:07
When I came to live in Caithness two years ago, the first and one of the best investments I made was the purchase each Wednesday and Friday of the Caithness Courier and the John O'Groat Journal. These two veteran and doughty local newspapers gave me the "feel" of the place which I had adopted - what captured peoples' interests as far as work, play and lifestyle went: what people were proud of, and what they tended to frown on: the customs, traditions and events which shaped their environment and their lives: what the wider picture in this area consisted of: perspectives taken from historic articles: the cares, worries,and celebrations of a small community in a vast area: and above all, the tangible humanity and good feel about being able to settle down and read "all about it".

Of course it's "old fashioned". Computers kill newspapers just like TV killed radio.