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24-Apr-12, 21:05
Poppy dog has been on the Burns chicken and rice dry food and it doesnt seem to be low enough in fat/oil content now.
She wont touch the royal canin food at all...it can sit for a week in her bowl and she will start to scavenge rather than touch it.
And after the last couple of days in doggie hospital on an IV drip I am wondering what else to try in commercial food as cooking 2 different meals a night at the moment is bad enough, but cooking a 3rd meal for the dog is more work than I want.
Tonight I cooked white fish, potatoes and peas for her.

24-Apr-12, 22:56
I would highly recommend Naturediet Lite. Benjy gets this and loves it!
He doesn't have pancreatitis but does have a delicate tum and every other food gives him the skoots!

If you look at their website they have a factsheet re pancreatitis.
I also know a really good homeopath who I am sure could help. If you'd like his details send me a pm.

Sorry she is so poorly again and hope she is much better very soon.

24-Apr-12, 22:57

(http://www.naturediet.co.uk/Factfiles/ND_FACT_Pancreatitis.PDF)They suggest feeding the food in a Kong and this does make a real difference. I split Benjy's food into four meals a day, splitting it between two Kongs. It takes him much longer to eat it this way and he's not gulping air in either. :)

25-Apr-12, 00:09
I think Poppy dog is beyond that !
as even a titbit other then is well regulated isnt great!
if it isnt a carrot stick it isnt allowed etc...sad but has to be done.....
I hate the dead dog act....and the price as finances are squeezed at certain times of year...you cannot give the do whatever it needs hang the price type of thing...
If I was working as well wirth her not being insurable it wouldnt be so bad..but it is..and before you all come down on us ..she wasnt insurable on her hips, skin.womans bits and ears anyway inthe first instance before we got her as we were truthful to her condition as a rescue dog and def not on her stomach etc with whats happening after the first flare up .

25-Apr-12, 07:55
awww poor poppy dog!
at the end of the day you have to also think of her quality of life, her age.. Physical not just actual.. as she has had such a horrible one before you got her.
how much pain she is in.. and the fact that she is going to be constantly hungry from so little to eat and in pain when she does eat.
Money is a great evil but is something that we have to think about. its not a nice thing but at the end of the day, we all have to survive.
while it is never a good or easy choice, if you decide that its time to let her run over that rainbow bridge.. then know you have made that choice with a lot of hard thought and sacrafice!
God knows we know how much care and love you have given her!!

pretty green eyes
25-Apr-12, 11:57
They remove gallbladders on people with the same problem, is this an option?

25-Apr-12, 13:50
on people they remove gall bladders if it is gallstones that are causing the pancreitis! had this done myself! but depends on what is causing the pancreatis i would think.. but is something to ask about.. also, is she fit to have surgery?

25-Apr-12, 19:30
Poor dog!!!! I nearly died from acute pancreatitis. It was THE most painful thing I ever had in my life. It was so painful i could not even lift my arms to wipe my face. I lay immobile for ten days and doped on morphine. If the dog is going through something similar then poor poor dog! Sorry i havent much in the way of advice but i just wanted to sympathise with your poor doggie :(