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23-Apr-12, 11:06
i am asking for help from and dog people and breeders

my 11 month old black lab has no long had her first season and now im a tad worried as she is either not pregnant or hopefully its just a phantom as her nipples are way more swollen than they should be and her girls bits r still swollen aswell

so any advice woud be most greatful i am also goin to phone the vet as she is supose to be gettin spayed tomorrow

23-Apr-12, 11:44
think the best advice you will get is from the Vets

23-Apr-12, 12:45
I would have to assume that for you to think she may be pregnant that a) you have had her mated b) you believe Mary really did just 'become' pregnant or c) your dog escaped during her fertile time?

Well if you had her mated then a) what were you thinking? 11 months and her first season is no age to mate a dog. Yes they do do it in the wild but our dogs are not wild and no, they really don't 'need' to have puppies despite what some people claim and b) get her to the vet to check her.

Scenario b) well that's just something you have to figure out for yourself but in this case i would suggest it's a phantom pregnancy.

Scenario c) Yes, there's every conceivable (pardon the pun) chance that your dog is pregnant at a very young age so she still needs to go the vet for confirmation and advice if you have no experience with this.
Bitches in season are as bad as dogs in that they will stand for pretty much any dog when they are at their most fertile and they will go looking for 'it' too, so next time she's in season I would not let her outside the garden area. Preferably though, get her speyed, it stops all those worries :D

23-Apr-12, 13:25
Well if she is in pup then I did not arrange for her to be mated around my area there are alot of dogs who get out to roam about I will never choose to breed off of any dog I have as for 1 I don't have the time for it and 2 there r plenty of breeders around so I don't need to ihave spoked to the vet and he said that in a few wks they will check her over

23-Apr-12, 13:35
Well if she is in pup then I did not arrange for her to be mated around my area there are alot of dogs who get out to roam about I will never choose to breed off of any dog I have as for 1 I don't have the time for it and 2 there r plenty of breeders around so I don't need to ihave spoked to the vet and he said that in a few wks they will check her over

Whatever the outcome, your best bet is to get her speyed as soon as is safe to do so. A dog can smell a bitch in heat from miles away and you'd be amazed how dogged they can be in their determination to mate.
I remember well the constant whining of my Great Dane everytime our Shih Tzu was in season - it was awful to watch cos the Dane would stop eating for ages and look so ill. Having them neutered is the best solution cos you'll never have that worry again.

Fingers crossed for you and your dog.

23-Apr-12, 15:18
Are you sure she's not just in season? Seasons can last a few weeks and does affect their bodies like this. Has she been bleeding? If it passes soon, it's likely just her season and she'll be fine.
A phone call to the vet surgery won't hurt for peace of mind. Though if she is pregnant, enjoy it. What's done is done...just make sure you catch her before her next season!

23-Apr-12, 18:27
She was just about finished her season before we went on holiday and we were away for 2 wks so she is most defiantly finished I have a a few bitches and none of them have had any of these symptoms that's why I was askin everyone one here aswell as the vet