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View Full Version : A Feminist joke? Or not?

frank ward
16-Nov-06, 19:26
Adam was in the Garden of Eden.
He asks God:
"God, why did you make womes so beautiful?"
He replies:
"So you'd love them"

"Then why did you make them so stupid?"

"So they'd love you."

17-Nov-06, 00:06
Good one, couldn't agree more, being a beautiful woman myself!! ;)

Cedric Farthsbottom III
17-Nov-06, 00:14
A feminist joke....

Guy turns to his wife and says if ye had a big bum wid ye wear pants

Aye she says

Guy turns to his wife and says if ye had big feet wid ye wear shoes

Aye she says

The guy says so wit dae ye wear a bra for!!!!!!:lol: [lol]