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View Full Version : Keiss is cooking up a storm

13-Apr-12, 19:18
Book could be just the recipe for playpark funds

Hey, good lookin’, what ya got cookin’, how about cooking something up... for the Keiss family community project?
Well, perhaps not the actual dishes, but a few of the recipes would be appreciated by the organisers who hope to gather them together in a book designed to raise some more cash for a replacement playpark.
The recipes can be for any type of food, baking, desserts, starters, etc, perhaps a family favourite handed down by granny or a culinary delight that titillated your palate, on a holiday abroad.
Perhaps there is a gem or two hidden away in your own cook book that would help make the collection irresistible.
The invitation is by no means confined to the Keiss or even the Caithness area. With the web an international means of communication, the world is the playpark committee's oyster and exiles’ contributions will be warmly welcomed.
Time is of the essence, however, and Vicky Mackay, chair of the project committee must have your suggestions by the end of the month. Send them in to her, at her home at Scaraben, Main Street, Keiss, KW1 4UY.
The committee needs to raise £6,500 by the end of the year for the next phase of the £165,000 amenity so get your cookery hats on!.
It is hoped to launch the book at the local gala during the summer.