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14-Nov-06, 11:40
Lost collie in muie rogart, red and white collie male, answers to the name Gibb, working collie about a year and a half old escaped from kennel and run.
sspca, police, munlochy animal aid and dog warden all informed also vets havent heard anything. hes a lovely dog his companion dog was put to sleep last week due to pancreatic failure and gibb has been lonely and pining since.
hence the great escape. he scaled a 9 foot fence.
any help appreciated. thanks.

footie chick
14-Nov-06, 11:54
Hope you find him safe and well soon

14-Nov-06, 11:58
He must be so confused just now having lost his friend, I hope you get him back safe and well.

14-Nov-06, 12:21
Oh jean hope you find him soon.Cant think what else you could do,you informed everyone.
Would he go to a favourite place that perhapse he went with your other dog you lost recently?:~(

14-Nov-06, 14:21
Oh Jean, so sorry to hear this, I hope Gibb finds his way home very soon, thinking of you all xxxx

Jean, have you registered the details with Dogslost?

Also perhaps give some posters out at schools etc x

14-Nov-06, 17:23

this is Gibb, how do I get on doglost is it a website?
we have posters up and it was on moray firth radio.
ive been looking all day no sign at all my OH is worried hes been knocked down on road and hidden and I think hes either wandered off so far hes lost miles of hills and heather here , or hes been stolen. he doesnt have a microchip or a nametag as hes a croft dog.
we are very worried.

14-Nov-06, 17:33
What a lovely dog. I really hope he makes it home soon, safe and well. Thinking of you - please let us all know if you hear anything.

14-Nov-06, 18:07
well being a working dog, if he has been stolen or gotten a bit lost I am sure he will be smart enough to get home, I just hope he manages by teatime.

14-Nov-06, 18:13
Ive registered him with doglost, hes been gone since 2pm yesterday and hes mad for the quad I was all over the hill on it, but no sign even went all the way to lairg looking in the ditches in case he was lying in one. no sign thank goodness there.
munlochy didnt phone back so I phoned again and actually spoke to a person who doesnt think hes there but will go and check and phone back.
Its the not knowing thats the worst. I think if he was about he would be back. its horrible but I think hes either been hurt, or taken away by someone.

14-Nov-06, 18:24
Hope you find him soon jean, one way or another. jan x:(

14-Nov-06, 18:32
Jean, sorry I have been out this afternoon, but glad you found the website, if theres anything I can do, please let me know.

Sending lots of come home vibes to Gib, hope hes back to you soon safe n sound xx

14-Nov-06, 18:43
Oh Jean I am so sorry and know how worried you must be! As you said it is the not knowing which is so hard.

I really, really hope that Gibbs turns up safe and well soon. He is a beautiful dog.

14-Nov-06, 18:45
Beautiful dog, keeping my fingers crossed he'll turn up safe and sound and soon.

14-Nov-06, 18:56
Just had a thought jean, are there any other dogs near to you? maybe someone has a bitch in season and hes gone of to find her. Male dogs have a tendancy to do that from time to time. jan x

14-Nov-06, 20:18
hi jean i really hope you find your dog soon. its horrible when they go off. mine used to but usually only for a couple of hours max. i shall keep a look out on this side of the strath for you. i am in gordonbush. my mum just lives round the corner form you.
rogart being such a small community someone must have seen him. have you phoned other police stations, not just dornoch. one of my dogs got picked up just on the road not far from house, she was having her usual walk to herself and the lady took her to her house down the little ferry before she decided to phone seeing who's dog it was.

15-Nov-06, 09:25
GIBB has returned v wet and V cold but alive !!! thank goodness .;) thanks for all best wishes.;)

15-Nov-06, 09:37
Thats great news Jean,
i love a happy ending :D

15-Nov-06, 09:46
Excellent what a relief :)

15-Nov-06, 10:07
So glad to hear that, Jean :D

15-Nov-06, 10:09
Thats great news. You must be so relieved. I'm sure Gibb is going to have a relaxing day today!

15-Nov-06, 10:10
thats great jean. is was a pretty cold night last night. glad he is fine and you are too now he is home

15-Nov-06, 10:45
I am so glad to hear that Jean. I am sure he will be one spoilt dog today laying by the fire with a full belly.

15-Nov-06, 11:30
That great news that you have Gibb home safe and well!!! :D

15-Nov-06, 11:46
So good to here he's returned safely.:D

15-Nov-06, 14:22
That's brilliant news Jean!:D What a relief!

Was he found very far away?

Did anyone hear whether the person from Keiss found their alsation/lurcher cross?

15-Nov-06, 14:26
Awesome! Glad he's ok :-)

15-Nov-06, 14:33
Gibb is fine, no idea where hes spent the last two days and nights but apart from being hungry hes just himself. hes missing don the old collie who was PTS 2 weeks ago. Ive got him in the house at the moment but he doesnt like the heat. he is a lovely dog.
thanks to everyone who was worried about him. now we just have to turn his run into a porterfield lookalike.

15-Nov-06, 18:28
Brill news jean, really pleased its a happy ending . jan x

15-Nov-06, 18:47
Great news I know you will be so relieved. My dog went missing in Orkney for and days. The whole area in and around Kirkwall helped to find her. It was just a wonderful feeling when I seen her run across a field to meet me.