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06-Apr-12, 09:12
Many thanks to all the nursing staff in the Bignold Wing and Theatre Staff for their uppermost care and kindness whilst my short stay. Their reassurance and care was overwhelming could not wish for better their dedication and professionalism was top marks many thanks to you all how much better i feel already. :)

06-Apr-12, 09:42
My first visit to Caithness General yesterday. A clean, airy, delightful hospital staffed with very helpful, kindly and smiling staff who made me very quickly at ease. This place is a jewel in the NHS crown - right down to the signed photo of the Queen Mum in the reception area!

Corrie 3
06-Apr-12, 10:19
We are indeed so very lucky to have such a great hospital with fabulous staff.


06-Apr-12, 11:10
Really good to hear :)

06-Apr-12, 14:53
nice to finally read some praise for the staff at Caithness General, especially after today's non-story in the Groat :roll:

Corrie 3
06-Apr-12, 18:21
nice to finally read some praise for the staff at Caithness General, especially after today's non-story in the Groat :roll:
Thats very true Roger, if anyone is not happy with the service they have the choice to go to another hospital (at their own expense), if you were getting a bad service from a shop you would choose another shop wouldn't you, not just moan to the Groat to get your photo in the press!!
I often wonder what these people that moan about the hospital do for a living. If they work at all I bet it's not in the caring profession!!
Carry on Caithness General...99.9% of the people of Caithness are right behind you and appreciate your good work!!


06-Apr-12, 18:46
Keep up the great work c.g.h. good job.

06-Apr-12, 19:48
well all i can say is i went to c.g.h last july and was not treated properly and ended up raigmore for three weeks because of their negligence

Corrie 3
06-Apr-12, 20:07
well all i can say is i went to c.g.h last july and was not treated properly and ended up raigmore for three weeks because of their negligence
Ah well............. enjoy the £1000's in Compensation wont you?


06-Apr-12, 21:35
i have no way to drain the nhs of very vauble funds of what happend to me at cgh but speaking to other people i have heard of other cases of people having bad treatment at this hospital i no longer wont to be seen there i would rather travel to inverness

06-Apr-12, 21:48
well all i can say is i went to c.g.h last july and was not treated properly and ended up raigmore for three weeks because of their negligence

What was the outcome of your official complaint?

06-Apr-12, 22:32
i have not made a official complaint but i think i will . Going by the standars of this hospital. I went through pure hell because of them thank god we have a good hospital in inverness they were brill cant praise the docs and nurse enough

07-Apr-12, 01:17
i don't know your story, but let's be fair, if it was worth complaining about, wouldn't you have done it at the time ?

there's been a succession of stories recently about the poor service a tiny minority of CGH users have experienced, the problem is we only hear one side of the story due to the hospital not being allowed to comment.

the front page story in the Groat (have the Groat got an axe to grind? this must be the 3rd such front page story in as many months) is an absolute disgrace to the art of journalism, the guy's mums statement was so vague, it's not even half a story,

yesterday's moaner didn't complain at the time as they were too busy, Pinkie, you didn't complain for whatever reason, i think it's a shame you didn't complain at the time, because if you did, it could have meant that no-one else had to undergo the 'hell' that you experienced.

07-Apr-12, 01:39
Two weeks running we have had stories on the front page of the local newspapers of former patients complaining about their bad treatment at Caithness General Hospital.Why didn't they complain to the hospitaL or the Patients Council at the time. The story in todays paper has complained now, months after, because someone else complained last week.
Last month I suddenly took seriously ill and was admitted to the Rosebank wing. I received great care from Dr. I.Mallek and his great team and soon made a quick recovery. The nurses couldnT have been nicer, even though they were rushed off their feet. It is a very very busy ward.I had the best care possible, and thanks to them i am back to my usual life. I was on my way to Inverness at the time and was so thankful I didn't end up at Raigmore Hospital which I think is dirty, and a very big hospital where no one knows anyone.

07-Apr-12, 07:11
I think the jog journal is on a systematic mission to get cgh shut down!

07-Apr-12, 07:41
First thing that was said to me when i was in 2weeks ago 'this isn't an accident or emergency you shouldn't be here' hahahaha well....... i thought that was there job to find out?!?!?!?! I have requested the nurse goes under review,this wasn't the only shocking comment made,felt extremely uneasy with the attitude!

07-Apr-12, 09:11
I speak as I find and due to a very scary incident I was admitted to the hospital and received FANTASTIC care by everyone. Thankfully it was a false alarm but if it wasn't then I know I would of been in very good hands.

07-Apr-12, 10:45
I have been in Caithness Hospital 3 time in the past few months and had good treatment each time. No hospital is perfect, things do go wrong. It is more important that it should not go wrong when you are dealing with people who are ill but it will always happen I am afraid.

It is just like everything in life you hear about the bad not about the good.

07-Apr-12, 11:00
In any given situation, everyone involved is free to say what they find and how they are treated. The way to go is to make an official complaint to the business, institution, or whatever.

To publicise without talking to those involved is not the way to resolve the incident. There are ways of making your complaint official and I am talking generally here; not any specific case.

Some people jump on a bandwagon, one way or the other, but only the people involved know the whole story and even then can see a situation differently from the others involved. People are not always totally honest in how they relay a incident, they have been known to exaggerate from time to time; makes a good tale and gets more attention.

Result, the person feels more important.

Going to hospital especially can be very daunting and it is important that any potential patient must feel confident that they are being dealt with by professionals who know what they are doing and that they will be helped with going through procedures.

As Upolian experienced; some staff can be sadly lacking in people skills and this is an issue for (in this case) the hospital to address so that people can feel confident in attending A & E or otherwise. This sort of attitude is sadly prevalent in many places other than hospitals with some staff needing training in people skills, commonsense and manners.

As for situations where, in someone's opinion, things go wrong, a word with the perpetrator is the first port of call with either a written complaint or a face to face meeting with management.

As for the press; it's the "media"...... where stories have to appeal to those who like a good scandal, gossip, whatever..... and anything goes to get the public's attention.....they have to sell their wares like any other business.....and they do!

07-Apr-12, 21:02
First thing that was said to me when i was in 2weeks ago 'this isn't an accident or emergency you shouldn't be here' hahahaha well....... i thought that was there job to find out?!?!?!?! I have requested the nurse goes under review,this wasn't the only shocking comment made,felt extremely uneasy with the attitude!Cgh are actually very accomodating! In the major hospitals you would get sent away for numerous conditions that people complain about on here...

07-Apr-12, 22:45
I have to agree with the comment earlier about the Groats mission against the hospital. I have been a patient in both the surgical and medical wards on a few occasions now and have had excellent care on all occasions. I have seen the staff on quiet days and busy days. At all times I have found them polite and professional despite at times them being extremely busy. I also agree that those who feel they have not been treated well should make an official complaint so that it can be investigated and they can have feedback from the hospital regarding this.As for those who are saying they won't go near the place again I'm darn sure should you fall seriously Ill with a heart attack or such like( God forbid ) and need the help of CGH you are going to say thanks but no thanks take me a further 100 miles down the road please !!!Give the staff a break they do a thankless job at times for people ( the small minority ) who are thankless in return.As for the guy who's mum this week is doing all the complaining in the Groat that's such a non story I think they are dragging the bottom of the barrel on this one.

07-Apr-12, 22:51
well all i can say is i went to c.g.h last july and was not treated properly and ended up raigmore for three weeks because of their negligenceOh really and who told you CGH were negligent ? Raigmore staff ? a Doctor ? Google ? If you have it on good authority CGH were negligent then you should complain and no doubt action will be taken.

07-Apr-12, 23:04
i can only give the cgh hospital the utmost praise was in last nov and then again in jan was treated very proffesionally all the staff were very kind and friendly and helpfull all the time and i was in both wings bignold and rosebank and i would go back in again if need be

07-Apr-12, 23:13
As always you have those that are happy with CGH and how they've been treated and then you have those that aren't. The only way that hospital is going to improve is sort out management, teach the staff manners (joking about your illness or mocking you because they don't believe that you are really ill is immature and rude), and improve the hospital food (at least employ a qualified cook who cares about the food being served!). The hopsital doesn't have the same resources as Raigmore and neither the amount of doctors - there are only 2 qualified consultants and there should be 3.....but they should treat each patient with dignity and respect and do their best for them - afterall, our taxes pay their wages!

08-Apr-12, 00:03
The only way that hospital is going to improve is sort out managementThat'd be a very good starting point!
Also if some of the Medics listened and paid attention to their patients they may not give the NOSN any excuse for a witchhunt.

08-Apr-12, 10:33
No matter how good a service there will always be people who complain.
Some people will cmplain about anything and everything because that is their view on life.
Some of the people who are complaining about their treatment up there should come down here for a short sharp course in reality. Being treated like cows at auction is how a lot of young newly delivered mothers describe their experiences down here in our overcrowded wards, evidently they feel they matter as much as a cow destined for slaughter.

08-Apr-12, 10:40
So in other words if you took seirously ill you would refuse help from staff at CGH so just say you took a stroke or heart attack or somthing really serious you would want to go to Inverness god you would be dead before you got there and do you believe everything you hear just because you had a bad experince does the blame get hit out at the staff as you can find no one else to blame

08-Apr-12, 10:42
By the way my last post was for Pinkie.

Alice in Blunderland
08-Apr-12, 14:23
If it's that bad then shut the hospital and let Raigmore take over

08-Apr-12, 16:38
I am sure the folk complaining and saying they never want to be treated at CGH again - as many have already said, what about emergencies?
Would the complainers expect to be ferried in the only local ambulance on call so they can have their treatment in any hospital of their choice and would they also be willing to make their own way down at their own expense by taxi or whichever way and not be reimbursed for the trips.
What happens if they are not happy with the treatment at the hospital of their choice????

The complainers have the option of Private Health Care, where you have the ability to be able to choose their consultant and where treatment will take place.

08-Apr-12, 16:55
Well said pat

Alice in Blunderland
08-Apr-12, 17:33
The complainers have the option of Private Health Care, where you have the ability to be able to choose their consultant and where treatment will take place. But Pat they already kind off have private health care.They already pay the consultants and staffs wages through their taxes. ;)

08-Apr-12, 18:32
Alice - what they pay for is public health - available to all. Payment of all staff wages, costs of buildings, heating, transport, food, blankets, bandages, operations, use of equipment and treatment IS paid out of their taxes but if they are not happy they have the other option, pay in full privately.
Many people CHOOSE to have the choice of where, when and by whom they will be treated and opt for private medical treatment at great expense, this appears to be what some of the people in the public health system want - treatment where, when and by whom they wish but who then picks up the bills for their demands?
They want it their way and tough luck on the other people who may be delayed due to the selfishness of the people who demand, shout loudest and have temper tantrums - do they consider they are the only ill people in this world?
May these folk unwilling to use a local hospital or decrying the facilities never be in a position of being desperately in need of care and attention.

08-Apr-12, 18:59
If it's that bad then shut the hospital and let Raigmore take over

That would be a great idea Alice if the complainers were in the majority but they are not, in my experience.

Not a blink ago the residents of Caithness & Sutherland fought a very long, hard campaign against the closure of the Maternity Unit at Caithness General. The result was positive in that this Unit still remains open.

I take my own health and that of my family and friends seriously. When I find the health services in Caithness lacking, due to my Pharmicist, GP or treatment at the local hospital then I will make my concerns known to them through the appropriate channels. I wouldn't bother bleating about it on a public forum.

Perhaps some of the complainers wish to lead a campaign against Caithness General. I won't be marching with them.[disgust]

08-Apr-12, 19:10
And I wont be either moira

Alice in Blunderland
08-Apr-12, 19:15
Me neither

08-Apr-12, 19:27
As people have said, in comparison to a lot of southern hospitals we are lucky to have a General hospital so close by. Remember it is a General hospital not a main one or a centre of excellence. it looks after emergencies and routine ailments. All other are sent to the major hospitals.

No hospital gets everything right. If they do not and it is by incompetents then complain to the authorities.

08-Apr-12, 22:08
I certainly would not be complaining on a forum or in the press until after I had complained and had my complaint fully dealt with by the correct authorities.

I completely agree with you Moira I certainly would not be marching with any person willing to try to lead a campaign against ANY local hospital.

08-Apr-12, 22:10
I won't be marching with them.[disgust]

It could be fun.

13-Apr-12, 15:35
I'm not one who usually subscribes to conspiracy theory but, after seeing a small piece in Thursdays P&J about the latest baby friendly award given to the Henderson wing in a UNICEF endorsed audit, I expected today's Groat might pick up on this and give a more detailed report. They are the local paper and have demonstrated such a regular interest the emporium of health care that is CGH.
I've looked from cover to cover and not found a mention of the award. I guest this only reinforces the old adage that in the press 'dog bites man' = no news, 'man bites dog' = really good human interest story. By the way I believe that Raigmore maternity have not achieved this award.

13-Apr-12, 15:54
I'm not one who usually subscribes to conspiracy theory but, after seeing a small piece in Thursdays P&J about the latest baby friendly award given to the Henderson wing in a UNICEF endorsed audit, I expected today's Groat might pick up on this and give a more detailed report. They are the local paper and have demonstrated such a regular interest the emporium of health care that is CGH.
I've looked from cover to cover and not found a mention of the award. I guest this only reinforces the old adage that in the press 'dog bites man' = no news, 'man bites dog' = really good human interest story. By the way I believe that Raigmore maternity have not achieved this award.

Good gracious grumpyhippo you don't expect the groat to do good news stories.That does not appear to be in their remit.They only do bad news and press knocking.

13-Apr-12, 21:17
Just back from a visit to the A&E dept in CGH and was surprised how quickly we were seen and how nice the nurse was with my wee girl as well as the doctor who came through to see her.
We were seen in 10 mins, I dont know if we were there at a quiet time or if it was because my horror sprayed stuff in her eyes.

17-Apr-12, 21:48
I work in caithness general. Last week my partner went into a&e about 10 am after injuring his knee at work. he was asked by the receptionist if it was broken!! how they expected him to know i have no idea, its the doctors job to find out!! He was sent to riverside medical practice who made him an appointment at 3.30pm then from there told to go straight back to the hospital. got to the hospital at 4pm back into a&e.. after being seen for 10 minutes had to wait until 7.30pm to be told he had to find his own way to raigmore for an emergency MRI scan (oh and he got some crutches). Got to inverness to be told he was having a local anaesthetic or he couldnt have a scan (exact words of the doctor) after the local and lots of tugging and pulling they told him he wouldnt be getting a scan as there wasnt a radiographer available, a letter would be sent out within 5 days to go back down for one. Still no letter. Utter Joke!!!!!

17-Apr-12, 23:05
I work in caithness general. Last week my partner went into a&e about 10 am after injuring his knee at work. he was asked by the receptionist if it was broken!! how they expected him to know i have no idea, its the doctors job to find out!! He was sent to riverside medical practice who made him an appointment at 3.30pm then from there told to go straight back to the hospital. got to the hospital at 4pm back into a&e.. after being seen for 10 minutes had to wait until 7.30pm to be told he had to find his own way to raigmore for an emergency MRI scan (oh and he got some crutches). Got to inverness to be told he was having a local anaesthetic or he couldnt have a scan (exact words of the doctor) after the local and lots of tugging and pulling they told him he wouldnt be getting a scan as there wasnt a radiographer available, a letter would be sent out within 5 days to go back down for one. Still no letter. Utter Joke!!!!!

I don't work in Caithness General but have availed myself of several of their services over the years.

You need to make a formal complaint if all of the above is true. Let us know the outcome.

19-Apr-12, 13:43
I would normally say CGH is great, the staff friendly etc etc, but i must admit i cannot include A&E in this, just the ward staff.
A little while ago my husband saw his own gp about a sore shoulder, he was told to take painkillers and if it was no better the next week then to go back again, on the friday morning he got up and could not move his arm he was in that much agony and i literally had to dress him and give him his tablets. we decided to go through to CGH A&E thinking we were doing right, when we arrived there was no receptionist - so we pressed the button at the door. We were answered by some very ignorant woman (not in nurses uniform) who asked what the problem was, we explained about the shoulder and she said it was not an accident therefore we had to go see our own gp. we protested that he was in severa pain and we thought that a hospital was there to help so she went off and got a female doctor, who rudely told us to go to the gp. We came back to thurso and went to the gp surgery and they had no appointments and told us to go to CGH we told them we had just been turned away so they suggested dunbar. we got to dunbar and they could not be more helpful and were appalled we had been turned away at wick as they were going to send us there xrays.
so all in all, staff on the wards of CGH = brilliant as a rule
staff in A&E = Hit and miss as i have had dealings with very pleasant ones too.

19-Apr-12, 15:35
I don't work in Caithness General but have availed myself of several of their services over the years.

You need to make a formal complaint if all of the above is true. Let us know the outcome.

A formal complaint has been made. I have to agree with tugmistress though.. ward staff are fantastic. A&E are downright rude!!

06-May-12, 18:45
i would like to add that i was seen by AE i am sure that the ward staff are very good at there job

06-May-12, 23:56
It is nice to read something good about the hospital for a change.We are very lucky to have our hospital with great doctors, nurses, cleaners, catering, and all other staff.
If you have a complaint write to the Patients council. Maybe you are not aware that there is a Patients Council at Wick, and Raigmore has one too. I always feel safe when i go into the Rosebank wing in the hospital. I nearly died in February and knew I was in good hands when i was admitted. I made a very quick recovery, as I knew I would. I received excellent care and treatment. I cant beleive that people find something to compalin about in our hospital.

Mrs Bucket
07-May-12, 06:19
Luck should not come into it. There should be a standard of care and common decency when dealing with people who are ill injured and probably feeling frighened and vulnerable if it is not met someone should provide answers and appropriate training given as some staff dont seem to have a clue how to speak to people.

07-May-12, 06:58
It is nice to read something good about the hospital for a change.We are very lucky to have our hospital with great doctors, nurses, cleaners, catering, and all other staff.
If you have a complaint write to the Patients council. Maybe you are not aware that there is a Patients Council at Wick, and Raigmore has one too. I always feel safe when i go into the Rosebank wing in the hospital. I nearly died in February and knew I was in good hands when i was admitted. I made a very quick recovery, as I knew I would. I received excellent care and treatment. I cant beleive that people find something to compalin about in our hospital.Toatally agree with you fran they do an excellent service but theres always the few that have to moan they should think themselves lucky to have the dedicated staff here as ive been to hospitals further a field and they are so busy they just dont have the time and probably through no fault of theres all due to staff shortages.

07-May-12, 10:08
While it is really good to read of the satisfaction many people feel with their treatment from the Caithness General Hospital,I am very sure Tugmistress and Tootz are not telling lies and I sincerely hope that they get a satisfactory response to their genuine grievances.

We can only speak as we find.......