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View Full Version : Helicoptor operating from Duncansby

04-Apr-12, 00:27
I was walking the dog along the coast from JoG to Duncansby Tuesday morning and observed a small helicoptor lift a crate from a truck and fly off fairly low out to sea towards Swona. after that it became to small to see.
Wonder what it was?

04-Apr-12, 00:55
I was walking the dog along the coast from JoG to Duncansby Tuesday morning and observed a small helicoptor lift a crate from a truck and fly off fairly low out to sea towards Swona. after that it became to small to see.
Wonder what it was?

You where not meant to see that... They'll be looking for you... Need to silence you... HIDE NOW!!!!

Edit: OOPS!!!! They'll be looking for me also now... If you read this, DO NOT reply or you could be next... Off to hide myself now...

04-Apr-12, 08:09
Chopperty chopperty chopperty chopperty :eek:

04-Apr-12, 08:57
might have been lighthouse board

04-Apr-12, 09:31
If it was quiet and looked like this:

It was probably a snatch squad from the Top Secret Portgower Research Facility.

If it looked like this:
http://www.airplane-pictures.net/images/uploaded-images/2008-11/12/28735m.jpg (http://www.airplane-pictures.net/photo/28735/g-pdgf-pdg-helicopters-aerospatiale-as350-ecureuil-squirrel/)

It may be PDG moving fish (http://www.pdghelicopters.com/live-fish-transfers.html).

Or this one:
Then as groater says, the Northern Lighthouse Board (http://www.nlb.org.uk/) fixing lightyuppy things.

04-Apr-12, 11:43
Swona has a small automatic Lighthouse on it and Stroma has a Large Automatic Lighthouse on it at Swilkie Point. So it could have been the NLB doning some maintainence on one or even both of these lighthouses.

There are also several other Lighhouses & Beacons in the area which the Helicopter could be flying to.

04-Apr-12, 23:22
They are teaching helicopters from wick teaching pilots how to fly and pick up things and drop things, have watched the red one at the airport doing this

Walter Ego
07-Apr-12, 03:47
Possibly xplosives or fish smolts.