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12-Nov-06, 13:55
On a Sutherland website I read that it brings good luck or a safe journey when 'Rabbits! Rabbits! Rabbits!' is said whilst passing the Split Stane. I have asked others about it but they haven't heard about the tradition. Do any Orgers say it or is it a new thing?:confused

12-Nov-06, 15:44
rabbits rabbits rabbits is said at the start of the month for me to hopefully bring good luck for the rest of the month. never heard it for the split stone

12-Nov-06, 15:53
I always say 'white rabbits' on the first of every month, just something my family has always done.

12-Nov-06, 16:32
It was posted somewhere on the Org sometime ago, where people used to carry a rabbits foot for good luck (not very lucky for the rabbit I may add).

But I always say White Rabbit on the first of the month. I've never heard of people actually saying it three times though :roll:


12-Nov-06, 17:24
........and there I was thinking it was another shooting thread :lol:. Sorry, Rheggers, I'll get my coat http://www.teddies.be/Forum/images/smiles/undwech.gif

12-Nov-06, 18:19
I learned at my mother's knee that it is important to say 'rabbits, rabbits, rabbits' on the first day of each month.
But it must be said before noon. Say it later than that and it is bad luck!

12-Nov-06, 18:52
Rheghead its true, I remember this story from my youth:

The Old Split Stone

Just outside Melvich as you follow the road you will see this huge stone which has various legends attached. The Devil was supposed to have split the stone in a fit of pique! Some local people cannot pass the stone without quoting "Rabbits, Rabbits, Rabbits".

Never did it myself but I made sure that I never past it bang on midnight for years, but thats another story

13-Nov-06, 02:37
Hecks where I comes from white hares an' white rabbits will send the fisherman straight back to harbour..they are BAD luck.

13-Nov-06, 20:33
I know that you never say 'Rabbits' when you are sea!

13-Nov-06, 20:37
I don't remember having seen somebody wearing a "Lucky Rabbit's Foot" for ages.
Do people still have them?

13-Nov-06, 22:26
I think they're probably up there with elephant's foot umbrella stands in the politically incorrect accessories category. Though heaven knows why; it's not as though the world is short of rabbits. Pass the 12 bore, bearer..... :lol::lol:

13-Nov-06, 22:29
I have about 120 rabbits feet, all attached to very happy bunnies though :)

Cedric Farthsbottom III
13-Nov-06, 22:33
Rabbits,Rabbits,Rabbits.......and I thought Chas and Dave were coming up to Skinandis or the Waterfront.It must be a Scottish thing cos saying Rabbits three times was supposed to be lucky.Still no won the lottery though!!!!:lol:

14-Nov-06, 08:29
I don't remember having seen somebody wearing a "Lucky Rabbit's Foot" for ages.
Do people still have them?

Still got mine but its bald now - it must be about half a century old. lol :lol: