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12-Nov-06, 13:43
ok guys
as there are so many many posts on people having babies.. the pros and cons.. ect, ect, on right now thought i would add to it.

now what i want you to do is to step back a moment and think back.
be you a new mum or dad.. and old pro. or expecting.
what were your worst fears about parenthood?
what did you expect?
were you afraid? excited?
did you panic over the least little thing?
when was your first trauma with baby?
when did you realise that yes they bounce and 9/10 times they are ok?
the list can go on and on..
i would just like to hear in your own words.
what being a parent means to you.
how you felt and thought from the moment you became preg. to now.
for example...

for me.
when i became preg. we had tried for three years!
i was so stunned i sat there and cried and called my mum at 5 am her time!
i was over the moon.. every little step of the preg was a scary and wonderful time.
i remember going to the toilet the whole time .. expecting to see blood.. just because i was afraid something would go wrong!
when i brought him home. i was terrified. he cried for two hours .. i called my mom in tears asking her what to do!
every moment was so precious.. and the first few months. .i never minded getting up all hours to feed.. and change and wind, just something to be done!
i use to poke them when they were asleep just to make sure they were breathing!
and one is so dif . from teh other.
i will admit the teo year old drives me mad on a daily basis and i then to loose my temper with him the easiest.
he is the one that you love fiercly and at times despice fiercly! *grins* well his ways anyway!
just finished roaring at him for pouring his brothers juice all over the floor while i was typing this!
there are so many little things that you love. when they reach out for you.
when they are asleep and quite and you think.. wow why cant they be that way when they are awake!
their independace.. their laughter joy and tears.
my heart just catches at odd times of teh day .. over little things they do..
all in all i have learnt over teh past 3 1/2 years.. there is no right or wrong way to go about it.. books and all the pros out there.. are a good guide line.. but you cant go by them.
and you will find a dif way to deal with every situation.. nothing ever works twice!
oh and God bless my poor mom!!! i appreciate her so much more now! *laughs*
i now understand when she said that she couldnt wait until i had kids!
she wanted revenge!

12-Nov-06, 13:48
thanks for the warning! :lol:

12-Nov-06, 13:59
I think you have summed that up nicely Brandy.

Being pregnant is a very exciting and nerv racking time but i loved being pregnant. Somedays they play up & i could see them far enought but other days are harmonious but i wouldn't change them for the world.:Razz

12-Nov-06, 14:09
Iremember being at work and being horrendously sick and everyone saying ahhh the patter of tiny feet are not far away, I saw 2 doctors who said it must be a bug as I hadn't missed a period at work my boss took in 2 home pregnancy tests as she was convinced I was pregnant, both said negative. I saw a different doctor who said he would do a pregnancy test just to rule it out and when I phoned for results I was delighted as we had been trying for 8 months. I remember trying so hard not to tell mum before hubby came home from work lol. I was sick multiple times each and every day of my pregnancy, I begged for help from doc but could do nothing and one went as far as threatening to hospitalise me as I was doing baby no good (I couldn't get it through their heads that I wasn't being sick by choice). Towards the end of my pregnancy I couldn't sleep as everytime I lay down she would kick me so much that I was aching I remember showing mum bruises on my tummy caused by baby. I went into hospital 3 weeks early with a urinary and kidney infection and don't know what labour feels like as all I had was the constant agony of my kidneys, I remember other mums in labour being wheeled past and saying they felt so sorry for me!! 3 days later my little girl arrived. Hubby cried and I panicked thinking something was wrong lol. I never really met her until 24 hours later as I passed out, that is the hardest job I have ever done. I was 1/2 a stone lighter than when I fell pregnant after I had her which showed me just how sick I had been.
But once she was here it was all worth it, she never cried until her first jags and it broke my heart I cried as much as her. She slept all nite and only woke for feeds and as I was feeding her myself I just took her in bed beside me and put her in cot when she fell asleep 10 mins later. At 8 months she literally weaned herself would only use a cup. She has always been a fabulous eater, her 1st accident was a carpet burn after falling off the bed at about 9 months I wanted to call an ambulance lol. I remember people saying good baby bad teenager and at 11 now I am praying that is not true lol. She is now 4 inches taller than me and still an amazing girl who makes me proud every day.

12-Nov-06, 15:43
That was a lovely story.

When my daughter arrived to visit me just over a year ago we were ready to go on a night out when she told me that she was a couple of days late and may need to take a test to rule out pregnacy. Her and her husband had been trying ffor 16 months and every month I had heard her cry down the phopne about another negative result.

We went to the supermarket and bought a test and went to the public loos. As I took the test off her while she zipped her jacket I realised there were 2 dots forming. We both screamed and nearly caused an elderly lady in the other loo heart failure!!!

The pregnancy didn't go too bad, she had bad morning sickness from 8-14 weeks which she ended up having to take rehydration sachets then at 28 weeks she was signed off her work with Symphasis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD). She had many days in agony. At 38 weeks she was taken into hospital and induced due to pre eclampsia. I had her doing the slosh during labour!!!

After 11 hours in labour and 36 minutes pushing my granddaughter was born weighing a whopping.... 6lb 3oz. So small! It was a very scary couple of weeks when she was first born, my daughter panicked over anything including her jaundice and whether she was feeding enough etc.

However 6 months on and 1 accident later (she fell out of her moses basket at 3 months!) she's such a perfect little girl, apple of her grandparents eye. And mummy and daddy's little star.:lol:

12-Nov-06, 16:37
When I was in Somerfield's in Thurso on Saturday morning, I overheard a lady at the counter saying that she had just found out that she was pregnant, and she was so shocked that she could'nt beleive it. :roll: :roll:

Which made me smile, it was either a case of the 1st Virgin Birth in Caithness, or the lady in question didn't realise that if you have SEX, there are strong possibilites that you may get pregnant.

Life never ceases to amaze me...

More smilies please...

12-Nov-06, 19:29
I was 19 when I had my twin girls and I must admit not much thought went into what becoming parents actually meant, up to the point of having mine I refused to even touch a child as they scared me, I think I had this fancifull notion of a fairytale child. :lol:
I had no morning sickness and no cravings, I just got huge. Went from 8.5 stone to 14.5 stone. Hefty!!!!!!!!!
Well, I got pregnant, acted a fool and carried on horse riding, almost fell off at 5 months gone and managed to sprain a foot, started bleeding not long after but felt too ashamed to tell my doctor. went to the hospital for another scan expecting to be told I'd lost them but all was fine, the doctor noticed the bleeding but just told me I'd be fine. I later read my notes and noticed it was a threatened miscarriage - Nope i seriously had no idea up till that point that it was quite so serious - I wasn't even told to rest at least not that I remember.
Anyways had them 3 weeks premature. I'd gone into labour but thought it was just back ache so hung it out for 12 hours at home (tooke the dogs a walk etc), stopped at shop for a snickers on the way to the hospital. lol. I prepared myself for an embarassing false alarm as it didn't hurt that much but was told I was almost fully dilated and it would be a rush to get an epidural in, which I needed as the twin2 was breach and needed manual turning - Ouch! I remember that bit! lol.
Had both girls naturally with no stitches (which I used to be quite boastfull about till I really thought about it. :lol: ) then had to stay in hospital for 2 weeks and feed the girls through a nose tube as they were too weak to eat themselves.
They've had many accidents in their lives bless em and even though they're at the age now where they're growing up and moving on I wouldn't change any part of it. Except maybe I'd like them to go back to being 6 again. Please!

12-Nov-06, 22:42
I remember when me and hubby first met, I was 16 and he was 27, which my mother hated!!! I moved in with him a month later!! Which she hated even more!!!
We had the news of pregnancy when I was 18, it was a shock at the time but soon we realised that we really did want to start a family together. Turned out we had a miscarriage, which was heartbreaking so we started trying again. After another 2 miscarriages we thought we would never have kids. Anyway after a while of just relaxing and going with the flow, when I was 20 we had the great news of pregnancy again.......We were so worried all the way through because I was sick all the time and the labour was not too bad now that I think about it...13 hours.
Then out came a lovely healthy boy weighing 7lb 2oz. It was the best feeling in the world ever!!! After a while of this we decided to try again for a wee sibling. This time the pregnancy was so easy, birth was on 45 mins, 1 push!!! She weighed 6lbs 11oz. Both babies were 1 day before full term, which was quite good timing, no hanging on or too early!!
Our little boy has had incidents like falling over in Mackay's store in Wick and Dislocating his arm...The staff were not helpful at all with this and looked at me as if I was a bad mum. He tripped over their carpet while walking around!!
He has also done little things like put a ball bearing up his nose....I managed to get it out. Then he decided to put blue tack up his nose.....job for Dunbar Hospital!! Felt so bad!!
Daughter has yet to do anything of this sort. Hopefully never.
Now we have 2 loving kids who care for each other and for mummy and daddy! They are naughty at times and we could happily sell them but we would NEVER change the for the world!
Family is now finished but I do miss the actual pregnancy, I loved being pregnant!!

12-Nov-06, 22:53
Afraid my pregnancy wasn't happy but the result was! We weren't trying to start a family being just a year married but after a few weeks of sickness and a negative result from a home pregnancy test I finally went to the doctor convinced I had some incurable illness!

Dr asked could I be pregnant so explained not trying and negative test, but not entirely impossible that I wasn't. She got me to bring in a sample and after a couple of days waiting found out I was pregnant (8 weeks). Broke news to hubby and even though it was a shock we were both over the moon and had names chosen by that night - so glad we did as he was in a car crash a few weeks later and never regained conciousness, dying a week later.

Anyway the rest of pregnancy was spent worrying I'd miscarry and lose the baby as well as him, but everything was fine, apart from her being in distress when I went into labour.

It left me a great believer in fate and that she was meant to be here - sometimes though when she's in one of her stroppy teenage moods, I feel like shoving her back!!!!

And I called her the name that we had chosen too and she likes it ( I think) :confused

mums angels
12-Nov-06, 23:03
Well my first pregnancy was a total shock at the tender age of 16 but had easy pregnancy but because of my age didn't like it when people found out and easy birth 4hrs 45mins but fell in love with her from the minute i saw her and fears of my age went flying out the window , second pregnancy easy again , no sickness and birth 1hr 35mins a boy yet another love at first sight moment and have been fighting with hubby to get a look in ever since..lol. Then on to 3rd ...very different from other pregnancies , took 8 months of trying .I felt fine not much sickness but loads of cramps so was worried from the start then had 12 week scan and all was fine so relaxed that night but the very next day i crashed the car and had bleeding so yet again i thought that i was going to lose the baby ..it took 3 days to get a scan to confirm all wasd ok ...i was delighted and decided to relax more...15 weeks got phone call to say i had a high risk of downs syndrome which caused high stress and arguments between hubby and I . Had an ammnio than two agonising weeks to get the results back..All clear and its a boy ...on edge for rest of pregnancy thinking something else was going to go wrong but luckily all was well and after a short labour in pain for less than a hour he was born....very happy moment .The first two were easy pregnancies but are now little horrors the middle one having several trips to the hospital in his short life 1st being a broken wrist at 2 and half and latest being a cracked open forehead .which resulted it 3 trips to A & E in 2 weeks ..i'm sure they have a large file on me...EEk but third was stressfull pregnancy but touch wood so far at 14 months hes an angel ..very placid ....Love them all to bits

mums angels
12-Nov-06, 23:12
Afraid my pregnancy wasn't happy but the result was! We weren't trying to start a family being just a year married but after a few weeks of sickness and a negative result from a home pregnancy test I finally went to the doctor convinced I had some incurable illness!

Dr asked could I be pregnant so explained not trying and negative test, but not entirely impossible that I wasn't. She got me to bring in a sample and after a couple of days waiting found out I was pregnant (8 weeks). Broke news to hubby and even though it was a shock we were both over the moon and had names chosen by that night - so glad we did as he was in a car crash a few weeks later and never regained conciousness, dying a week later.

Anyway the rest of pregnancy was spent worrying I'd miscarry and lose the baby as well as him, but everything was fine, apart from her being in distress when I went into labour.

It left me a great believer in fate and that she was meant to be here - sometimes though when she's in one of her stroppy teenage moods, I feel like shoving her back!!!!

And I called her the name that we had chosen too and she likes it ( I think) :confused

Thats an incredibly sad story but i'm so happy the pregnancy worked out so well for you..it must have been very difficult for you.

13-Nov-06, 11:35
it wasn't easy, but it certainly made me stronger and I had great support from my parents and his (who I still see on a weekly basis even though I've now remarried)

forgot to say in earlier post that her name's Hebrew origin is "Fathers Joy" which she most certainly would have been

mums angels
13-Nov-06, 20:34
it wasn't easy, but it certainly made me stronger and I had great support from my parents and his (who I still see on a weekly basis even though I've now remarried)

forgot to say in earlier post that her name's Hebrew origin is "Fathers Joy" which she most certainly would have been

and a lovley name and meaning it is dragonfly you both picked well :D