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View Full Version : Families will lose out on tax credits claim

27-Mar-12, 14:20
Couples would have to increase their working hours

“Hundreds of families in the Highlands and Islands could lose over £70 a week in tax credits as from next month while millionaires can look forward to a £40,000 annual boost.” That’s the view of Highlands and Islands MSP David Stewart.
He stated: “Next month, the UK Tory Government introduces changes that will take away over £70 a week from their working tax credits unless they increase their working hours by half. These are the couples earning less than £17,700 a year and who receive Working Tax Credit while working between 16 and 24 hours a week.”
Mr Stewart continued: “Unless such couples increase the number of hours that they work by 50 per cent, their tax credits will be withdrawn. The survey carried out by the charity Working Families which specialises in work-life balance issues found that less than one-fifth of employers felt confident to any request for an extra 8 hours of work. These changes are harsh and unfair coming from a Government that puts the pockets of millionaires before the plight of families who are working and who will now be struggling to cope with this large loss of income.”