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11-Nov-06, 20:33
Two small kittens found on cliffs at Sarclet.
Very wet and cold and close to death.
Kittens have been passed on to the SSPCA.
There are normally more than 2 to a litter, so it may be thay have escaped from a nearby house.
They looked even worse than this before i dried them off.

misty woman
11-Nov-06, 20:45
Those photos are heartbreaking,if someone did abandon them i hope the person responsable is locked up and the key thrown away.

11-Nov-06, 21:08
Great shame poor lil things...

11-Nov-06, 21:33
Those photos are heartbreaking,if someone did abandon them i hope the person responsable is locked up and the key thrown away.

Totally agree, we had neighbours years ago that let their cats have kittens and more kittens and let them run riot. The kittens mated with kittens...etc etc. We rescued two of them, my sister has them now.

11-Nov-06, 23:03
Poor little mites. Well done for rescuing them. I hope there wern't any more that became separated.

I hope they wern't dumped by someone, it makes my blood boil when people abandon animals.

Fingers crossed they will be ok.

13-Nov-06, 19:14
Spoke to Balmore this morning the larger kitten is feeding and will be ok.
The smaller kitten never recovered and passed away.
Far better to die in the warm, being cared for by the dedicated staff at Balmore, than on a lonely and very wet and cold cliff top.

13-Nov-06, 19:20
That is heartbreaking but at least it was shown at least some love in it's short life, fingers crossed for other kitty. can you keep us updated?

13-Nov-06, 19:52
Hats off to you for rescueing these little ones, hope the big one is still doing well, such a shame about the wee one.

I found your body sodden in the cold rain,
Curled up on leaves on the cliffs edge,
No signs of illness, injury or blood,.
Does anybody own you, little kitten?
Does anybody miss you, call your name?
Had you somehow strayed from those who loved you
And does somebody search for you in vain?

So thin and fragile, kitty, beneath your soaked fur,
Skin and bone, and so alone,
You'd curled upon some leaves against the cold wind,
I wonder, kitty, did you even have a home?
Maybe you lived feral during your short life,
Maybe you lived wild, away from man,
Or maybe lost and lonely you sought comfort,
Seeking somewhere safe before death came.

Perhaps you found yourself unloved, unwanted,
Perhaps someone in sorrow seeks you still,
I cannot leave you lying there like garbage,
A kitten deserves some dignity as well.
Maybe no-one loved you in your lifetime,
But I will help you find some dignity in death.

Is there anybody mourns your passing?
Anybody waits for you at home?
Were you just a lonely feline wanderer,
Or did you cry in vain outside some door?
Maybe no-one cared enough to love you,
But you'll be treated gently now in death,
Sleep tight, small kitten and we will mourn you
And grieve for all the unloved felines who are left.

13-Nov-06, 21:20
98elite that was beautiful and brought tears to my eyes.
I truly hope if anyone recognises these kittens they will do the right thing and report the monsters that left them there.

13-Nov-06, 23:43
This is heartbreaking and so sad to say that there will be many more poor wee mites like these which no one will find.

Well done Seabird for caring enough to give them a chance and good that the bigger one will survive and nice that the other one was with people who cared when it passed away.

I really hope that the people responsible for such neglect and cruelty have to pay for this one day.

It is not just the people who dump cats and kittens who are to blame but those who do not neuter and, as a result there are even more unwanted cats and kittens who struggle to survive even though there is a myth that cats can hunt for all the food they need.

Although there are many good and kind people in Caithness who look after their cats ,sadly, there are many who do not and this is why we have far too many stray and feral cats and kittens who a lot of people class as 'pests'.
Believe me they do not want to be out there in the cold and it is people who are the problem and not the cats!!!!!!

So sad.:(

13-Nov-06, 23:45
Hats off to you for rescueing these little ones, hope the big one is still doing well, such a shame about the wee one.

I found your body sodden in the cold rain,
Curled up on leaves on the cliffs edge,
No signs of illness, injury or blood,.
Does anybody own you, little kitten?
Does anybody miss you, call your name?
Had you somehow strayed from those who loved you
And does somebody search for you in vain?

So thin and fragile, kitty, beneath your soaked fur,
Skin and bone, and so alone,
You'd curled upon some leaves against the cold wind,
I wonder, kitty, did you even have a home?
Maybe you lived feral during your short life,
Maybe you lived wild, away from man,
Or maybe lost and lonely you sought comfort,
Seeking somewhere safe before death came.

Perhaps you found yourself unloved, unwanted,
Perhaps someone in sorrow seeks you still,
I cannot leave you lying there like garbage,
A kitten deserves some dignity as well.
Maybe no-one loved you in your lifetime,
But I will help you find some dignity in death.

Is there anybody mourns your passing?
Anybody waits for you at home?
Were you just a lonely feline wanderer,
Or did you cry in vain outside some door?
Maybe no-one cared enough to love you,
But you'll be treated gently now in death,
Sleep tight, small kitten and we will mourn you
And grieve for all the unloved felines who are left.

What a sad but beautiful poem. Do you know who wrote it?

14-Nov-06, 01:07
Hi Liz

It's from a poem called THE DEATH OF A STRAY CAT
by (S L Smith) just tweeked for the poor wee thing.

14-Nov-06, 07:04
Poor wee mites - how could anyone in there right mind just leave them?

14-Nov-06, 21:22
What a sad but beautiful poem. Do you know who wrote it?

That poem is so apt it could have been written for that incident.
I found it very moving and it brought a lump to my throat.
And i'm not moved or pron to emotions very often.

14-Nov-06, 21:36
That poem bought tears to my eyes too. Well done for rescuing them, seabird. its such a shame that the smaller one didn't make it but as the others have said, at least it was cared for in its last hours. And its great to hear that the other kitten is doing fine.