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10-Mar-12, 19:01
Would anyone consider someone who is living on benefits but openly running a business via Facebook as a benefit cheat ?

10-Mar-12, 19:11
Depends if they are declaring their earnings, so quite possibly no!

10-Mar-12, 19:39
Why? are you going to tell on him/her? cause they may be trying to keep their house a little warmer or have a little more food to go around? and yet if I told you that the very people who is paid a fortune to find employement for those in most need , a company called A4e is run by a woman called Emma harris who frauduantly paid herself £8.6 MILLION as a "dividend" this year and has since bailled out when cops moved in on them, would you even bat an eyelid? Don't get me wrong I am only making a point and would like to know why people don't seem to focus on the bigger picture. so this person might be trying to struggle financially and has tried to top up his/her income, why should anyone interfere? the government are clearly corrupt, so are you gonna report the minor criminal to the major crimelords?
Again please don't take offence, my post has been re written 3 times cause everytime i read it it sounds like I am being condesending but it is just how it it written, I only want to add to the discussion :)

10-Mar-12, 19:49
all comments appreciated. All points of view welcome.

10-Mar-12, 20:21
Shop them! It's people like that that mean our pensioners get a pittance!

10-Mar-12, 20:22
if they are not declaring their earnings then yes they should be reported. after all the benefits they are getting is our money.they are not entitled to it. in fact they are thieves.

10-Mar-12, 20:29
Report them, if they are declaring it won't make any difference.

10-Mar-12, 20:38
I would say don't report them as at least they are showing some initiative. If their business becomes successful they may be able to do it full time and sign off.

10-Mar-12, 20:38
Yes and while your at it report every politician in Westminster they are the REAL reasons our pensioners get a pittance.

10-Mar-12, 20:39
Shop them! It's people like that that mean our pensioners get a pittance!

Unfortunately not... The pensioners will get a pittance anyway... If enough did get shopped to make a difference all that would probably happen is a tax cut for the rich.

10-Mar-12, 20:57
Report them and let the authorities decide.

10-Mar-12, 21:12
I suppose it depends how well their business is doing & what benefits their claiming.Some benefits are means tested some aren't.

10-Mar-12, 22:32
its all well and good saying shop them etc etc but why doesn't anyone ..maybe cause the attitude of living up here and having your windows bust in, your car scratched up and smashed, getting harassed by the cheat or someone who is still cheating but not got caught.. that is why people don't say anything.

If we want an open and fair society then this shouldn't (real world is next door) i know they say that its anomymous you reporting them but everyone knows that someone says something and you dont seem to be able to say anything without getting a comeback of I was only trying to pay for lecky, food .....

does this involve the people who claim benefits and go clamming, fishing, out in the woods chopping logs, cutting gardens and the list goes on and I will be now harassed by someone thinking because i mention it that i may have told on them. The mere mention and people harass you, make yoiur life hell and then the age old question "is it worth it?" to yourself then the country and majority of people say NO at risk of danger to yourself, never mind the economy.

Hey thats my pennys worth lets hope i dont get a brick through a window later....!

11-Mar-12, 13:21
Would anyone consider someone who is living on benefits but openly running a business via Facebook as a benefit cheat ?

If you are close enough to the person you are talking about that you are privy to the ins and outs of their financial situation, then you are their friend and can tell them that you think what

they are doing is wrong. If, however, it is just gossip and speculation, then your concience must decide.....

11-Mar-12, 15:27
I would make sure you have your facts 100% correct before doing anything or it might just backfire and cause you a whole heap of grief. However if you are close to the person and know their financial situation inside and out then it's really a matter for your conscience.

11-Mar-12, 16:51
Selling stuff on facebook, Ebay and elsewhere is allowed if on benefits.
If its stuff you are wanting rid of/decluttering/emptying the loft/clearing out the wardrobes etc.
But buying things to sell on or making new things for profit is classed as a business.
And depending on the benefits the person recieves they may still be eligible/may not be eligible for the benefits they are claiming.
I suppose a lot of it comes down to the income they make from selling their things.
A few quid may still have to be declared, but, might not affect the benefits.
But I presume they looked into their "shop" and how it would affect their benefits if they were smart before setting up the shop.

David from Stockport
12-Mar-12, 23:45
You can run a business on Facebook if you are on benefits but each fortnight when you sign on you have to fill in a B7 form showing the hours you worked and the amount you earned .

13-Mar-12, 12:49
Selling stuff on facebook, Ebay and elsewhere is allowed if on benefits.
If its stuff you are wanting rid of/decluttering/emptying the loft/clearing out the wardrobes etc.
But buying things to sell on or making new things for profit is classed as a business.
And depending on the benefits the person recieves they may still be eligible/may not be eligible for the benefits they are claiming.
I suppose a lot of it comes down to the income they make from selling their things.
A few quid may still have to be declared, but, might not affect the benefits.
But I presume they looked into their "shop" and how it would affect their benefits if they were smart before setting up the shop.

I now that they are buying goods to sell on.... my wife gave said person some baby stuff and other goods for free which later were up for sale. I doubt that anything has been said to the benefit people about there little buisness.

13-Mar-12, 12:50
You can run a business on Facebook if you are on benefits but each fortnight when you sign on you have to fill in a B7 form showing the hours you worked and the amount you earned .

I doubt that they are doing this..... My wife knows the person rather well and money always comes first!

David from Stockport
13-Mar-12, 16:42
Then id tell the dss , its not right when people claim for everything then work undeclared its one reason why this country is in such a mess . Yes greedy bankers need sorting out but so does this welfare state , it always anoys me when you read about these cheats and people claiming for non-existant kids , or they have a bad back but can still run,swim,play sports - but not work .
You get young soldiers losing arms/legs and still want to serve there country ,then you get scum claiming for everything . Gets me why the authourities exept some of these claims in the 1st place without checking .
I know a girl who works in my local Job centre in Stockport andshe gets very wound up by the lacks system, the staff see people coming in to sign on then leaving and getting into works vans etc , she gets fed up dealing with idle people who are paid more in benefits than she gets for working full-time . The whole welfare system needs reforming , how can the same people keep getting caught - if you are caught you should lose the right to claim benefits until you have paid back all the money you cheated .

rob murray
13-Mar-12, 16:59
Then id tell the dss , its not right when people claim for everything then work undeclared its one reason why this country is in such a mess . Yes greedy bankers need sorting out but so does this welfare state , it always anoys me when you read about these cheats and people claiming for non-existant kids , or they have a bad back but can still run,swim,play sports - but not work .
You get young soldiers losing arms/legs and still want to serve there country ,then you get scum claiming for everything . Gets me why the authourities exept some of these claims in the 1st place without checking .
I know a girl who works in my local Job centre in Stockport andshe gets very wound up by the lacks system, the staff see people coming in to sign on then leaving and getting into works vans etc , she gets fed up dealing with idle people who are paid more in benefits than she gets for working full-time . The whole welfare system needs reforming , how can the same people keep getting caught - if you are caught you should lose the right to claim benefits until you have paid back all the money you cheated .

Any fair reasonably minded person has to agree with the concept of welfare benefits, however loads of people disagree with the benefits system...so re design the system. Succesive governments have cut back on staffing in benefits offices, just check locally on this situation. Local offices used to have the powers to directly investigate stop and prosecute fraud...and quite rightly so. Empower local offices to deliver a full service and dont fall for the garbage that everyone is at it and people soley on benefits have a great life on benefits..they never and they dont

13-Mar-12, 22:35
Genuine benefit cheats do need reporting, if you are sure they are cheating that is. (it could be a waste of public resources if you're not sure)

When someone has been claiming unemployment benefits for some time they become entitled to go onto a self-employment scheme, if self employment is a real and viable option for them, in order to give them the opportunity to work themselves off the benefits.
I have worked hard for many years and was pretty successful in my field but, the recession and unforeseen circumstances forced me out and on the benefits. It was a devastating blow to my self esteem and self worth, a feeling that's made worse by the fact that gaining employment at my age is so much harder in todays market for the younger ones; harder still when my previous qualification are now considered out of date and not possible to update here in the Highlands.
When I found myself in this sole destroying position I genuinely didn't think it would take long to find work but, now, self-employment seems to be the most promising option.
I am pleased to say, that with the help of 20/20 Clearview in Wick and the scheme through the Benefits Office, I've just started a business that I hope will lead to me becoming independent from the benefits and into full time self-employment. Yes, I have to declare all earnings and the hours worked each fortnight by filling in a B7 form. Benefits are deducted from those earnings. If the earnings exceed the benefits for a period then you do sign off the benefits and go it alone.

It can be very difficult for some people of a certain age or criteria to find employment so, sometimes, the only way out for them may well be self-employment, utilizing what skills and abilities they might have. Thank heavens for schemes like these that offer people like myself 'hope' in a climate that is more focused on employing the younger ones and leaving the older ones feeling abandoned. we need more schemes like these.

Anyone who is starting self-employment in todays financial climate deserves a medal and support, it's not easy, it's harder and longer hours for relatively little in return. That new business, if successful, could lead to the employment of others in a fairly short period of time. One of those new employees might just be yourself in the need of work after finding yourself in a situation like mine or like over 2.5 million others.

Unemployment is like cancer, it doesn't recognize age, race or creed and can strike and any time, for any reason and when you're least expecting it.

A New business is opening soon at the old Lochshell Garage, just outside of Wick, and I wish them all the success in the world, they deserve a medal and all the support we can give them. They may well become employers too one day and boy! do we need more employers right now.


13-Mar-12, 22:52
if they are not declaring their earnings then yes they should be reported. after all the benefits they are getting is our money.they are not entitled to it. in fact they are thieves.

Do you really think that you would be any better of if these people where reported, I dont think so the government would find something else to spend the money on.

13-Mar-12, 22:53
Would anyone consider someone who is living on benefits but openly running a business via Facebook as a benefit cheat ?

Good luck to them I say.

13-Mar-12, 23:07
Sounds like they are selling unwanted/unneeded stuff rather than buying in new stuff to sell.
Are you just miffed the baby stuff wasnt used?
It might just have been squirrelled away until it fitted then forgotten about and outgrown before being worn...(done it twice with one outfit that was gorgeous with the girls and meant them to wear it but the season was wrong when it fitted them)Yup I have been guilty of that sin myself!
Or wasnt to her taste, but, was to nice to say and liked the thought behind the pressie....rather than the actual pressie.
Which is like a carboot/classified ad/sticky in the shop type of thing (but up to date in the tech era)rather than a business as such.

14-Mar-12, 06:41
I'm sure if he/or she were making a fortune of a facebook and claiming dole, ie doing better than you,you would'nt need to ask anyone else if they would shop them! as him / her would already be shopped!!

Let them get caught under their own steam.

Big Gaz
14-Mar-12, 11:02
"When someone has been claiming unemployment benefits for some time they become entitled to go onto a self-employment scheme, if self employment is a real and viable option for them, in order to give them the opportunity to work themselves off the benefits."

Well Sketch, Thats exactly what i did. I was basically railroaded into it though last year. I was forced onto a 4 week course through one of the locally employed "business helpers" which was geared to "interest" me in self-employment which in turn led to a 3 months business trial. I borrowed some cash off a friend (no-one would lend me money with me being unemployed!) bought some stock and turned it into my business idea. Over the 3 months this duly brought in around £1500, profit from that being just under £500. The business helper said it was great, fab idea, would work well and i had a promising product and business idea" so was kinda difficult to tell the dole i didn't want to do it. The dole sorted everything out to get rid of me and i was promised by them £40 a week for 6 months, my rent paid for 6 months, a £250 signing off bonus and a further £500 after 6 months and access to an interest free business loan of £2000 through the local business centre. They said i could also claim tax credits so i thought it had to be better than the dole, if only to save the constant barrage from them about finding a job in a town where there were no jobs! (not Wick btw). The truth of the matter was i went self-employed, signed off, DIDN'T get the £250 or £500 signing off bonus, nor the £40 a week for 6 months and certainly not the housing benefit/council tax benefit either. The local business centre said they had run out of funds and couldn't get the loan and besides, my business idea to them wasn't viable. I was lied to about all of this and as i had no proof, it was suck it and see!. Tax credits went on the previous years earnings so i was ruled out of that, I had to make a fresh claim with the housing due to low income so i got into rent arrears and couldn't pay my council tax in full and the claims weren't backdated either!. The business struggled on because all the income went on my living costs and it ended up with me unable to afford any more materials and stock so i just called it quits. I'm now being harassed by the taxman for books that i cant afford to get organised and also for the unpaid self-employment stamps i couldn't afford to pay. Most weeks i had £20 maybe £30 at most to live on so it was by no means easy! Now i'm unemployed and i will have a £100 fine for a late tax return and need to find a few hundred pounds to do the remainder of the business books so its not at all looking good. I really wish i hadn't done this as my lifelong credit standing is shot to hell, i have lost many friends including the one who loaned me some cash to start up and the future isn't looking good either now. I really wish anyone trying self-employment the best of luck but to go into it with eyes open and with a safety plan should it go to the wall because you won't get help if it does and if its organised or assisted by the dole then GET ANY PROMISES OF FUNDS IN WRITING!

rob murray
14-Mar-12, 17:36
"When someone has been claiming unemployment benefits for some time they become entitled to go onto a self-employment scheme, if self employment is a real and viable option for them, in order to give them the opportunity to work themselves off the benefits."

Well Sketch, Thats exactly what i did. I was basically railroaded into it though last year. I was forced onto a 4 week course through one of the locally employed "business helpers" which was geared to "interest" me in self-employment which in turn led to a 3 months business trial. I borrowed some cash off a friend (no-one would lend me money with me being unemployed!) bought some stock and turned it into my business idea. Over the 3 months this duly brought in around £1500, profit from that being just under £500. The business helper said it was great, fab idea, would work well and i had a promising product and business idea" so was kinda difficult to tell the dole i didn't want to do it. The dole sorted everything out to get rid of me and i was promised by them £40 a week for 6 months, my rent paid for 6 months, a £250 signing off bonus and a further £500 after 6 months and access to an interest free business loan of £2000 through the local business centre. They said i could also claim tax credits so i thought it had to be better than the dole, if only to save the constant barrage from them about finding a job in a town where there were no jobs! (not Wick btw). The truth of the matter was i went self-employed, signed off, DIDN'T get the £250 or £500 signing off bonus, nor the £40 a week for 6 months and certainly not the housing benefit/council tax benefit either. The local business centre said they had run out of funds and couldn't get the loan and besides, my business idea to them wasn't viable. I was lied to about all of this and as i had no proof, it was suck it and see!. Tax credits went on the previous years earnings so i was ruled out of that, I had to make a fresh claim with the housing due to low income so i got into rent arrears and couldn't pay my council tax in full and the claims weren't backdated either!. The business struggled on because all the income went on my living costs and it ended up with me unable to afford any more materials and stock so i just called it quits. I'm now being harassed by the taxman for books that i cant afford to get organised and also for the unpaid self-employment stamps i couldn't afford to pay. Most weeks i had £20 maybe £30 at most to live on so it was by no means easy! Now i'm unemployed and i will have a £100 fine for a late tax return and need to find a few hundred pounds to do the remainder of the business books so its not at all looking good. I really wish i hadn't done this as my lifelong credit standing is shot to hell, i have lost many friends including the one who loaned me some cash to start up and the future isn't looking good either now. I really wish anyone trying self-employment the best of luck but to go into it with eyes open and with a safety plan should it go to the wall because you won't get help if it does and if its organised or assisted by the dole then GET ANY PROMISES OF FUNDS IN WRITING!

It chokes me to actually say this but the simplest system I have ever seen was instigated by the Thatcher govt of early 80's....the enterpirse allowance scheme...show that you had £1000.00 behind you and an idea ( not a business plan...but an idea ) then you could sign off as self employed, get your dole paid plus an additional tenner, this meant that passport benefits ie housing benefit was also paid. Scheme funded you for one year..all you had to do was sign off on the basis that you were going self employed ...thats it. The scheme was used by Alan Mcghee ( music mogul / Oasis etc ) now a multi millionaire and utilised by a host of bands to basically get dole plus a tenner an rent paid...beg steal borrow to get the grand...all you needed was a bank statement showing you had the money, so in one day and pay back the next...brilliantly simple scheme....the complexity of the system now, especially what you personally went through shows me that its all talk from the state...and no damn delivery. Well tried mate and hard luck...at least you tried it

14-Mar-12, 17:50
I now that they are buying goods to sell on.... my wife gave said person some baby stuff and other goods for free which later were up for sale. I doubt that anything has been said to the benefit people about there little buisness.

I dont know you (or said person) but from this one post I know exactly who you are on about!!!
Now selling special homemade bundles for mothers day?!
I had words with her when a pic of an item I was selling appeared on her page.
It was my photo, with my house in the background but she was selling as hers?!
Worst was I still had the item at home lol

14-Mar-12, 23:23
So is this just another Facebook row spilling over onto the .org?

14-Mar-12, 23:52
So is this just another Facebook row spilling over onto the .org?

kinda, but probably on here too as she regularly has things for sale on here too.
i think its more to do with whats shes doing rather than where she's doing it.

14-Mar-12, 23:57
Name n' shame! Let's get it out in the open, public hanging an' everythink.

15-Mar-12, 01:07
I dont know you (or said person) but from this one post I know exactly who you are on about!!!
Now selling special homemade bundles for mothers day?!
I had words with her when a pic of an item I was selling appeared on her page.
It was my photo, with my house in the background but she was selling as hers?!
Worst was I still had the item at home lol

Aye i also know who you are talking about. I do believe she is banned on here now.
Aye she's been known to use other people's pics. She never takes her own pics, always uses someone elses or a link. Not hard to take out the camera and take one. Well as long as the camera wishes to work that is lol.
I'm sure copyright will catch up with her one day.