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View Full Version : Come & Try Lazertag Sessions, Thurso - Thu 5th April during Easter holidays

08-Mar-12, 15:03
Tazball Paintball & Lazertag (http://www.tazballpaintball.co.uk/) are visiting Thurso with their mobile Lazertag gear on Thursday 5th April and are offering 3 x 1-hour sessions for kids to come & try something a bit different. This is completely safe and should be a lot of fun! Sessions are £5 per child for an hour and the following time/age slots are available:-

5-8 years - 10am
9-12 years - 11am
13-16 years - 3pm

The venue is Millbank rugby pitch beside the swimming pool so there's every likelihood of muddy conditions so old clothes are recommended.

No bookings are necessary - just turn up in good time

14-Mar-12, 18:37

26-Mar-12, 09:43
Bump........ please note that there are only 20 spots available per age group

04-Apr-12, 13:23
The Come & Try sessions will go ahead tomorrow regardless of weather (hopefully as sunny as just now lol), but please ensure your kids are dressed appropriately - warm & waterproof as required!

05-Apr-12, 19:56
Well despite the rain the day was a great success with about 60 kids enjoying the lazer tag. The Taz team were delighted with the turnout and have said they will be happy to return, so we'll see if we can arrange something for during the summer holidays :D Huge thanks to Caithness Rugby Club for the loan of their pitch and for opening up their changerooms for toilet access, and also to Thurso Swimming Pool for putting up with a hoard of kids descending to shower off the mud, swim, & eat afterwards!!!

07-Apr-12, 11:23
My nephews both had a great time! Thanks

07-Apr-12, 20:35
Great time was had by all Thanks for organising the event:lol:

10-Apr-12, 22:04
Photos from the day can be found on the Taz Paintball & Lazertag Facebook page here (http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150641513501220.386517.254952291219&type=1)

11-Apr-12, 00:41
Well done Bob, looks like the kids had a lot of fun!

Hope the BIG kids managed a wee shot too. ;)