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View Full Version : What android apps do you use with your kids?

04-Mar-12, 00:30
I am looking to expand the apps on my tablet to include something more educational ( THAT THE LITTLE ONES WONT REALISE IS EDUCATIONAL) as my tablet isnt mine anymore:(
So far the kid friendly apps are tom cat, angry birds and a couple of stories on the kindle books...
I was getting bogged down with the amount of apps possible and the content of the apps, so, was looking to see what other parents here use for p1/2 and unders...
ASome help to narrow the field would be good....
As my tablet was well used today by my kids and others during the "waiting time" for one to do her ballet and the others waiting.
Gathered extra kids too..so never got to read a bit of my book on the tablet, and, I didnt think to take a real book with me..oops!
But some inexpensive engaging apps for littler ones would be appreciated...you know learning without feeling like you are getting taught is always a bonus for those boring times!

04-Mar-12, 02:40
let them play angry birds or get a fart app or something equally stupid, why get an app that's learning without learning ?

either put your tablet away or let them choose what they like no matter how inane or uneducational

04-Mar-12, 06:08
there are a couple of stylophone type apps which are kind of fun. There are games like red stone and sokoban which are really quite educational and various wordsearch apps, some of which are geared for younger users.Tbh, the Android market isn't particularly dodgy or laden with harmful or 'adult' content. As Roger says, they can probably find stuff for themselves.... and yes, I think you're going to have to get another tablet for yourself :-)