View Full Version : want to know how benefits changes might affect you?

Nick Noble
27-Feb-12, 21:36
There are massive changes in progress in the Welfare Benefits system.

If you receive any of the following benefits:

Working Tax Credit

Housing Benefit

Council Tax Benefit

Any working age benefits (e.g. JSA, ESA, ...)


Then these changes could affect you.

If you want to hear more come along and bring a friend:

Tuesday 28th February
7:00pm to 8:00pm
in the
Ormlie Centre

This event is organised by the Highland Council Tenant Participation Officer, Lorna Simpson, if you are unable to attend the meeting you can contact Lorna on 01955 607707 or
email to [email protected]

Nick Noble
28-Feb-12, 10:37
just a reminder this is TONIGHT at 7:00 PM