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View Full Version : thoughtfull and well written piece about the LibDems in the Guardian

Nick Noble
09-Feb-12, 14:32
An iteresting piece, written very much from the perspective of Westminster politics, but many of the observations are also pertinent to Scotland.


Corrie 3
09-Feb-12, 14:53
"But the fact is that he is in the middle of proving that coalition governments can work" = quote !!!

Proving to who, he hasn't proved it to me yet. All he has proved to me is that he and his Cronies are enjoying their bit of power and glory. He is happy to let the Tories hit the poor and lame whilst making their rich Pals even richer!!!
No Nick, the LibDems will always be a third party, if they manage to hover around 11% which is their norm of the vote then they will be lucky. Don't be fooled into thinking that people will forgive and forget about them having an orgy in bed with the Tories.
I really feel sorry for voters in England because they don't have a decent party to vote for, the LibDems could have done themselves a very big favour at the last elections but they chose to throw it all away for warm bed with the nasty Tories.
I never want to see them in a coalition ever again, they are not worthy of having any power whatsoever !!!


09-Feb-12, 14:55
Mirror mirror on the wall, this article's a bleedin' fairytale"

get a grip nick your party is finished , bunch of crims,

David Laws resigned due to expenses
Chris Huhne resigned due to being about to face trial.
Who's the next cab off the rank if someone else has to resign, or St Vince decides he can't take it any more? Can't be many suitable ones left - and they've already got Danny Alexander in at Chief Secretary.
I genuinely don't believe it's getting better for the Lib Dems. Has anyone else noticed that when the Tories are about to do something unpopular, they always wheel on a Lib Dem to make the statement.
In 2015 people will work out that if they want to vote for the coalition, they might as well vote Tory.

09-Feb-12, 15:46
I like the idea of coalition governments it's the way a lot of other countries work, seems more democratic and balanced to me better than the system before where the party that got into power spent 10-15 years undoing what the previous government did and doing their own thing, only to have the same thing done to them when the other guys get in.

The elimination of party whips and voting along party lines would help also.

I just don't think this particular coalition is well executed. The Lib Dems have been a moderating force on the Tories just not as much as I'd have liked.