View Full Version : our names!!!

04-Aug-06, 07:42
Just out of curiousity, how did you come by your username. I used Lolabelle because one of my dog's names is Lola and I can always remember it. How about you?
What's your story?:D

04-Aug-06, 07:44
Mine is because im a lassie in fife........... not to be confused with a fife lassie which im not:lol:

04-Aug-06, 07:52
I do Genealogy so I'm looking for Kin (and mostly find them too!) kin getter

04-Aug-06, 08:39
i got my nickname bigjjuk

BIG as in im 6ft 2 thats bigish
JJ When i was little my family and friends called me JJ for short as my name is Jason
UK Well its my country and im proud to have it in my name
so there u go


04-Aug-06, 08:54
Just out of curiousity, how did you come by your username. I used Lolabelle because one of my dog's names is Lola and I can always remember it. How about you?
What's your story?:DI got mine because when I first signed on I did not have a clue what I was doing,and dont know how to change it? Robin

04-Aug-06, 12:02

04-Aug-06, 12:44
No I've not got any Russian blood - it's just my sisters nickname for me. A friend has also shortened it and mangled it's Russian overtones and now calls me Bobski, so I sometimes use that too...

04-Aug-06, 13:22
Mine is my old work log on name although I sign myself Halkirk Chickie which is what I wish I had chosen in the first place.

04-Aug-06, 13:26
I chose my name because I am a huge fan of rock music and 84 is the year I was born.

04-Aug-06, 13:44
I was inspired to give myself this name because of the name of the ancient kingdom of Rheghed which span from Glasgow to north wales in the 6th-9th century. The heart of which is now Cumbria where I was born, it is believed by some historians that St. Patrick was a Rheghedian as well!

Rheghedians had their own language called Cumbric, a branch of Old Welsh, which is unfortunately lost into antiquity but remnants still survive today in shepherd counting songs.

04-Aug-06, 13:57
A Lewis Carroll nonsense poem fan......... (http://www.jabberwocky.com/carroll/jabber/jabberwocky.html)

04-Aug-06, 14:08
I chose tillygirl because of Tilly Trotter by Catherine Cookson

04-Aug-06, 15:07
sj are my initials... wahwah either something to do with Jimi Hendrix.. water... or I don't really know why.. was spontaneously typing at the time.

04-Aug-06, 18:09
Elenna is the name I chose a few years back for the fanfics and RP sites I belong to and co-manage. Its the only nickname I've ever had, and I guess it suits me because the people I have now met from those sites call me Elenna rather than my everyday name. :lol:

04-Aug-06, 18:39
My horse's name is Razz quite boring really!:D

Tiger Jones
04-Aug-06, 20:26
I was raised by a family of tigers from the age of 2 when I fell out of a plane that was flying over an uninhabited area of Asia known as Jonesland.

Well, that's not quite accurate...

My surname is Jones and one of my nicknames is 'tiger' - partly because they are my favourites of all the big cats.

04-Aug-06, 20:39
Self explanatory really

A Caithness Chicky born and breed! :D

04-Aug-06, 20:52
I live near the Thames by Oxford and the river is called the Isis around there.

Also, I was eating some Oxford Isis cheese when I was signing up.

It stinks but tastes great.

04-Aug-06, 21:19
I live near the Thames by Oxford and the river is called the Isis around there.Unless it's the Cherwell we're talking about, and I get it all wrong - again. :o

I am a Jedi Doctor, a Senior Zenmeister in Naboo.

04-Aug-06, 21:25
I am a Jedi Doctor, a Senior Zenmeister in Naboo.

ah so thats where it comes from.. now i ken.

mine comes from star wars the obi bit and the rest is initials in my name.

04-Aug-06, 21:42
From the film the Net with Sandra Bullock - Praetorian was the baddie who represented the Praetorians an organization that's was attempting to take over the world using computers as it main weapon.

04-Aug-06, 23:24
I'm odd........and I'm a quine.

Cedric Farthsbottom III
04-Aug-06, 23:26
My name is Cedric Farthsbottom III,a cousin of the Queen and a distant relative of the Queen of Sweden that Abba wrote'Dancing Queen' for.

KNICKERS!!!My work mate is Frederick and I am CEDRIC!!!!:lol: :lol:

05-Aug-06, 01:02
Did mine so no1 wud kno who i was

05-Aug-06, 02:02
Unless it's the Cherwell we're talking about, and I get it all wrong - again. :oHa ha szin, you're learning fast.

Mines is a secret. Only me and my best friend know.

Big Jean
05-Aug-06, 02:04
Jean is part of my name, and as we have other family members with the same name and I am the older one, I am -- big Jean !!! Could have been worse, it might have been --" old Jean " !!! tee hee

05-Aug-06, 03:09
Nickname from school. Came about by combining the first letter of my first name with my surname without the first letter.

05-Aug-06, 05:24
I was inspired to give myself this name because of the name of the ancient kingdom of Rheghed which span from Glasgow to north wales in the 6th-9th century. The heart of which is now Cumbria where I was born, it is believed by some historians that St. Patrick was a Rheghedian as well!

Rheghedians had their own language called Cumbric, a branch of Old Welsh, which is unfortunately lost into antiquity but remnants still survive today in shepherd counting songs.
Yan, Tan, Tathra. If my memory serves me correctly, though I'm no so sure about the spelling. I never knew the origins though. I know The old Cumbran farmers used a lot of words peculiar to the area, in fact in many ways a language separate from any other.

05-Aug-06, 05:33
I settled on JAWS beause I'm Just Another White Settler.
I believe that all people have the right to be insulted equally, myself included.
And no, it is not something I have ever heard used to describe me.

05-Aug-06, 09:41
i'm short .... but u all guessed that already [lol]

05-Aug-06, 09:42
But 'big' of you to admit it!

05-Aug-06, 17:24
Kolskegg is Gunnar's brother in "Njal's Saga".

05-Aug-06, 17:37
Mines is a secret. Only me and my best friend know.

Are you named after the only writing implements with which you are trusted to use?:D

Sorry I couldn't resist that one!

05-Aug-06, 17:51
mine comes from the street I grew up in, though I've been away longer than I've lived there.

05-Aug-06, 20:01
Are you named after the only writing implements with which you are trusted to use?

Sorry I couldn't resist that one!

I'm getting a feeling of deja vu here Rheghead - was it you who said it before? A bit cheeky R - not like you at all [smirk]

Moira is my best friend - and a big part of my life ;)

05-Aug-06, 21:47
Mine is because I have been wishing for some nice news for along time now, hence my username "Wish":D

05-Aug-06, 21:50
How long is a long time? like really long?

05-Aug-06, 21:55
How long is a long time? like really long?

Yup really really long:confused

My mam used to say, wishes do come true, still waiting for mine though!

05-Aug-06, 22:06
So, if your wish came true, would you then change the name wish?

05-Aug-06, 22:15
So, if your wish came true, would you then change the name wish?
Hmm thats a good question:confused

I'd probably change it to "The Lucky One"

05-Aug-06, 22:43
Be interesting to know what your wish is, but of course, you can't say, can you?

05-Aug-06, 22:48
Be interesting to know what your wish is, but of course, you can't say, can you?

:confusedSorry no, I have to keep schtum, if my wish is going to come true:D

05-Aug-06, 22:50
Hope it does, really hope so!

06-Aug-06, 09:51
Sounds kinda like my real name - with a much more interesting spelling!

06-Aug-06, 09:55
Mine is my real name; reckoned there are so many Anns in Caithness it would take a while to suss me out!

Bottom line is I don't mind people knowing who I am but sometimes I wish I had used something more glamorous and mysterious.

rs 2k
06-Aug-06, 19:47
my username rs 2k was thought up to reflect one of my interests

the ford escort mark 2 RS 2000 , sad really but hey its only a user name in the end!!!:lol:

peedie man
06-Aug-06, 20:48
im just a peedie mannie

06-Aug-06, 21:46
Mine is my name - I'm too old and silly to remember anything else.

06-Aug-06, 22:04
My User Name Comes From Driving A Truck For A Living

06-Aug-06, 23:37
My User Name Comes From Driving A Truck For A Living
Then I really should have used Truckerwidow for mine, although I am not a widow but sometimes I may as well be, lol :lol:

What kind of truck to you drive, there is a picture of our trucks on the doghouse thread.

07-Aug-06, 09:01
My Mum's maiden name was Jack & I like a natter. My boss says I can talk for England. I also turn into a princess when I'm kissed.

07-Aug-06, 16:48
KAT1E - cos i am katie - KT - cant afford the car registration plate tho... any donations would be welcome

07-Aug-06, 17:11
I was raised by a family of tigers from the age of 2 when I fell out of a plane that was flying over an uninhabited area of Asia known as Jonesland.

Well, that's not quite accurate...

My surname is Jones and one of my nicknames is 'tiger' - partly because they are my favourites of all the big cats.

Excellent - another JONES!!! Jones by birth or by marriage out of interest? Love the picture of the tiger - that should be the trade mark of all us Joneses because it's strong, graceful, noble and unbeatable!!!!!!!! :p Woohooo!
As for my username, I was having a phase of drinking hot cocoa most nights last winter and so I decided to use it as a name on the "org" !

percy toboggan
07-Aug-06, 21:01
I was listening to the radio when I signed up. They were playing 'When a Man loves a woman' so my username is a slight twist on Percy Sledge. The toboggan bit is also a homage to the funniest Scotsman I know of, and his hilarious story of a tobogganist.

07-Aug-06, 21:04
Well, my Name is Robin and 170491 is my birthday 17/04/1991

Tiger Jones
07-Aug-06, 22:39
Excellent - another JONES!!! Jones by birth or by marriage out of interest? Love the picture of the tiger - that should be the trade mark of all us Joneses because it's strong, graceful, noble and unbeatable!!!!!!!! Woohooo!
As for my username, I was having a phase of drinking hot cocoa most nights last winter and so I decided to use it as a name on the "org" !Hi Cocoa.

Well, I'll be keeping 'Jones' even if I do get married. I'm not keen on taking any future wife's surname, you see. Unless she's also a Jones and then I may reconsider ;)

I agree with your trade mark idea. grr :D

Cocoa, eh? That's part of the chocolate making process. Mmm cho-co-late.

07-Aug-06, 23:24
taylor cause thats my name and .4 cause there's 4 in the family.:lol:

08-Aug-06, 02:30
Jones is just the best surname ever (a pretty biased opinion :lol: LOL)
Yep, I am another Jones in case you're wondering!! I actually have the privilege of being Cocoa's beloved wee sis [lol]
Patsy -x-

08-Aug-06, 02:37
Jones is just the best surname ever (a pretty biased opinion LOL)
Yep, I am another Jones in case you're wondering!! I actually have the privilege of being Cocoa's beloved wee sis [lol]
Patsy -x-

Hey, why r u not in bed?! :lol: xx

08-Aug-06, 02:40
Hi Cocoa.

Well, I'll be keeping 'Jones' even if I do get married. I'm not keen on taking any future wife's surname, you see. Unless she's also a Jones and then I may reconsider ;)

I agree with your trade mark idea. grr

Cocoa, eh? That's part of the chocolate making process. Mmm cho-co-late.

I guess that reply means you are a man then, TigerJones! I suppose it would be handy to keep the same name if I were to meet another JONES, hee hee! :lol:
Yes, cocoa is indeed a good part of chocolate - yum yum!!

08-Aug-06, 02:50
Hey, why r u not in bed?! xx

Hehe very funny Cocoa [lol] Mind your own business and why are you up yourself?! (We love each other really :Razz LOL)
Just realised the title & point of this thread now (!) - my username's Patsy because my middle name is Patricia.
Getting fairly late now Orgers (it's 3:00am)...G'night

08-Aug-06, 02:57
And time you were both under the covers with the lights out.

08-Aug-06, 05:55
Mine came from me being a female geologist (although I do enjoy rock music as well!)

08-Aug-06, 11:38
Jones is just the best surname ever (a pretty biased opinion LOL)
Yep, I am another Jones in case you're wondering!! I actually have the privilege of being Cocoa's beloved wee sis
Patsy -x-

Hey, don't forget me!!! [lol] As Patsy's older sister, and Cocoa's younger, I am yet another JONES!!! Speaking of which, has anyone heard about the meeting of Joneses that will take place on November the 3rd this year? I did a search and here is what I found:

July 18th 2006
In the north Wales town of Blaenau Ffestiniog, S4C will tomorrow announce its plans to stage the biggest get-together of Joneses in the world, breaking the Guinness World Record for the largest same surname gathering.

S4C hopes to fill the 1,600-seat Wales Millennium Centre in Cardiff with an audience of Joneses at a variety show starring a host of famous Joneses, in order to break the record, currently held by Sweden for a gathering of 583 Norbergs.

I really hope they succeed and break the Guinness World Record! It sounds really exciting...
Whooopeee! Go Joneses!!!! :D

Oh, and not to forget the topic of this thread: I chose my username simply because I play the piano, and Steinway & Sons are one of the best piano manufacturers in the world!

Tiger Jones
08-Aug-06, 13:08
I guess that reply means you are a man then, TigerJones! I suppose it would be handy to keep the same name if I were to meet another JONES, hee hee! :lol:
Yes, cocoa is indeed a good part of chocolate - yum yum!!
-x-Yes, I'm male. Please don't hold that against me though ;)

So... Patsy, Steinway and Cocoa are the Jones sisters? Bet you're a right handful when you combine forces lol

08-Aug-06, 21:26
Yes, I'm male. Please don't hold that against me though

So... Patsy, Steinway and Cocoa are the Jones sisters? Bet you're a right handful when you combine forces lol

Yep, we sure are [lol]



Tiger Jones
08-Aug-06, 21:52
Yep, we sure are


-x-x-Hear hear!

I say all we Joneses band together and rise up against our oppressors!

And if we don't have any oppressors, I say we march in unison until we find some!

Cannae beat a good march, eh? :cool:

09-Aug-06, 13:30
Hear hear!

I say all we Joneses band together and rise up against our oppressors!

And if we don't have any oppressors, I say we march in unison until we find some!

Cannae beat a good march, eh? :cool:

Too true Tiger Jones! Maybe a good start would be for you and us to attend the Joneses gathering in Wales - sounds ace!!!! Then we certainly would have safety in numbers against those oppressors! :lol:

Tiger Jones
09-Aug-06, 14:17
Too true Tiger Jones! Maybe a good start would be for you and us to attend the Joneses gathering in Wales - sounds ace!!!! Then we certainly would have safety in numbers against those oppressors! :lol:I attended a 60th wedding (renewing of vows) do last year and the place was packed with around 50 Jones' all related to me in some way from all over the world. I knew about 4 of them! I can only imagine how it would be with another 1600. :lol:

Do you think Tom will go? How about Davy Jones of the Monkees? David Bowie?

09-Aug-06, 16:15
Just out of curiousity, how did you come by your username. I used Lolabelle because one of my dog's names is Lola and I can always remember it. How about you?
What's your story?:D

I wanted something Scottish, because I was born and brought up in Scotland. On the spur of the moment, I chose Sporran, inspired by a photo of a friend in Highland dress. However, I sometimes wish I'd chosen something more feminine sounding - like Heather, for example.

09-Aug-06, 16:20
I wanted something Scottish, because I was born and brought up in Scotland. On the spur of the moment, I chose Sporran, inspired by a photo of a friend in Highland dress. However, I sometimes wish I'd chosen something more feminine sounding - like Heather, for example.Sporran as nice as your name is I prefered you as I always remember you ....as a Lady ...:lol:

09-Aug-06, 16:51
Sporran as nice as your name is I prefered you as I always remember you ....as a Lady ...:lol:

Thanks Golach! Heck, when I was growing up, my mum even told me I was "Born to be a Lady", lol!

I named "Lady" as one of my favourite songs on another thread today. Lionel Richie must have had me in mind when he wrote it! ;)

09-Aug-06, 17:49
Hear hear!

I say all we Joneses band together and rise up against our oppressors!

And if we don't have any oppressors, I say we march in unison until we find some!

Cannae beat a good march, eh?

[lol] LOL C'mon Joneses!! Combine forces to battle against all oppressors [lol] LOL Sounds like a good idea to me lol.............

09-Aug-06, 19:46
Mine is self explanatory I think. Except I now have a taste for magners. But I dont think NFJCIder or NFJMAgners has the same ring to it.

09-Aug-06, 21:16
Hello Tiger (or should that be 'Grrrrrr'?!!! [lol] ),

Time to introduce myself as another Jones!!! Your thread has made me come out of the closet to reveal my identity.... I'll let the quick-witted 'Orgers' reason for themselves as to my connections with the smart cookies here on the Org....

My husband's favourite animal is also a tiger, but meantime we have to be content with our domestic moggies 'pawing around'!! I guess it would come as a bit of a shock if one of the smart cookies informed me that there was a tiger in the garden... A good excuse to get out of doing any weeding!!!

Regarding the topic of the thread:
I do not have a nom de plume, nor an alias; I decided for various personal reasons to be myself !!.... ;)

Tiger Jones
09-Aug-06, 22:06
Hello Tiger (or should that be 'Grrrrrr'?!!!),

Time to introduce myself as another Jones!!! Your thread has made me come out of the closet to reveal my identity.... I'll let the quick-witted 'Orgers' reason for themselves as to my connections with the smart cookies here on the Org....

My husband's favourite animal is also a tiger, but meantime we have to be content with our domestic moggies 'pawing around'!! I guess it would come as a bit of a shock if one of the smart cookies informed me that there was a tiger in the garden... A good excuse to get out of doing any weeding!!!Hi Yvonne. Grrrrrr is just fine ;)

Another Jones eh? I can feel world domination beckoning us. I'm sure we could do a good job too!

And I've seen a couple of domestic moggies that would give a tiger a run for its money :lol:

10-Aug-06, 19:30
Goodness, the Joneses are taking over this thread (not to mention the world [lol] LOL)
I agree TJ, we have a couple of tom cats who are not too unlike tigers :lol:

10-Aug-06, 19:56
PARIS.......Well its where my grandmother came from but also my daughters dogs name !

13-Aug-06, 13:57
Mine is dpw39 only becuase it was my very first email address - dpw being my initials and 13 times by 3 = 39.

I don't use the address as often as others though.


Dave the Rave.
aka dpw39 :cool:

02-Nov-06, 20:17
I was just looking at all the different id's that we have.
I took to thinking why did we choose the names we did?
I choose mine because i write some very strange poetry,
One of my first poems was called Dancingwitch's...

02-Nov-06, 20:19
i chose mine as its the same id i use for a lot of things.
the ems bit is for emma and the zxr bit is for the kind of motorbike i have

footie chick
02-Nov-06, 20:24
It was on the t-shirt I was wearing when I registered and couldn't think of anything else. :lol:

02-Nov-06, 20:26
It was on the t-shirt I was wearing when I registered and couldn't think of anything else. :lol:

LoL.. that was me thinking that u were heavily inta football ...

footie chick
02-Nov-06, 20:45
LoL.. that was me thinking that u were heavily inta football ...

I am well Caithness and English only

02-Nov-06, 20:49
Hmm, seems like there are 4 pages on this topic already....

02-Nov-06, 20:55
*grins* well mine is just my name *laughs* no big inspiration there!

02-Nov-06, 21:11
I love Piglet so i thought it would be an easy to remember user name. ;)

02-Nov-06, 21:50
cant say how i chose my name as might get another warning from niall fernie.

02-Nov-06, 21:57
Hmm, seems like there are 4 pages on this topic already....

Danc1ngwitch is a fairly new member of the forum and as such may not be fully acquainted with all the previous threads that are in existance, and as the thread you point to is on page 52 of 248 she may not have seen it recently.

by replying to her thread with what I interperated as a "TUT TUT" attitude may put others off joining the org especially if they get the impression that they have to search for a topic to see if its been touched upon before.

and going back on topic I chose mine cos I like dragonflys!

02-Nov-06, 22:02
adding to that dragonfly the people who have added to this thread might not have added to previous ones so its nice to see why they are called what they are.

02-Nov-06, 22:13
Danc1ngwitch is a fairly new member of the forum and as such may not be fully acquainted with all the previous threads that are in existance, and as the thread you point to is on page 52 of 248 she may not have seen it recently.

by replying to her thread with what I interperated as a "TUT TUT" attitude may put others off joining the org especially if they get the impression that they have to search for a topic to see if its been touched upon before.

and going back on topic I chose mine cos I like dragonflys!

This is just a typical example of the way the org is going [disgust]

02-Nov-06, 22:23
seems like Danc1ngwitches thread has now been merged with the other username thread to keep things tidy

02-Nov-06, 23:43
Thought it might be interesting for Danc1ngwitches to be able to see the responses to the original thread - many folk including myself wouldn't bother to answer a thread a second time.:D

03-Nov-06, 00:02
Name has been made from combining the childrens names and the age the youngest was when we went tinternet.
Good few years now !!

03-Nov-06, 00:35
Danc1ngwitch is a fairly new member of the forum and as such may not be fully acquainted with all the previous threads that are in existance, and as the thread you point to is on page 52 of 248 she may not have seen it recently.

A quick search would reveal that thread - it worked for me...

by replying to her thread with what I interperated as a "TUT TUT" attitude may put others off joining the org especially if they get the impression that they have to search for a topic to see if its been touched upon before.

Interpret as you wish... I'm sure no-one would be put off by my remark. There are quite a few other posts more likely to do that...

and going back on topic I chose mine cos I like dragonflys!


Makes note: Next time just merge and say nowt....

03-Nov-06, 00:59
"canuck" is a French Canadian (Quebecois) version of Canadian.

Or if you look in a Western dictionary you will discover it derives from the Native American word for Chinook. Golach don't you dare call me a "wind bag." Caithness winds don't hold a candle to a chinook wind.

03-Nov-06, 09:53
Thought it might be interesting for Danc1ngwitches to be able to see the responses to the original thread - many folk including myself wouldn't bother to answer a thread a second time.:D

nicely put Changilass, doesn't put down the originator of the repeated thread or raise the hackles :)

Cedric Farthsbottom III
03-Nov-06, 16:58
I was just looking at all the different id's that we have.
I took to thinking why did we choose the names we did?
I choose mine because i write some very strange poetry,
One of my first poems was called Dancingwitch's...

Crackin post.For a quite new orger to answer a thread before yer org time is Brilliant.Just shows to us all that yer new but yer happy to catch up on lost time.On yersel dragonfly.:lol:

celtic 302
03-Nov-06, 23:59
sarcasm, lowest form of wit but... (i'll leave it for u to finish if u can)

i chose my name cos im a rangers supporter...

04-Nov-06, 02:30
I breed golden guernsey rare breed goats.

04-Nov-06, 10:28
Well i couldnt use my usual one or everyone would know who i was, and whats the fun in that? lol. I was having a brain freeze at the time and this is the only thing i could think of that wasnt used and I could remember. Everyone should know im simple btw.........

04-Nov-06, 19:04
From dpw39:cool: to my avatar's namesake:

[email protected]

The Highland Midge.

04-Nov-06, 19:54
cause my daughter likes winnie the pooh and tigger too and i also like tigers so it seemed a good name to call myself