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View Full Version : tesco broadband - good? bad?

hardcore superstar
27-Jan-12, 13:34
i've been with bt for years but i'm now thinking of switching to tesco broadband as you get 5000 tesco points and £80.80 cashback if you sign up through topcashback (http://www.topcashback.co.uk/ref/abbiew if you're interested). does anybody have any experience of tesco broadband ... good or bad? while the sign up offer is great, i don't want this to blind me and then possibly get stuck in a contract with a rubbish provider.

27-Jan-12, 15:19
Is the offer dependant on you being 'in their area'? When we checked, we weren't in an area where Tesco had their own network, so they wanted to charge us more than the nice offers that 'real' Tesco people get ;)

Had Tesco for dialup before we could get BB and they were fine with that, service wise etc, but the sly dog way they wanted to charge us over the odds for BB rather put us off - we've gone the opposite way to you and are now with BT!:D

27-Jan-12, 21:34
i've been with bt for years but i'm now thinking of switching to tesco broadband as you get 5000 tesco points and £80.80 cashback if you sign up through topcashback (http://www.topcashback.co.uk/ref/abbiew if you're interested). does anybody have any experience of tesco broadband ... good or bad? while the sign up offer is great, i don't want this to blind me and then possibly get stuck in a contract with a rubbish provider.
Sometimes switching broadbroarovider wont give u faster speed a lot of depends on how far your stay from your tel exchange wil decide the speed of ure connection speed u might find your speed will be capped to what you agreed to at the time u started broadband with bt and if u renew your contract with them the speed might go up to the package u agree to thats what happened to me im with orange

hardcore superstar
27-Jan-12, 23:00
hogfather .... good point! i've just checked with Tesco, and the bundle package that i'm after isn't actually available in Thurso. at least this makes my decision incredibly easy.

however, i didn't mention this when i contacted BT for my MAC code. because i'm such a 'loyal' customer, they've cut the cost of my monthly package almost in half to keep me. alls well that ends well i say.

secrets in symmetry
28-Jan-12, 00:03
What are the opening hours for Tesco broadband in Wick?

28-Jan-12, 07:04
Weve switched to Post Office broadband from BT, what a difference!! Even though Post office is just a re-branded BT broadband my speeds have increased dramatically and i dont get slowed down now. On BT I averaged around 3-4 Meg dropping to 1-2 during peak/heavy times,since switching I am on a constant 7meg and It doesnt slow down.
I would have gone with another supplier but they dont do up here, so out aof all that was available the Post office seemed the best deal. Glad we switched was sick of BTs "technical" help that didnt have a clue and would lie when my speeds were going slow. At least now ive got 24/7 Uk help makes a big difference.

28-Jan-12, 07:07
What are the opening hours for Tesco broadband in Wick?
They dont list that on there website that i found by actually typing it into that "google" thing thats at the top of this "browser" thing!!! ;)
Im sure someone on here knows the answer to that question and many others, but i wont copy and paste and pretend its all my work :)

28-Jan-12, 09:59
That is the same as the current Sky offer that is being advertised. I think that it should be made more clear in their advertising that rural regions like ours won't be able to get it