View Full Version : Count Down To Council Elections

Nick Noble
24-Jan-12, 12:39
Right, there are one hundred days until it is time to cast a vote for the people you want to represent your interests on the Highland Council.

So what are the issues that matter.

I am very genuinely interested in knowing what matters to you, especially if you live within the Thurso Ward area as I have decided that rather than sitting on the sidelines and grumbling about "somebody should do something" it is time to put myself in the firing line.

I will be standing as the Highland Liberal Democrat (http://highlandlibdems.org.uk/) candidate in Thurso. Having been assisting John Thurso for sometime as his volunteer local agent and seeing the sort of issue that people bring to his surgeries I think I have some insight into areas the council really need to do better with, but what do you think?

Some headline areas of concern are:

Road maintenance and provision
New and improved sport facilites
Care of the elderly
Local decision making and accountability
Improved recycling provision

More than anything I believe that what Thurso really needs is someone prepared to stand up and speak out for the needs of the Town down the A9 in Inverness where the decisions are made.

I really would appreciate serious suggestions and concerns being aired, either on here, or by PM, emails can be sent to [email protected], and I can be contacted by phone and text on 07983401272.

If I can provide any help or assistance to anyone on any matter related to the Highland Council I would be delighted to do so.

24-Jan-12, 13:38
I'm not a Lib Dem voter but I'd welcome any improvements in the above mentioned areas. I think another very important point is the lack of employment opportunities in the area, especially for young adults. Too many young people, who have a lot to offer, have to consider moving away just to find a half-decent job since there is very little up here for them. I don't know how closely the local councillors, MSPs and MP liaise with each other, but hopefully party politics can be put aside on important issues like this.

Good luck in your campaign.

24-Jan-12, 13:47
Your a condem then, thats a no vote from me then ,shame you seem such a nice man. any politico who has anything to do with our current condems in westminster is a traitor to the lib dem movement, good luck youre lot are gonna need it.;)

Corrie 3
24-Jan-12, 13:55
Your a condem then, thats a no vote from me then ,shame you seem such a nice man. any politico who has anything to do with our current condems in westminster is a traitor to the lib dem movement, good luck youre lot are gonna need it.;)
Same here Trajan,
I was always a LibDem supporter but as soon as they got in bed with the Tories that is the final kick in the teeth for me and thousands of other true supporters. The sight of Clegg, Alexander and Cable filling their boots makes me physically sick!!!
I used to admire John Thurso but no more, it's the SNP for me from now on!!
Good luck anyway Nick !!


Nick Noble
24-Jan-12, 13:56
Thanks Mr Chow, it would most certainly be my intention to work closely with anyone in a position to do anything for the good of Thurso, Caithness and the Highlands.

I totally agree that as much as possible needs to be done to allow any young people that wish to remain in the area and train and work to do so. I hope that the recent announecement from the Scottish Government regarding the Renewable Energy Enterprise North Area status for Scrabster; hopefully that is going to lead to some practical measures to attract more inward investment to create and sustain jobs.

I am also pleased that Rolls Royce have indicated that their long term plans for Nuclear related research and development work revolves around Vulcan and not Derby and that they have long term plans for the area. As I stated I already work closely with John Thurso MP and would look to strengthen those links if elected.

I would also welcome the opportunity to work with Rob Gibson MSP, particularly given that he has stated his belief in decentralisation of control within the Highlands. I hope that also translates to opposition to the power grab by the Justice Secretary with his plans to force a single Police Force and Fire Service onto all of Scotland, we shall see.

I would hope that even if not a Lib Dem voter you might see the merits of my campaign over time and lend me your support, for a second preference if not first.

24-Jan-12, 13:58
Your a condem then, thats a no vote from me then ,shame you seem such a nice man. any politico who has anything to do with our current condems in westminster is a traitor to the lib dem movement, good luck youre lot are gonna need it.;)
I think this is 'local politics'?

Road maintenance and provision
New and improved sport facilites
Care of the elderly
Local decision making and accountability
Improved recycling provision

Well Done Nick (I'm not a Libdem voter, but best of luck and good on you for getting off your bum; unlike those that just whinge)

Alice in Blunderland
24-Jan-12, 14:08
Sustainability and growth of the area

All important to me. :D

24-Jan-12, 14:08
whinge+ free speech is all the ordinary man has left, im sure the condems are working on cutting this too,, in the pyramid scheme that is uk politics, local and national, and who decides you stand as a libdem candidate,, us or your bosses in the libdem head office:cool::)

24-Jan-12, 14:30
Thanks Mr Chow, it would most certainly be my intention to work closely with anyone in a position to do anything for the good of Thurso, Caithness and the Highlands.

I totally agree that as much as possible needs to be done to allow any young people that wish to remain in the area and train and work to do so. I hope that the recent announecement from the Scottish Government regarding the Renewable Energy Enterprise North Area status for Scrabster; hopefully that is going to lead to some practical measures to attract more inward investment to create and sustain jobs.

I am also pleased that Rolls Royce have indicated that their long term plans for Nuclear related research and development work revolves around Vulcan and not Derby and that they have long term plans for the area. As I stated I already work closely with John Thurso MP and would look to strengthen those links if elected.

I would also welcome the opportunity to work with Rob Gibson MSP, particularly given that he has stated his belief in decentralisation of control within the Highlands. I hope that also translates to opposition to the power grab by the Justice Secretary with his plans to force a single Police Force and Fire Service onto all of Scotland, we shall see.

I would hope that even if not a Lib Dem voter you might see the merits of my campaign over time and lend me your support, for a second preference if not first.

I too fall into the camp of used-to-like-and-sometimes-vote-Lib-Dem-before-the-coalition, that being said I still voted for John Thurso (partially because he actually answered questions) and given that it's council and not parliament any candidate is still worth consideration. I'm in Wick though so probably no use to you.

I don't dislike coalitions, they sometimes seem more acceptable to a single party having control but the Lib Dems in general seem to have just rolled-over in this one.

24-Jan-12, 14:35
Since when did the libdems aquire the highland part of your partys name,, are you trying to pretend you are a different party with a new monicker,, you really must think the voters are right numptys up here, lol

Nick Noble
24-Jan-12, 14:41
Since when did the libdems aquire the highland part of your partys name,, are you trying to pretend you are a different party with a new monicker,, you really must think the voters are right numptys up here, lol

The Liberal Democrats have a federal structure, I am a member of the Caithness Sutherland and Easter Ross Liberal Democrat Party, we work with the other local parties for the Highland Council as the Highland Liberal Democrats, we are a member of the Scottish Liberal Democrats, and the Federal Party is the one that everyone thinks of as the party.

I was selected purely by the Caithness Sutherland and Easter Ross Liberal Democrats to stand in this ward.

24-Jan-12, 14:47
Since when did the libdems aquire the highland part of your partys name,, are you trying to pretend you are a different party with a new monicker,, you really must think the voters are right numptys up here, lolLook the Tory's and libdems got more votes than your lot; you're in the minority; quite the moaning, and give the lad a chance!

24-Jan-12, 14:49
I was selected purely by the Caithness Sutherland and Easter Ross Liberal Democrats to stand in this ward.

so you have to be a member , private club, well the libdems have won member of the century award, hands down, when they jumped into bed with the tory members;)

24-Jan-12, 16:32
If you don't want more like this Nick, I'd forget your password......and set fire to your computer. :eek:

24-Jan-12, 16:40
Why dont you just stand on your own two feet , and go as an independent.
and i still dont get the highland part of your partys new name,, did fanny alexander or jamie stoneless come up with this new tactic,,lol:eek:

Nick Noble
24-Jan-12, 16:42
If you don't want more like this Nick, I'd forget your password......and set fire to your computer. :eek:

I've got a good thick skin ducati, as far as I am concerned people can hold what opinion they like regarding the coalition. I know that the UK as a whole is better off with the Liberal Democrats in a coalition government with the conservatives than we would have been with just the conservatives.

As far as I am concerned I want to fight for election on the merits of the local issues I have identified, and which I will be campaigning on.

24-Jan-12, 17:02
Funny how often people with no sensible arguments just resort to abuse. Good for you Nick for having the guts to stand and the willingness to give the time. I wish you luck and would vote for you if I was in your area.

Too many people stand on the sidelines and complain instead of getting involved, as was shown by the lack of interest even in Community Council elections which involve very little time and work, just monthly meetings. Hardly any of the public even bother attending these, they'd rather sit at home moaning.

24-Jan-12, 17:40
Fair play Nick and how refreshing. Daniel enters the lions den and shows his teeth. This can only be good for local politics or for any politics that someone is prepared to take the chance of coming a cropper on a local website. I hope other contenders will show their teeth. I'm a floating voter.
Nick, where do you stand on the Gealic issue and the effect of the Gealic Language (Scotland)Act 2005 on the heritage of caithness?

secrets in symmetry
24-Jan-12, 21:03
I wish you the best of luck Nick.

I was going to suggest a good way of getting elected would be to start a website for the community - it's been done before in Caithness! :cool:

I even thought of a couple of suitable names - but, to my total amazement, you already have one of those names! Cool! :cool:

Nick Noble
24-Jan-12, 21:37
Fair play Nick and how refreshing. Daniel enters the lions den and shows his teeth. This can only be good for local politics or for any politics that someone is prepared to take the chance of coming a cropper on a local website. I hope other contenders will show their teeth. I'm a floating voter.
Nick, where do you stand on the Gealic issue and the effect of the Gealic Language (Scotland)Act 2005 on the heritage of caithness?

Hi Gleeber, to be totally honest with you it is not something I spend a huge amount of time reflecting on.

Given the complex linguistic history of the Caithness area a simplistic yes or no to the issue of in particular bi-lingual signs would do no justice whatever to either side of the argument. For what it is worth I support the efforts of the Scottish government to keep the Gaelic language alive, in many respects it provides a living link with the very fabric and history of Scotland.

I think that the Highland Council in these times of austerity should have much better matters to debate and spend money on than forcng bi-lingual road sign on an area where there is very limited support for such measures.

It is another example of why a far less centralised Highland Council is needed.

Nick Noble
24-Jan-12, 21:40
I wish you the best of luck Nick.

I was going to suggest a good way of getting elected would be to start a website for the community - it's been done before in Caithness! :cool:

I even thought of a couple of suitable names - but, to my total amazement, you already have one of those names! Cool! :cool:

If getting elected was such a simple matter then many more people would do it.

I have owned the domain name thurso.org.uk for something over four years, and if anyone ever wants an email address or a subdomain to use for themselves or their organisation they would be very welcome to it. I very much doubt that it will make any difference to my electoral success or failure. :D

24-Jan-12, 21:50
If getting elected was such a simple matter then many more people would do it.

I have owned the domain name thurso.org.uk for something over four years, and if anyone ever wants an email address or a subdomain to use for themselves or their organisation they would be very welcome to it. I very much doubt that it will make any difference to my electoral success or failure. :D

Is our current MP's wife going to stand again in this election or is she calling it a day? Is this an attempt by the Lib Dems to hold absolute power in Thurso ??
How will you be referred to on the ballot slip?? Nick Thurso perhaps?? ;)

24-Jan-12, 22:06
Is our current MP's wife going to stand again in this election or is she calling it a day? Is this an attempt by the Lib Dems to hold absolute power in Thurso ??
How will you be referred to on the ballot slip?? Nick Thurso perhaps?? ;)

Given the complex linguistic history of the Caithness area

I'm not sure whats so complex about it but thats another thread. I support the Cealic language too but I asked about the Gealic Act. I see that as a different kettle of fish. Hopefully someone will be standing who may address the issue without making it look anti-Gaelic and Ill vote for them. As for your other stuff. They all say that but youll soon change once they get you in Inverness. [lol] Good luck though.

25-Jan-12, 02:43
well nicky boy, can you tell me what your offering, that any other potential councilor type is offering, in the elections in thurso,, apart from being on the org and making small offers in kind,and some damn fine posts i may add,
you are playing on your popularity on this site, which does make you a true politico, why start such a thread,, i dont see bill or any other local politicos on here often, apart from his admin duties,it his site, oops sorry niall.
are you looking for easy votes because you are such a good poster with a thick skin, which you will need if you do get elected,
it is easy to see your a libdem, do anything to get a taste of power,,lol
and by the way are you a local man born and bred,, ie from one of the counties you wish to represent,, it may not matter to the white settlers on here but it matters to me and many like me in this county
please do us the honour of telling us about yourself, if you have the gall to try and canvas votes on here,,
oh and dont take offence at any of my posts,, i, like most of the people in this country are tired off having the wool pulled over our eyes,,by politico types,who have let this country go to the dogs for their short term gains.
regards trajan

Niall Fernie
25-Jan-12, 08:48
i dont see bill or any other local politicos on here often, apart from his admin duties,it his site, oops sorry niall.

Worry not, I don't have any political ambitions.... muhahahahahaha....

25-Jan-12, 10:05
well nicky boy, can you tell me what your offering, that any other potential councilor type is offering, in the elections in thurso,, apart from being on the org and making small offers in kind,and some damn fine posts i may add,
you are playing on your popularity on this site, which does make you a true politico, why start such a thread,, i dont see bill or any other local politicos on here often, apart from his admin duties,it his site, oops sorry niall.
are you looking for easy votes because you are such a good poster with a thick skin, which you will need if you do get elected,
it is easy to see your a libdem, do anything to get a taste of power,,lol
and by the way are you a local man born and bred,, ie from one of the counties you wish to represent,, it may not matter to the white settlers on here but it matters to me and many like me in this county
please do us the honour of telling us about yourself, if you have the gall to try and canvas votes on here,,
oh and dont take offence at any of my posts,, i, like most of the people in this country are tired off having the wool pulled over our eyes,,by politico types,who have let this country go to the dogs for their short term gains.
regards trajan

As a white settler (and what about any other colour of settler) I'm glad there are not many like you here.

25-Jan-12, 10:11
Good luck Nick

Nick Noble
25-Jan-12, 10:35
Trajan - I posted on here for one reason only. I believe in democracy.

Part of democracy is ensuring political messages get to as wide an audience as possible, there is a good wide ranging audience for any message on here, a community to which I feel to belong. If other politico's as you refer to them choose not to do so then that is their perfect right. Another part of that democracy which I value is that you are able to disparage people based on their place of birth, I will defend your right to be able to do that until my last breath, however please don't expect me to defend the sentiment expressed. I have chosen to live here because it is a wonderful place to live, the people are good down to earth honest folk who are open and welcoming to strangers. I believe that if elected I can help to ensure that Thurso, Caithness, and the rest of the Highlands remain the best part of these fair Islands.

Easy votes, no such thing, and certainly not what I want. I want people to vote for me because I convince them I will stand up for what I believe in, and that what I believe in is worth standing up for.

At this stage I am more interested in finding out what other peoples thoughts are regarding the issues facing Thurso in the coming years, I have outlined some of the areas of concern that I have, I am interested in what others have to say. When I have finished that stage then you'll be hearing exactly what I will be standing for.

Corrie 3
25-Jan-12, 11:07
I read your website last night Nick and there is more information on there about Westminster and what Nick and his Cronies have done for us than there is about Thurso or Caithness.
You obviously think that getting into bed with the Tories was the right thing to do for the LibDems I take it? If so, do you think the LibDems can come back from this?


25-Jan-12, 11:53
I believe that if elected I can help to ensure that Thurso, Caithness, and the rest of the Highlands remain the best part of these fair Islands.

At pain of being accused of babbling on about the same old thing you have shown yourself to have little or no knowledge or empathy about the effect of the Gealic Act on caithness and how the changes it enforces on us is not part of an ancient heritage resurrected but a modern movement created where it's probably never been. I wouldnt expect you to feel that Nick but I would have expected you to be a little less dismissive of the problem in Caithness. Its not as if it hasnt been a major debating point over the life of this present administration. I hope potential voters are taking note of your position, or lack off.

25-Jan-12, 14:15
I want people to vote for me because I convince them I will stand up for what I believe in, and that what I believe in is worth standing up for.

Very noble words (pardon the pun), and what a refreshing change to what we've been used to. I'd rather vote for someone who is their own person and who I feel can best represent the area. What we get now is a situation where the councillors act in a way that they feel can keep them in office by pandering to what people think and vote catching rather than having the temerity to vote by their own conscience. That's how democracy should work.

26-Jan-12, 21:28
The Liberal Democrats have a federal structure, I am a member of the Caithness Sutherland and Easter Ross Liberal Democrat Party, we work with the other local parties for the Highland Council as the Highland Liberal Democrats, we are a member of the Scottish Liberal Democrats, and the Federal Party is the one that everyone thinks of as the party.

I was selected purely by the Caithness Sutherland and Easter Ross Liberal Democrats to stand in this ward.

Well,I would say this is clearly an attempt to create a "disconnect" between the local Liberals and their party as a whole.Obviously in the hope that the electorate won't hold Nick Clegg's unholy alliance with the Tories against them.

26-Jan-12, 21:35
Thanks Mr Chow, it would most certainly be my intention to work closely with anyone in a position to do anything for the good of Thurso, Caithness and the Highlands.

I totally agree that as much as possible needs to be done to allow any young people that wish to remain in the area and train and work to do so. I hope that the recent announecement from the Scottish Government regarding the Renewable Energy Enterprise North Area status for Scrabster; hopefully that is going to lead to some practical measures to attract more inward investment to create and sustain jobs.

I am also pleased that Rolls Royce have indicated that their long term plans for Nuclear related research and development work revolves around Vulcan and not Derby and that they have long term plans for the area. As I stated I already work closely with John Thurso MP and would look to strengthen those links if elected.

I would also welcome the opportunity to work with Rob Gibson MSP, particularly given that he has stated his belief in decentralisation of control within the Highlands. I hope that also translates to opposition to the power grab by the Justice Secretary with his plans to force a single Police Force and Fire Service onto all of Scotland, we shall see.

I would hope that even if not a Lib Dem voter you might see the merits of my campaign over time and lend me your support, for a second preference if not first.

Well,it's interesting that Rob Gibson has stated his belief in decentralisation of control within the Highlands.There's an important point to remember though.The party of which he is a member is currently in power and so in theory could deliver just that.But then it may not be their party policy,in which case it ain't going to happen.

26-Jan-12, 21:41
But anyway Nick,please tell us more about yourself.What do you do for a living for example? How long have you resided in Thurso?
Can you replace voter apathy with voter participation? Do you possess the capacity to inspire us?
Or are we just going to be subjected to the usual tedious party propaganda which has led to a lack of interest in the democratic process??

Do tell!! :D

secrets in symmetry
26-Jan-12, 22:28
If getting elected was such a simple matter then many more people would do it.

I have owned the domain name thurso.org.uk for something over four years, and if anyone ever wants an email address or a subdomain to use for themselves or their organisation they would be very welcome to it. I very much doubt that it will make any difference to my electoral success or failure. :DIt's only in the last decade that there have been elections in most of the council seats in Caithness. A large fraction of seats (perhaps even half of them) were contested by a single person, who was elected by default. You're 10 years too late for a shoe-in Nick!

I found a few obvious Thurso domain names that are owned by charlatans trying to make a quick buck. It was refreshing to discover that you already own one of the good ones. :cool:

27-Jan-12, 02:38
and by the way are you a local man born and bred,, ie from one of the counties you wish to represent,, it may not matter to the white settlers on here but it matters to me and many like me in this county
oh and dont take offence at any of my posts,, i, like most of the people in this country are tired off having the wool pulled over our eyes,,by politico types,who have let this country go to the dogs for their short term gains.Are we mixing county & country here?
Curious as to how much it matters if a white settler wishes to represent their local area as to one born and bred? Surely it is down to the abilities, knowledge, passion and commitment of the individual rather than the 'colour' of their skin??

27-Jan-12, 23:40
But anyway Nick,please tell us more about yourself.What do you do for a living for example? How long have you resided in Thurso?
Can you replace voter apathy with voter participation? Do you possess the capacity to inspire us?
Or are we just going to be subjected to the usual tedious party propaganda which has led to a lack of interest in the democratic process??

Do tell!! :D

Hmm,no reply.As yet.Where are you Nick? Why don't you tell us more about yourself? You were keen enough to pre-empt the election campaigns of the other prospective candidates by announcing your candidacy on this forum. So why the silence?
I suppose I'll just have to ask people I know in High Ormlie to find out what I can about you. If you're to get my vote I need to know what kind of a person you are,not just what your policies are.(The same goes for all the other candidates)

27-Jan-12, 23:47
I think I just found a face to go with the name!


At least that's part of the mystery solved.

28-Jan-12, 01:23
Healthcare is my priority..have been gobsmacked these last few weeks over the lack of it up here, especially maternity services.
On another note, got an almost instant reply from John Thuso to a couple of questions, still waiting three weeks later for an answer from Gibson..so that does not give me any trust in The SNP.
Good luck to you for wading into the turbulent waters of politics, they are more treacherous than the tides of The Pentland Firth!

Nick Noble
28-Jan-12, 09:45
I think I just found a face to go with the name!


At least that's part of the mystery solved.

A handy picture for keeping the mice at bay! But fortunately it's not a beauty contest.

All will be revealed soon, but for now I am almost 50 years old, born in York, lived in England for the first 38 years of my life, moved to the Highlands in 2001 and have never felt so at home.

I currently have the pleasure and privilige of being a full time dad whilst my wife works for Home Start in Wick, supporting families and children. In and around my household duties I do some web site development and IT support work for friends, I also campaign on issues that affect me and my family, and in many instances the wider community.

I previously worked for Manpower at the BT call centre, I left there in 2010.

As I said there will be far more to say over the coming weeks and months, but just now I am far more interested in what you would like to see the council doing, doing different, or doing better. I am not running for council because I know everything and have all the answers, but because I believe I can be a very effective voice for Thurso in dealing with the Highland Council, and the wider world of politics.

28-Jan-12, 11:13
Anyone who likes Marmite is OK by me!

28-Jan-12, 13:21
I can recommend a good plastic surgeon.:eek:

29-Jan-12, 10:27
What are your views on windfarm development in Caithness and Feed-in Tariffs?

29-Jan-12, 18:56
What are your views on windfarm development in Caithness and Feed-in Tariffs?

You should know full well that Nick is not able to express a detailed view on that subject because he will prejudice his political career on any future planning positions that he may occupy.

29-Jan-12, 19:53
You should know full well that Nick is not able to express a detailed view on that subject because he will prejudice his political career on any future planning positions that he may occupy.
Bollocks. He is not on a planning committee, and it is not a specific development. Is he not allowed to state a view on for example, construction of more social housing? Sorry Nick, I have awakened the Trolls.

29-Jan-12, 20:02
You should know full well that Nick is not able to express a detailed view on that subject because he will prejudice his political career on any future planning positions that he may occupy.

I think it's madness that people wishing to get into politics are unable to voice their opinions on certain matters as it may jeapordise their eligibility to take part in some decisions in the future, to the point of not being able to sit on certain committees because their views are already established to be pro or anti.

We are asked to vote for a candidate based on their opinions (or on the policies of their respecitve party), so if they are allowed to openly state their views prior to election and are then voted in by the people, then it stands to reason that it is because the people agree with those opinions, and that is the line they should take when carrying out their duties.

Common sense dictated that all committees are/should be made up of a number of individuals who are able to voice their opinions on whatever motion is being discussed, before taking a vote on it - thus all viewpoints are heard, and the vote is based on the discussion of all the committee's members, not just those who have not stated, or are unwilling to state, their views in public.

Should this not be how democracy works? Is it just the planning committee which requires it's members to be moderate/unopinionated, or not to have formed (or rather voiced) an opinion in public, or are there other committees which are constrained in the same way?

29-Jan-12, 20:30
I think it's madness that people wishing to get into politics are unable to voice their opinions on certain matters as it may jeapordise their eligibility to take part in some decisions in the future, to the point of not being able to sit on certain committees because their views are already established to be pro or anti.

We are asked to vote for a candidate based on their opinions (or on the policies of their respecitve party), so if they are allowed to openly state their views prior to election and are then voted in by the people, then it stands to reason that it is because the people agree with those opinions, and that is the line they should take when carrying out their duties.

Common sense dictated that all committees are/should be made up of a number of individuals who are able to voice their opinions on whatever motion is being discussed, before taking a vote on it - thus all viewpoints are heard, and the vote is based on the discussion of all the committee's members, not just those who have not stated, or are unwilling to state, their views in public.

Should this not be how democracy works? Is it just the planning committee which requires it's members to be moderate/unopinionated, or not to have formed (or rather voiced) an opinion in public, or are there other committees which are constrained in the same way?

I agree with your point generally but there are certain councillors who have spoken out against all further wind farm development and in a way by having them on a planning comittee the application is being prejudiced before the planning hearing has begun. Correct me if I'm wrong but even Lady Thurso had to step back on planning committees because her husband had called for a moritorium on all further wind farm development.

I suppose the only glib response is that councillors should assess each wind development on their own merits as they arise.

29-Jan-12, 21:56
I agree with your point generally but there are certain councillors who have spoken out against all further wind farm development and in a way by having them on a planning comittee the application is being prejudiced before the planning hearing has begun. Correct me if I'm wrong but even Lady Thurso had to step back on planning committees because her husband had called for a moritorium on all further wind farm development.

I suppose the only glib response is that councillors should assess each wind development on their own merits as they arise.
Why doesn't it work in reverse? The John O’Groat Journal dated 16th January 2009 reported that at the Camster Windfarm hearing ” Wick member Graeme Smith said the existing turbine sites in the far north fit in quite well within the landscape. Far from being concerned about the cumulative impact of turbine ventures, he said he favours ‘the more the better.’” Mr Smith was not excluded from future windfarm hearings even though he had a clear predetermined view. It seems it is ok to have a predetermined opinion in favour of windfarms but not ok to have a predetermined opinion against windfarms?

But back to the thread and my question to Nick. "What are your views on windfarm development in Caithness and Feed-in Tariffs?"

29-Jan-12, 22:16
Why doesn't it work in reverse? The John O’Groat Journal dated 16th January 2009 reported that at the Camster Windfarm hearing ” Wick member Graeme Smith said the existing turbine sites in the far north fit in quite well within the landscape. Far from being concerned about the cumulative impact of turbine ventures, he said he favours ‘the more the better.’” Mr Smith was not excluded from future windfarm hearings even though he had a clear predetermined view. It seems it is ok to have a predetermined opinion in favour of windfarms but not ok to have a predetermined opinion against windfarms?

But back to the thread and my question to Nick. "What are your views on windfarm development in Caithness and Feed-in Tariffs?"

That is not quite the same in reverse.

Councillor Smith was speaking at a wind farm hearing of a specific wind farm, he has a duty to speak his mind in reference to the wind farm that is being discussed. Camster is a large wind farm so 'the more the better' is in reference to the aspects of the specific wind farm with respect to the fact that if a wind farm is large then the turbines are in a concentrated area rather than smaller ones scattered over a larger area. In that respect he is balancing the need for renewable energy against visual amenity in the local area, that is his job. He is not advocating a pro-wind farm stance in respect of anything is acceptable.

Nick Noble
29-Jan-12, 22:35
I am not against wind farm development per se, I believe it to be an important part of any over all energy strategy; all forms of development need to be assessed on the merits of each application taking into account all relevant factors. I believe a trawl through posts as NickInTheNorth makes my position perfectly clear.

I, rather controversially for a Liberal Democrat, also believe that Nuclear power must be included in the future mix of electricity generation solutions for the UK.

29-Jan-12, 23:16
Dear ywindythesecond and Reggy

Nick started this thread, not so you can carry on your private feud about wind farms here and disrupting other people's threads which were started for genuine discussion.

30-Jan-12, 23:16
I am not against wind farm development per se, I believe it to be an important part of any over all energy strategy; all forms of development need to be assessed on the merits of each application taking into account all relevant factors. I believe a trawl through posts as NickInTheNorth makes my position perfectly clear.

I, rather controversially for a Liberal Democrat, also believe that Nuclear power must be included in the future mix of electricity generation solutions for the UK.

Thanks Nick, I am trying to keep to your thread. I think you sidestepped my question. My question had two specific threads, windfarm development in Caithness, not "per se", and your views on Feed-in-Tariffs. And congratulations, your politicspeak is well advanced for your early stage of a political career.
I don't think everyone should have to trawl through NiTN's former postings to learn your views as a prospective candidate, and while I read them with interest at the time I can't remember them now.
Re nuclear, you are in the good company of John Thurso, but what are your views on windfarm development in Caithness and Feed-in Tariffs?

Nick Noble
30-Jan-12, 23:44
I am not against windfarm development in Caithness per se, each application should be decided on the merits of the case.

Feed-in tarrifs are of enormous benefit to those who receive them and of great detriment to those who pick up the bill...

There are more bill payers than beneficiaries...

31-Jan-12, 01:43
I am not against windfarm development in Caithness per se, each application should be decided on the merits of the case.

Feed-in tarrifs are of enormous benefit to those who receive them and of great detriment to those who pick up the bill...

There are more bill payers than beneficiaries...

Thanks Nick. What do you think are the specific merits of the Halsary Windfarm proposal?
Re Feed-in-tariffs, who pick up the bill?

Nick Noble
31-Jan-12, 09:35
Thanks Nick. What do you think are the specific merits of the Halsary Windfarm proposal?
Re Feed-in-tariffs, who pick up the bill?

If you care to drop your anonymity and discuss this out in the open then I will be happy to continue the discussion either on here, or in person perhaps over a coffee at Caithness Horizons.

Meanwhile adios Don Quixote.

31-Jan-12, 23:47
If you care to drop your anonymity and discuss this out in the open then I will be happy to continue the discussion either on here, or in person perhaps over a coffee at Caithness Horizons.

Meanwhile adios Don Quixote.

No problem Nick. My name is Stuart Young and I live in Dunnet. I am associated with anti windfarm movements on many levels but I am posting as an interested voter in the forthcoming elections.
I can’t vote for or against you as you are standing in Thurso, but I will use your answers to the following to gauge the present mood of your party.
“What do you think are the specific merits of the Halsary Windfarm proposal?”
“Re Feed-in tariffs who pick up the bill?”

01-Feb-12, 10:06
Nick, to come back to the question posed at the begining of this thread.
What should be done to attract another major surfing competition to Thurso given the demise of the O'Neil event this year? Is a Thurso bypass really a high priority given the likely damage of any route to the town's much loved riverside environment. I don't rate congestion in the town centre as being significant given experiences elsewhere in the country.
What are your views?

17-Feb-12, 10:16
Nick, our aspirant politician, any answers or opinions yet on the questions which I posed to you? We're on the countdown to the Council election and I think there might be some interest out there.

Nick Noble
17-Feb-12, 10:56
Hi Errogie

The demise of the O'Neil event is a sad loss to the area, they have brought a significant economic boost to the area over the past five years, and I would be delighted to see an event of similar status back for next year. Hopefully the legacy of the O'Neil Coldwater Classic, the increased world awareness of what world class surf we are blessed with here in Caithness will last for many years.

What can we do to bring back a major international competition? Sadly I believe it really is a very simple solution, find a new sponsor willing to invest a significant sum of money in a new competition, or persuade O'Neil to come back after their 60th anniversary event back at home. We have the surf, if we need additional infrastructure to bring back a major competition then I would be delighted to work with anyone to make try to make that happen.

The traffic volumes in Thurso for the vast majority of the day are not particularly high compared to many other parts of Scotland and the rest of the UK. However given the route that such traffic has to take around two very tight corners and along narrow town centre roads complete with parked vehicles some of the large vehicles certainly pose a significant danger to other vehicles, pedestrians, and stuctures. There is likely to be a significant increase in road traffic as the renewables industry develops, and that needs to be borne in mind regarding any decision. When there is the budget available for a Thurso by-pass then I would be open minded regarding such a development. I believe that there is a prefered route in the development plan, however I am a passionate conservationist and would want to see a proper environmental impact assesment carried out before any route was agreed. Given the geography any by-pass would have to cross the river to the south of the town but any crossing needs to be very carefully considered.

17-Feb-12, 16:35
I thought the proposed Thurso by-pass was less about traffic volume in the town but more about providing a safer means of transporting hundreds of tonnes of plutonium from Dounreay to Georgemas via road in order to get it to Sellafield by rail?

Nick Noble
17-Feb-12, 16:36
Thanks Nick. What do you think are the specific merits of the Halsary Windfarm proposal?
Re Feed-in-tariffs, who pick up the bill?

Sorry Ywindy, I missed this amongst the fueding.

We all pick up the bill for FiT's for every unit of electricity consumed in the UK.

I have no opinion on the Halsary Windfarm for the simple reason that I do not obsess over a single issue; if I were to do so I would probably be more concerned over global warming than individual windfarm developments. As I stated before I would judge each scheme on it's merits, and as I have no intention of looking into the details of every planning application put in for Windpower schemes in the UK I may well not offer opinions on any. If elected I would operate on the basis of representing the views of the electorate in the Ward I represent. Councillors are elected to represent, it does not therefore follow that my individual opinion actually matters.

I intend to run frequent clinics if elected, and to be available to discuss this type of issue with anyone who has a view point at any time, before or after the election.

So I will restate my position.

I am not against wind farms per se; they are neither good things nor bad things in the abstract. The less carbon based generation we have to use the better; economic, ecological, environmental and amenity considerations need to balanced against the benefit of any particular windpower scheme.

19-Feb-12, 19:55
I would assume that as a prospective candidate for the council elections you would be preparing a leaflet which will give us, the voters, information about you, your experience in this area
and what you are going to do for the area or are you looking for ideas from us to compile your leaflet!! Although I would imagine if you are standing as a Liberal Democrat Candidate your leaflet will already have been compiled for you!!

Nick Noble
19-Feb-12, 20:14
I would assume that as a prospective candidate for the council elections you would be preparing a leaflet which will give us, the voters, information about you, your experience in this area
and what you are going to do for the area or are you looking for ideas from us to compile your leaflet!! Although I would imagine if you are standing as a Liberal Democrat Candidate your leaflet will already have been compiled for you!!

Yes, I'll be preparing leaflets for distribution to all households, I'll also be knocking on all your doors to introduce myself.

Amazingly yes, I want to know your views, that is how democracy is suppoed to work, councillors are your elected representatives. How can they represent you without seeking your views?

And no any election leaflets put out by me are written by me and no-one else.

20-Feb-12, 16:54
If elected, will you continue to post on the Org?

22-Feb-12, 19:09
Yes, I'll be preparing leaflets for distribution to all households, I'll also be knocking on all your doors to introduce myself.

Amazingly yes, I want to know your views, that is how democracy is suppoed to work, councillors are your elected representatives. How can they represent you without seeking your views?

And no any election leaflets put out by me are written by me and no-one else.

I will be sending my address to you via pm, along with a withdrawel of your right of access under common law. I don't want anything to do with you or any other candidate/councillor/politician or any other government "official". I hope you understand.

Nick Noble
22-Feb-12, 21:15
certainly do, no problem at all.

22-Feb-12, 21:22
Nick, when will the Landward candidate be announced. The SNP one is fairly going at it on Twitter and Facebook but not on here. See u saturday

22-Feb-12, 21:32
One hundred days to council elections

Shouldn't you be updating the thread title on a daily basis to reflect the countdown?

secrets in symmetry
25-Feb-12, 15:09
Shouldn't you be updating the thread title on a daily basis to reflect the countdown?That would be really good. :cool:

Unfortunately (for Nick), this forum is set up so that ordinary members can't edit their thread titles, only administrators (and probably moderators) can do that. There is a way around it for ordinary users, but the forum admin would most likely get annoyed if I told you all how to do it!

Bill Fernie
25-Feb-12, 16:07
I have edited the title of the thread to reflect the comments above.