View Full Version : Calling All Gunns

19-Dec-04, 20:21
Hi All"
For those that are new or have forgotten me,,,yea,,I haven't been around lately. I am Royce Perry, Deputy Commsiioner for Noth Texas, Clan Gunn Society of North America.

Several of our NA members have started a Yahoo eGroup which we hope will become a channel for those of descent from the Gunns and their septs to get to know each other.

We would like to invite ALL the Gunns and any of the related families to come join us.

The home page is at


Those that are familiar with Yahoo groups can join from there. Anyone interested that has a problem can email me at [email protected]

Our Mission statement is included below.

Yes Paul,,,,you are already logged in.


The Clan Gunn is a Northern Scottish Clan with Norse roots. The purpose of this group is provide communication between the members of the various Clan Gunn Societies around the world, and to offer an online meeting place for those of descent from the family of Gunn or any of it's septs. We hope to provide an online cross road where the "family" can meet and get to know each other and to keep alive the spirit of the Clan Gunn family.

At present the Gunns have four formal Clan Societies around the world. The parent Society is the Clan Gunn Society-UK. There are also Societies in Nova Scotia, New Zeeland and North America.

This group has been started and is maintained by members of the North American Society, but is intended for the use and enjoyment of the members of all the other Societies and any other Gunns (Septs and descendants) around the world.

Come on in, join in the chat, share ideas, relate experiences, tease each other, all the sorts of things that families do when they get together.

20-Dec-04, 15:44
Bit of advise please, is the General Forum the best place for this, or should I move it to one of the other catagories...??

Colin ??

Bill Fernie
21-Dec-04, 02:18
I think this is the best place for your message as it is a general invitation to anyone interested in the Gunns, septs etc.
Although I do not have much time to contribute I do read many of the messages from the Yahoo group that arrive in my email. I have also learned a great deal from the newsletters.
Good Luck with the expansion.


Bill Fernie

21-Dec-04, 14:54
Thanks Bill:

What we hope to do is create a "meeting place" so to speak, for the Gunns that are scattered all over the world. Should be an interesting experiment in global group dynamics.


21-Dec-04, 20:43
Hey! Don't forget the 'Gunns of Latherone' :lol: :lol:
Then there's Ray Gunn, Ivor Gunn and Ben Gunn but I think he lives overseas somewhere! [lol]

21-Dec-04, 20:49
I wouldn't dare forget them,, :-)

Actually I had a reason for posting this on the Caitness board. There are probably more Gunns in Caithness, Suderland and the northern isles than any where else in the world. There are a lot of us in other parts of the world that would greatly enjoy bing in touch with some of our distant kin who are in and around "Gunn Country"

So any Gunns or sept names are welcome,,,enthusiastically.

Be fore warned though,,,,we can be a bit chatty at times,,,very gregarious bunch.
