View Full Version : Wick Explorer Scout Unit

Fraser Macleod
29-Oct-06, 16:47

My name's Fraser Macleod, im new to 'caitness.org'

I'm currently the leader for the recently formed Wick Explorer Scout Unit.

For those of you that arn't aware Explorer Scouts is the senior section of the UK scouting movement, we take Males and Females from the age of 13 and a half to 18, of any ethnic background or religion.

However at present we have the problem of only having 5 other members, myself not included, so i would appeal to all of you here, if you are 13 to 18, or have children or grandchildren who u think may be intrested please contact me, my mobile phone number is: 07956565120 and my email adress is:[email protected]

The ethos of the UK Explorer movement is that anything is possible for an explorer scout, therefore we dont have a fixed set of activities, I will organise any plausible activity put forward to me by the Explorer scouts; in an atempt to make sure that every single Explorer enjoys themselves.

Full details of the Explorer Scout movement are available at:http://www.scoutbase.org.uk/

We meet every monday evening from 7:30 to 9:30 at the Wick Scout Hall on Kirk Hill, and we really are in desperate need of new members as it will be a lot easier for me to organise expeditions, camps and activities for a larger group.

Thanks, Fraser Macleod

PS: I apoligise profusely for any incorrect spelling or gramer. :D

06-Nov-06, 11:57


Callum Macleod

06-Nov-06, 17:14
Trying to copy me there now are you? :-D

06-Nov-06, 18:24
The two of you should try and get on the same page.............

Callum Macleod