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21-Dec-11, 22:37
Went over to 'spoons in Wick today and as we parked up, noticed a pushbike chained up with a laminated sheet of plastic taped onto the cross-bar (about A4 size) with the words 'Peace with Drugs" in large letters.. Hmm some nutter I muse, as we go in for a coffee.

Later on way to Tesco's slowed behind a number of cars as said cyclist was holding us all up. He too went into Tesco and I noticed it was none other that the well known Wikipedia amender and ex-Wick community council member..

I'm still confused, at first I thought it meant take an Aspirin and get peace from a headache? or something more sinister like the death by injection in the US (Peace with Drugs).. anyone else see him or any idea what it's about?, it's a little deep for me I say, wandering off shaking head..

21-Dec-11, 22:48
Doping up the kids with medised so they and you get a nights sleep when ill with all the colds going?
That sounds like a definition of what im tempted to do!

But its probably something to do with cannabis to provoke people into a debate.......

21-Dec-11, 23:06
But its probably something to do with cannabis to provoke people into a debate.......[/QUOTE] i agree with dadie on this one if i think its the person i am thinking of was;nt one of his agenda as a council member to have drug legalised

23-Dec-11, 03:35
Im not saying i agree with drugs (having had expieriance)but i dont really see a problem with canabis for medical reasons!

the rest of them is fine if its banned outright! but when something has a property in it that helps those in pain or discomfort ,then i dont see the point in ignoring it because of the stigma of being classed as a stoner or because its banned:)so canabis in the right hands is fine!(and i have a good knowledge of its effects)not any more though 4yrs+

in the wrong hands its dangerous i.e driving whilst stoned etc(stupid thing to do anyway)

long term effects on memory DO cause issues but the effects can and do wear off leaving you alittle vaige, and if your really lucky then no effects! but this is the price you pay for getting hammered so be warned!

as for legalising it well,this will result in more unemployment due to being wasted and not wanting to get up!/loosing your job through being wasted at work/wasted driving your car!

but this is already a possibility! as anyone that wants it can get it.

so it really comes down to taxing it! if it became legal!

not sure why they bother to argue the debate most times as its a no win situation all round! and it would have serious effects on the economy rather than bringing in more for it! as more will loose thier jobs from it(younger age bracket)thus less tax income.

tricky thing really

ive known many people in high responsibility jobs(doctors)etc that relax in the evening with a quick smoke and they have never let down their obligations as a professional nor risked anyone in thier very long career!!

again hard subject to condone or condem

23-Dec-11, 08:47
Legalise everything....

As an individual I should have the freedom to choose what I want to put into my body. It's my body, what right does anybody else have to tell me what I can or cannot do with it?

23-Dec-11, 09:04
Make everything illegal! I trust the grubbiement to tell me what to put into my body! :cool:

23-Dec-11, 11:38
Legalise everything....

As an individual I should have the freedom to choose what I want to put into my body. It's my body, what right does anybody else have to tell me what I can or cannot do with it?

I agree, provided you sign a waiver that you go to the bottom of the queue for medical intervention should you harm yourself. Rights come with responsibilities; you have the right to do whatever you want with your body and take responsibility for its maintenance.

23-Dec-11, 11:47
Legalise everything....

As an individual I should have the freedom to choose what I want to put into my body. It's my body, what right does anybody else have to tell me what I can or cannot do with it?

It is your statement that makes me think the opposite, no mention from you of liability for your actions of putting what You want in your body .

23-Dec-11, 11:50
I agree, provided you sign a waiver that you go to the bottom of the queue for medical intervention should you harm yourself. Rights come with responsibilities; you have the right to do whatever you want with your body and take responsibility for its maintenance.

This cannot be right even signing a waver for treatment does not safeguard the public for the individuals actions while under the influence of putting what they want into their body.

23-Dec-11, 12:30
Went over to 'spoons in Wick today and as we parked up, noticed a pushbike chained up with a laminated sheet of plastic taped onto the cross-bar (about A4 size) with the words 'Peace with Drugs" in large letters.. Hmm some nutter I muse, as we go in for a coffee.

Later on way to Tesco's slowed behind a number of cars as said cyclist was holding us all up. He too went into Tesco and I noticed it was none other that the well known Wikipedia amender and ex-Wick community council member..

I'm still confused, at first I thought it meant take an Aspirin and get peace from a headache? or something more sinister like the death by injection in the US (Peace with Drugs).. anyone else see him or any idea what it's about?, it's a little deep for me I say, wandering off shaking head..

Hi Bekisman just log on to the said gentlemans web site and you will get all thye answers you need

23-Dec-11, 13:12
Hi Bekisman just log on to the said gentlemans web site and you will get all thye answers you need
Bit of an eye opener that one, seems to cover all aspects of Org membership..

'Self medication is a fundamental human right and, therefore, the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 is fundamentally unjust law'

'Animaland, as the name of my home, represents my resolution to live without pain or injury to animals' However, I do own footwear made with leather, I take drugs which have been tested on animals, my food often includes animal products, such as milk and eggs',

Fairy Magic ?

Former election agent for Green Party candidates at Westminster, European Parliament and local government levels during 1980s

Member of Royal Burgh of Wick Community Council (thought he resigned?)..

Oh well each to his own I suppose.

23-Dec-11, 19:49
I agree, provided you sign a waiver that you go to the bottom of the queue for medical intervention should you harm yourself. Rights come with responsibilities; you have the right to do whatever you want with your body and take responsibility for its maintenance.

It is your statement that makes me think the opposite, no mention from you of liability for your actions of putting what You want in your body .

So... Would you like to see everybody who currently partake of alcohol also sign a waiver to go to the bottom of the queue?
Especially considering the fact that the legal drug called alcohol is far more damaging than many of the currently illegal ones....
& yes, that even includes heroin, what makes that so dangerous currently is down to the fact that it is illegal with no quality control whatsoever, a pure clean supply of a known strength would virtually eliminate many of the health problems associated with it.

23-Dec-11, 20:01
So... Would you like to see everybody who currently partake of alcohol also sign a waiver to go to the bottom of the queue?
Especially considering the fact that the legal drug called alcohol is far more damaging than many of the currently illegal ones....
& yes, that even includes heroin, what makes that so dangerous currently is down to the fact that it is illegal with no quality control whatsoever, a pure clean supply of a known strength would virtually eliminate many of the health problems associated with it.
Alcohol and tobacco are both legal drugs, then why its there a bootleg market for both of these? I spent a few years of my working life chasing and catching, bootleggers, smugglers, pirate goods, and of course helping to stick Junkies and stoners inside. And I enjoyed it.

23-Dec-11, 20:44
So... Would you like to see everybody who currently partake of alcohol also sign a waiver to go to the bottom of the queue?
If someone regularly drinks to excess, absolutely - every individual should be responsible for their intake. Know your limits, drink in moderation and you should be fine. If your alchohol consumption ruins your liver or kidney why should I have to pay for it?
There really is no excuse for the drunken loutish behaviour which has become a feature of A&E departments all across the country on a Friday and Saturday nights. If you can't handle it - don't partake. There is no justifiable reason for anyone to get so blootered that a public sector worker has to look after them.

Especially considering the fact that the legal drug called alcohol is far more damaging than many of the currently illegal ones....
It matters not a jot whether it's legal or not - you drink it, inhale it, or inject it, it's your responsibility no one elses. With your RIGHT to do whatever you want with your body comes the RESPONSIBILITY to look after yourself and not expect someone else to do that for you!

23-Dec-11, 21:05
If someone regularly drinks to excess, absolutely - every individual should be responsible for their intake. Know your limits, drink in moderation and you should be fine. If your alchohol consumption ruins your liver or kidney why should I have to pay for it?
There really is no excuse for the drunken loutish behaviour which has become a feature of A&E departments all across the country on a Friday and Saturday nights. If you can't handle it - don't partake. There is no justifiable reason for anyone to get so blootered that a public sector worker has to look after them.

It matters not a jot whether it's legal or not - you drink it, inhale it, or inject it, it's your responsibility no one elses. With your RIGHT to do whatever you want with your body comes the RESPONSIBILITY to look after yourself and not expect someone else to do that for you!

Have to agree there.... why should someone who takes "illegal" drugs in a sensible way be tarred with the same brush as someone with a problem, that's like calling anybody who enjoys the occasional drink an alcoholic.

24-Dec-11, 04:31
I spent a few years of my working life ....(blah blah)...... helping to stick Junkies and stoners inside. And I enjoyed it.

so, we all ken that ye enjoyed yer work golach...ye'v telt us often enough, but are ye seiously sayin that a person who leks til hev a wee tok in 'e evenin's deserves til be locked up?

i mean til say, its a personal choice, whether ye smoke a bit 'weed.....course, its against 'e law...an' yer a self confessed, serious law abidin citizen.

ye'v always maintained that yer died against droogs, fair enough...but a wee toker, in his hoose at nite...deservee o' wur taxpayers hard earned wonga??

lockt up in a 7 x 7 cos he lekt his puffy! (am talkin yer average toker here)

it all seems a bit surreal til me....makes me think that yer no really livin in 'e real world :confused

as ye ken it....sure, but seriously??

yer surly a man o' 'e world...hev ye hed yer blinkers on all 'iss years? do ye honestly no think that 'e gubbermint wid legalise cannabis if they could, they obviously cana cause its taboo at 'e moment. proven career suicide even til admit til a tok 600 years ago!

but, surly they did a guid job on ye....ye worked for 'e goverment did ye no, took orders fie 'e powers that be??

but ye see, once ye auld croonies are died an' gone an' iss new generation takes over (hev ye seen students lately?) i do believe cannabis will be legalised, decriminalised at least....am no sayin its for 'e best, its lek ivrythin in politics, ye da ken if its a guid thing til 20 years later.....but its certainally goin til be a change. less paperwork an' more time til catch 'e serious criminals that ye took great pleasure in takin doon!!

people smoke pot.....they do!

they da always tell ye aboot'ed but they do do'ed.

keep spoutin what ye wis trained til spout.....but sooner or later, noone is goin til be listenin...ivryone that understan's ye, is goin til be died!!

24-Dec-11, 08:24
You may not have noticed Trix (can't think why.:roll:) but there is a whole new generation of politicians of all partys in grubbiement now, and guess what, no change!

24-Dec-11, 11:29
You may not have noticed Trix (can't think why.:roll:) but there is a whole new generation of politicians of all partys in grubbiement now, and guess what, no change!

no yit no, cos 'e auld school is still alive....

24-Dec-11, 12:16
Have to agree there.... why should someone who takes "illegal" drugs in a sensible way be tarred with the same brush as someone with a problem, that's like calling anybody who enjoys the occasional drink an alcoholic.

You have just said the cause, you have to start taking substances or whatever to begin it then turns into the problem, best not start is my opinion. Golach is right on the alcohol and fags subject until they are illegal there can be no complaints as such, but it still does not forgive or give an excuse for irresponsible behaviour.
We hear to much of the "was pished or I was high on drugs" excuses for peoples behaviour in court.

24-Dec-11, 13:25
With any mood enhancing product it is the effect on people's lives whether they be the partaker or the subject of the result of someone else's usage. I know alcohol is legal but that doesn't mean the effects of it are acceptable.

I've known perfectly reasonable men and women turn into slevering pests through drinking alcohol and who claim to not know how hideous it makes them appear as long as they can temporarily enjoy the effect. And because they are pleasant people when they are sober, most of us tend to go along with it although it can have a detrimental effect on how often you wish to socialise with them.

I went through a phase of drinking socially in my time but eventually didn't like the way I acted at times so very seldom get tiddly now. It depends on who's company I am in and I can have as much enjoyment at a social occasion whilst remaining sober as I can with a few drinks.

I can still help to sort out the world with the help of alcohol from time to time but hopefully I don't spoil anyone else's night out/in, and now it is my choice as to how much I tolerate other people's levels of drinking as some only become a wee bit funnier and relaxed and no harm is done to our relationship.

I'm lucky in that I have close friends with whom I can share a bottle of red and can spend some time sorting out the world or just having a good laugh!

24-Dec-11, 13:49
We hear to much of the "was pished or I was high on drugs" excuses for peoples behaviour in court.

Once again I have to agree, whatever you choose to partake in then you have to be responsible for your own actions whilst under the influence.

OK.... If I was in charge (& the world would be so harmonious if I was... lol) this is what my drug policy would be....

All drugs would be legal with the duty on them set based solely on the financial cost to society (Done through a panel of independent unbiased experts) not what I think I could get away with to line the treasury coffers to help keep taxes down for the rich.
If that happened alcohol would probably go up in price, tobacco would most defiantly come down as it is well over taxed at the moment & most currently illegal drugs (especially cannabis) would be the cheapest of the lot.

secrets in symmetry
24-Dec-11, 15:30
With any mood enhancing product it is the effect on people's lives whether they be the partaker or the subject of the result of someone else's usage. I know alcohol is legal but that doesn't mean the effects of it are acceptable.

I've known perfectly reasonable men and women turn into slevering pests through drinking alcohol and who claim to not know how hideous it makes them appear as long as they can temporarily enjoy the effect. And because they are pleasant people when they are sober, most of us tend to go along with it although it can have a detrimental effect on how often you wish to socialise with them.

I went through a phase of drinking socially in my time but eventually didn't like the way I acted at times so very seldom get tiddly now. It depends on who's company I am in and I can have as much enjoyment at a social occasion whilst remaining sober as I can with a few drinks.

I can still help to sort out the world with the help of alcohol from time to time but hopefully I don't spoil anyone else's night out/in, and now it is my choice as to how much I tolerate other people's levels of drinking as some only become a wee bit funnier and relaxed and no harm is done to our relationship.

I'm lucky in that I have close friends with whom I can share a bottle of red and can spend some time sorting out the world or just having a good laugh!Fantastic post Torvaig!

I'd like to get drunk with you. :cool:

24-Dec-11, 16:45
Fantastic post Torvaig!

I'd like to get drunk with you. :cool:

You bring the bottle! ;)

secrets in symmetry
24-Dec-11, 18:16
You bring the bottle! ;)It's a deal. Is it red wine? What's your favourite?

24-Dec-11, 21:36
Trix, here you go again, having a pop at me because I do not smoke weed, I am in the wrong according to you and the rest of the stoners.
You assume for some reason I do not like junkies and worst of all them that grow and sell to others, and that I have been brain washed, You are right!!At least I still have one thats not befuddled by illegal junk.
You say I am surly a man of the world, well I spent 8 years at sea travelling the world, and yes I have tried the weed, long before you were ever thought of, far less born. And I decided it was not for me.
Well yes I detest anyone who profits from the needs of the weak and there are good examples of that in Caithness recently, the weed farms in Reay and Murkle are just two I care to mention.
Have you seen a friend's dead body in a stairwell with a needle in his arm? Well I have, and he only like a "wee blaw" at the weekend, to begin with.
I wonder if your awld folks that you look after would say if they knew you get stoned when your off duty?
If as you say I am owld and not wise, and am going to be dead soon, what a caring person that makes you. If the powers that be do decriminalise the weed , then so be it, but just do not try and smoke it near me

27-Dec-11, 14:58
Trix, here you go again, having a pop at me because I do not smoke weed, I am in the wrong according to you and the rest of the stoners.
You assume for some reason I do not like junkies and worst of all them that grow and sell to others, and that I have been brain washed, You are right!!At least I still have one thats not befuddled by illegal junk.
You say I am surly a man of the world, well I spent 8 years at sea travelling the world, and yes I have tried the weed, long before you were ever thought of, far less born. And I decided it was not for me.
Well yes I detest anyone who profits from the needs of the weak and there are good examples of that in Caithness recently, the weed farms in Reay and Murkle are just two I care to mention.
Have you seen a friend's dead body in a stairwell with a needle in his arm? Well I have, and he only like a "wee blaw" at the weekend, to begin with.
I wonder if your awld folks that you look after would say if they knew you get stoned when your off duty?
If as you say I am owld and not wise, and am going to be dead soon, what a caring person that makes you. If the powers that be do decriminalise the weed , then so be it, but just do not try and smoke it near me

am no hevin a pop at ye because ye da smoke weed golach, its yer attitude that ye hev towards people that do that gets up ma nose. yer holier than thou, auld fashioned attitude!

i do assume that ye dina lek junkies....most people didna, they are a drain on society, 'e dregs in ma opinion also.

i do think ye hev bin brain washed, but alot o' 'at is til do wi' 'e trainin that ye went thro all those years ago when weed wisna as accepted or as widely used by society. i ken boys that were smokin it in weik when it wis very taboo, (before ma day) an at wid o' bin 'e time that ye were in full swing wi' yer career so i can understand why ye hev these opinions, most people did.....it wid o' bin almost excitin for ye til bring doon these hippy type people. again, am talkin yer average toker, no yer bandit drug dealers that "profits fie 'e needs o' 'e weak"

so, ye'v tried'ed an' decided it wisna for ye, congratulations on makin an' assertive, personal decision. 'at wid o' bin many moons ago.

i wonder if yer opinion on average pot smokers wid be different if ye were startin yer career now. am sure ye wid continue til hev great pleasure in takin doon 'e baddies but 'e pot smoker mayna seem lek a baddie so much now...more lek extra unnecessary paper work an' a waste o' yer time in an era when there are so much worse crimes worthy o' yer attention.

their wis hardly any knife crime back then, harder drugs wisna on 'e go. people left their front doors open wi' no thoucht til bein broken intil.

i see that ye are a man o' 'e world golach, i hev niver seen a friends died body in a stairwell with a needle in his airm, i da associate wi' these type o' people. am choost a lassie fie weik far i see average, responsible people livin lives far they hev til sneak aboot til get their smoke, sometimes associatin themsels wi' people they widna normally so they can get their "bity".....growin their own in thur loft an' bein paranoid aboot 'e smell. i
think its a shame an' i do think it wil be decriminalised soon, maybe no in yer lifetime, jeasus, its practically decriminalised now! do ye know how many people i ken thats hed their bity taken off them by a bobby an' no anither word said? no court appearance, no criminal record, no fine....even 'e boys that are sposed til be singin fie 'e same choir sheet as ye are takin a more relaxed attitude til 'e whole pot situation.

obviously people still get busted but its usually harder drugs on 'e agenda or there has bin a tip off which they arena technically allowed til ignore. its normally someone in trouble wi' 'e law grassin on 'e top man til get themself offa their own charges....polis informin as a plea bargain. 'e cops will take it everytime as they hev til keep their stats up, no mentionin their reputation. even thur no interested in 'e dude caught wi' his weekly smoke...they want chemicals.

i think yer auld fashined attitude causes ye til be bein a little presumptious also, i dina actually "get stoned when am off duty" so i da think ma wifies wid hev much til say, an even if i did enjoy a toke at night, i hardly think its goin til affect how i carry oot ma work 'e next day, do ye? well, ye probly do actually :roll:
i however, lek til keep ma mind focused for ma hocus pocus ;)

dina think ye know me golach, but i can see how ye wid think ye do as i am pro decriminalisation o' cannabis, ats only fie ma own experiences an' fie 'e experiences o' people i know.

i went til j. fats memorial night last nite, it wis an' amazin performance by 'e wie, isaac wis on fire!! now i wisna boozin as i hed 'e car an' i hev serious issues wi' people who drive under any influence, an' at goes for pot also, but i hed a much better time chatin wi' those who were enjoyin a toky ootside than wi' boozed up people who kept bangin intil me, skailin drink on ma new boots...talkin shite.

it wid seem yer more a man o' 'e world than i am a woman...possibly cos ye hev travelled an' seem some horrific sights...all i can go by is ma simple, niave even, experiences an' insights o' 'e average toker who hes til live in fear o' getin busted an' exposed as a baddie cos o' somethin they do that causes no harm til ithers.
ma experience is no less insightful than yers tho, all ye hev on me is age......so far.

we live in a different era.

if ye didna think "extreme" an' came doon til ma level (for a moment) ye wid see that 'e tokers are alright.

on 'e itherhan' society needs people lek ye, its unlekly that ye wis iver goin til succumb til greed an' ego, accept a bribe or be corrupt in any manner.....followin 'e law til 'e letter, an' 'ats guid!! i bet yer boss sent ye on all 'e serious jobs where a bad cop attitude wis required, an' am sure ye hed great fun, but all am sayin is that attitudes are changin....'e law is still 'e same aye, but 'e times they are a changin...hev changed an' it wilna be long before 'e law catches up an' yer attitude will be a thing o' 'e past.

kinda lek 'e burnin' o' 'e witches.....ludicrous!!

27-Dec-11, 15:23
Once again I have to agree, whatever you choose to partake in then you have to be responsible for your own actions whilst under the influence.

OK.... If I was in charge (& the world would be so harmonious if I was... lol) this is what my drug policy would be....

All drugs would be legal with the duty on them set based solely on the financial cost to society (Done through a panel of independent unbiased experts) not what I think I could get away with to line the treasury coffers to help keep taxes down for the rich.
If that happened alcohol would probably go up in price, tobacco would most defiantly come down as it is well over taxed at the moment & most currently illegal drugs (especially cannabis) would be the cheapest of the lot.

Your policy would make the this a country mess, the reason being, drugs legal or otherwise are not the problem it is the persons that use them's inability to control the effects of the addiction almost giving it to them will make the problem uncontrollable and the consequences hopeless. A question for you, who is going to treat these people for their addiction when it gets out of control and the resources are no longer there for lack of "taxation revenues" also the lack of hospital beds as they will be taken by "uncontrolled" addicts. If the whole population went your route who is going to keep society as we know it going even "Dave" the current clown doesn't partake now or at least he says he doesn't, I often wonder LOL.

27-Dec-11, 16:03
am no hevin a pop at ye because ye da smoke weed golach, its yer attitude that ye hev towards people that do that gets up ma nose. yer holier than thou, auld fashioned attitude!
i do assume that ye dina lek junkies....most people didna, they are a drain on society, 'e dregs in ma opinion also.
LMAO here, my holier than thou attitude, and auld fashionedness? Thats the typlical stoner/junkie mentality, and the propaganda that you all spout. Society would be a better palce if everyone smoked drugs, aye right!!
In my opinion and I was trained to think this by my parents, not by my former employer, that drug users are as bad as shoplifters, muggers of owld wifies, petty thieves, bootleggers, smugglers, only one type worse the drug dealers themselves.

27-Dec-11, 16:43
Bit of an update from my initial post.. into Spoons today, our friend was (as usual) doing the crosswords On exit noticed his bike was chained up outside; minus the A4 laminated sheet which he'd taped along the cross-bar. Instead he'd attached a little 4 inch x 1 inch strip to his saddlebag with the pathetic words 'peace with drugs'..

Having watched him a few days ago riding his bike and the free-hanging A4 sheet catching his legs on each pedal stroke, seems he's worked out what was rubbing his leg..:roll:

27-Dec-11, 16:45
LMAO here, my holier than thou attitude, and auld fashionedness? Thats the typlical stoner/junkie mentality, and the propaganda that you all spout. Society would be a better palce if everyone smoked drugs, aye right!!
In my opinion and I was trained to think this by my parents, not by my former employer, that drug users are as bad as shoplifters, muggers of owld wifies, petty thieves, bootleggers, smugglers, only one type worse the drug dealers themselves.

"Society would be a better palce if everyone smoked drugs"

when did i ever say 'at golach?

ye are missin ma point entirely....in yer deluded, brainwashed take on people ye hev got me mixed up wi' someone fie yer stereotyped, limited, assumptious narrow mind.

ye take yer trainin fie people that wid be nearly a hunded if they were alive ifanow....i can see far yer goin wrong.

am no sayin that yer people wisna fine, upstan'in fowlk....but ye hev til take intil consideration that times hev changed...people hev changed.

yer in a modern society an i see that yer attitudes hes always seen ye in guid stead, taken ye places that made ye a success but yer failure til move wi' 'e times an' shift yer attitute only makes ye look lek a crabbid, self righteous, heid stuck up yer own ass...auld fart.

27-Dec-11, 16:53
yer in a modern society an i see that yer attitudes hes always seen ye in guid stead, taken ye places that made ye a success but yer failure til move wi' 'e times an' shift yer attitute only makes ye look lek a crabbid, self righteous, heid stuck up yer own ass...auld fart.

Oh Trix, your making this owld mannies day so full of mirth, thank you. And finally to quote an Org buddy, "Who needs Drugs when you can get high on Life" [lol]

27-Dec-11, 17:11
Oh Trix, your making this owld mannies day so full of mirth, thank you. [lol]

always a pleasure golly...ye know that yer ma favourite orger now that gleber2 hes sadly passed :( luv til ye x x

27-Dec-11, 18:47
Your policy would make the this a country mess, the reason being, drugs legal or otherwise are not the problem it is the persons that use them's inability to control the effects of the addiction almost giving it to them will make the problem uncontrollable and the consequences hopeless. A question for you, who is going to treat these people for their addiction when it gets out of control and the resources are no longer there for lack of "taxation revenues" also the lack of hospital beds as they will be taken by "uncontrolled" addicts. If the whole population went your route who is going to keep society as we know it going even "Dave" the current clown doesn't partake now or at least he says he doesn't, I often wonder LOL.

Perhaps you haven't noticed but drugs have already made a mess of this country - namely tobacco and alcohol. In for a penny in for a pound, let's just legalise everything and then abandon addicts to their fate. Once abusers realise the public sector workers and their insitutions aren't going to prop them up they will either refrain or die along with their vice.

27-Dec-11, 19:52
the resources are no longer there for lack of "taxation revenues" also the lack of hospital beds as they will be taken by "uncontrolled" addicts.

I said that the duty would be set so as to cover the costs so there would be no shortages on resources... eg. at the moment tobacco duty raises twice what it costs the NHS so you can't blame smokers for sucking dry the NHS.

If the whole population went your route who is going to keep society as we know it going even "Dave" the current clown doesn't partake now or at least he says he doesn't, I often wonder LOL.

I very much doubt the whole population would go my route, but if they did that would be their choice, not yours or anybody else's imposed on them from above. Who is to say one model of society is right & another is wrong.

secrets in symmetry
27-Dec-11, 20:53
kinda lek 'e burnin' o' 'e witches.....ludicrous!!Burning witches? That's an interesting suggestion....

It could be a big tourist attraction for the County - a sort of Up Helly Aa meets the Wicker Man, ancient Norse tradition meets ancient Pictish/Gaelic tradition, alkies meet stoners...and I'm sure there are other similar cultural juxtapositions.

Where would you hold your terminal pyrotechnics? I suggest Market Square in Week, and in the street outside Caithness Horizons in Thurso - in alternate weeks throughout the summer months, so as not to introduce unnecessary competition between the two towns. You might even get some support from the opposition benches in Holyrood. Ms Sturgeon will be first to go!

I have one minor worry, but I can probably convince one of my best mates that she won't be on the list - because she keeps her witchery to herself - I think....

27-Dec-11, 21:00
i dont think theres anything wrong with the toke on asmoke...well god did say all GREEN THINGS ARE FOR THE GOOD OF MANKIND......:):eek: