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View Full Version : Posing Ferrets...

20-Dec-11, 12:54
Here are a couple of photos of my boys posing! I love them to bits and just had to share them!

This is Hardy. He is my oldest at 3 1/2 years.
http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/404190_10150422234410906_553570905_8846876_4108436 90_n.jpg

And Finlay who is 16 months old
http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/400835_10150422234210906_553570905_8846874_4899999 33_n.jpg

20-Dec-11, 13:11
they r cute how do u keep there nails so short our 1 has long nails loves being in the house an chasen the dog

20-Dec-11, 14:02
They are a pair of wee cuties! :(

20-Dec-11, 17:43
they r cute how do u keep there nails so short our 1 has long nails loves being in the house an chasen the dog

I trim them every fortnight for the front and once a month for the back ones as they don't grow as quickly. Its very quick and simple with the ferrets really! I just lay one on their back on my knees, squirt a bit of ferretone on their bellies, and while they are busy licking it off (ferrets love the stuff!) I quickly trim all their nails with some small animal nail clippers. It takes less than a minute with each fezzpot, but do be careful not to trim them too short and cut into the quick!

Both my boys live in the house and are free-range in my room. They do have a cage which has their food, some hammocks and their litter tray in, but they only use it for sleeping (occasionally!) eating and doing the toilet. :)