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14-Dec-11, 08:23
Mulheron boost for Harmsworth management team

WICK ACADEMY has pulled off another Highland coup with the appointment of veteran Rab Mulheron to its coaching team.
Earlier this year, the club tempted ex-former Scottish Premier Division player,l Davie Kirkwood north as its new manager and partnered him with former co-manager, Tichie Hughes as his No 2.
Academy’s executive, which pipped some other Highland League clubs to secure Mulheron’s services is confident, he will prove every bit as big an asset in their mission to becoming a greater force in the league, and have dropped a heavy hint that their aspirations don’t stop at that level.
Mulheron brings impressive credentials with him to Harmsworth, 48 years as a player, coach and manager. He is well respected with the Highland League where he has managed, Nairn County Clach, Ft William and Rothes, as well as acting as a scout for SFL side Ross County.
Academy secretary Alan Farquhar said the club was “delighted and excited” to have such a highly respected coach working at the club and went on: “Wick Academy believes that Rab has the proven ability, coaching experience and aptitude to help our current management team improve the squad. We feel that this appointment demonstrates that the club is very determined and very serious about becoming a stronger force in Scottish Highland League football and beyond.”
Mr Farquhar said that the appointment of Mulheron also demonstrated the club’s commitment to Davie Kirkwood, the team and “our loyal supporters.”
Mulheron’s appointment is with immediate effect and he will be in the dugout for the Scorries game-weather permitting-against Strathspey Thistle from which he parted company, for “personal reasons”