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04-Dec-11, 15:29
Has Eck finally flipped, Panda Day??? Whats that??? we need pandas in Edinburgh as much as we need trams.
The cost is going to be £250K a year for 10 years, and he is saying that they are a GIFT from China, gifts cost nothing in my house. :confused


Corrie 3
04-Dec-11, 15:44
A brilliant idea bringing the Panda's over here to Edinburgh Zoo!!! People will come from all over the world to come and pay to see these fine specimens. It will forge stronger ties with China which should bring in more work and jobs. We could also win them over with our famous windfarms and start exporting them to China, how good would that be? And don't forget Golach, the Chinese are rather partial to a wee dram and I am sure our exports of Scotch to China will rise..
I think Alex has pulled off a masterstroke here!!!


04-Dec-11, 15:59
A brilliant idea bringing the Panda's over here to Edinburgh Zoo!!! People will come from all over the world to come and pay to see these fine specimens. It will forge stronger ties with China which should bring in more work and jobs. We could also win them over with our famous windfarms and start exporting them to China, how good would that be? And don't forget Golach, the Chinese are rather partial to a wee dram and I am sure our exports of Scotch to China will rise..
I think Alex has pulled off a masterstroke here!!!


Edinburgh Zoo is in dire straits at the moment without the added expense of these so called "Gifts". And as for the Scotch Whisky trade, the Chinese have been buying it for years, next to Japan they are one of the biggest importers, I worked in the Whisky trade from the 70's to the 90's. And anyway most of the Scottish distilleries are foreign owned.
As for Chinese ties, we virtually have a Chinese Take Away in every street here at the moment, who needs more?

04-Dec-11, 21:14
You are getting World Headlines for being so.............. to take the Pandas...A chappie from Edinboro' Zoo was interviewed, but he was a 'wee bitty' cautious not to say how much extra revenue they would take in...Mind you this is a better thread than the deed foxes...............

04-Dec-11, 21:29
Has Eck finally flipped, Panda Day??? Whats that??? we need pandas in Edinburgh as much as we need trams.
The cost is going to be £250K a year for 10 years, and he is saying that they are a GIFT from China, gifts cost nothing in my house. :confused


Get over it - they're here, and they are here for ten years, nothing you can do about it, and it's costing you nothing.

04-Dec-11, 21:44
The Pandas are lovely. Mr Salmond looks a bit like a Panda. He's quite right to keep in with the Chinese. [lol]

04-Dec-11, 21:50
I like them and if there is a deficit, when the Scottish Parliament replace their desks, they should take B & Qs instead of that run of Ashley Ann's they have at the moment and soak up the difference

04-Dec-11, 21:58
Has Eck finally flipped, Panda Day??? Whats that??? we need pandas in Edinburgh as much as we need trams.
The cost is going to be £250K a year for 10 years, and he is saying that they are a GIFT from China, gifts cost nothing in my house. :confused

golach: I agree with you in part about pandas in Edinburgh. I also agree with you about they being a gift from China. When gifts cost the receiver they are not gifts. However, we do have pandas in the USA that attract enough people to pay for their additional costs. I hope the addition of the pandas in Edinburgh will pay for the additional costs.

04-Dec-11, 22:16
golach: I agree with you in part about pandas in Edinburgh. I also agree with you about they being a gift from China. When gifts cost the receiver they are not gifts. However, we do have pandas in the USA that attract enough people to pay for their additional costs. I hope the addition of the pandas in Edinburgh will pay for the additional costs.

Such negativity, the point of having Panda's in Edinburgh is not all to do with costs, how short sighted. The money that is going back to Chengdu (http://www.panda.org.cn/english/) will allow them to carry on with the amazing Panda conservation work they carry out. Having the Panda's here will allow a generation of children to see Panda's for the first time. And yes, it will bring much needed revenue to the Zoo, and why not? the animals have to be kept, and fed, and that zoo does a lot for conservation as well. And let's face it, it's not going to do the hoteliers and shops in Edinburgh any harm either, is it?

04-Dec-11, 22:38
Cheezeeee Whizzzz....What about the poor seals, the pups, the foxes, all the other skinned animals, the ones for clothing.

secrets in symmetry
04-Dec-11, 23:03

Hello everyone,

I am very pleased to be here in Scotland, and I look forward to meeting you all in my new home in Edinburgh.

With big black and white hugs,
Yang Guang

PS You can call me Sunshine. :cool:

04-Dec-11, 23:08
I don't mind pandas, we just need to oust Salmond. That said, why don't we just duff Salmond up, give him a panda makeover and put him in next to the pandas for a cheap playmate.

04-Dec-11, 23:37
AWww I love Panda's their sooo sweet :D ..lol

05-Dec-11, 00:37
Are you alleging that Pandamonium has hit Scotland golach?

Hummmm wonder if bamboo would grow up here, might just be a new source of jobs and money for the county!

05-Dec-11, 04:38
Such negativity, the point of having Panda's in Edinburgh is not all to do with costs, how short sighted. The money that is going back to Chengdu (http://www.panda.org.cn/english/) will allow them to carry on with the amazing Panda conservation work they carry out. Having the Panda's here will allow a generation of children to see Panda's for the first time. And yes, it will bring much needed revenue to the Zoo, and why not? the animals have to be kept, and fed, and that zoo does a lot for conservation as well. And let's face it, it's not going to do the hoteliers and shops in Edinburgh any harm either, is it?
I believe my comment was "I hope the pandas in Edinburgh will pay for the additional costs." What negativity do you read in that? Would you rather it be a losing proposition?

05-Dec-11, 11:34
[QUOTE=oldmarine;910557] I also agree with you about they being a gift from China. When gifts cost the receiver they are not gifts.

Yes, Oldmarine, they are gifts, the Chinese do not just hand Panda's out on a whim, a lot of work had gone into this. Strange you just read the first two words of my reply, however, I am well aware, going by previous comments that you have written on other threads, how you you feel about the Chinese people in general, and will, at all costs find something negative to say about them.

05-Dec-11, 11:58
Such negativity, the point of having Panda's in Edinburgh is not all to do with costs, how short sighted. The money that is going back to Chengdu (http://www.panda.org.cn/english/) will allow them to carry on with the amazing Panda conservation work they carry out. Having the Panda's here will allow a generation of children to see Panda's for the first time. And yes, it will bring much needed revenue to the Zoo, and why not? the animals have to be kept, and fed, and that zoo does a lot for conservation as well. And let's face it, it's not going to do the hoteliers and shops in Edinburgh any harm either, is it?
What a load of tosh. Pandas natural habitat is in China, not in a concrete and steel cage in central Scotland. Our buffoon of a First Minister is raving about the wonderful gift the Chinese people have given us, gifts do not cost £250k per year. But credit to him for jumping on the media bandwagon (something he is very good at).
Edinburgh Zoo is strapped for cash, and if this latest scheme fails, will Eck bail out the zoo at our expense?
http://www.scotsman.com/news/edinburgh_zoo_boss_refuses_to_stand_down_despite_n o_confidence_vote_1_1631545

And Edinburgh does not need the pandas to survive, we have much better tourist attractions, The Castle, the Old and New Town, and a new game, "Hunt the Tram"

05-Dec-11, 12:25
The cost is going to be £250K a year for 10 years, and he is saying that they are a GIFT from China, gifts cost nothing in my house. :confused

I also agree with you about they being a gift from China. When gifts cost the receiver they are not gifts.

So both of you are saying a Gift should not cost the receiver anything at all.

So what if someone gave you a car as a gift. now that would cost you money, for petrol, insurance, road tax, repairs, MOT etc etc. so in your eyes that would not be a gift.

There many, many gists that are given to people, or countries that entail Running Costs, some small and some large, but it is still a GIFT.

05-Dec-11, 12:34
So what if someone gave you a car as a gift. now that would cost you money, for petrol, insurance, road tax, repairs, MOT etc etc. so in your eyes that would not be a gift.

The running costs for these pandas are paid for by Edinburgh Zoo and is not part of the £250k, that has to be paid back to the Chinese every year for 10 years, if your kindly donor of your car wanted paid back every year as well as your running costs, would you be happy, I think not.

05-Dec-11, 12:57
One a side note: My major problem with Pandas is the effort and resources put into the conservation of a species that refuses to breed, perhaps evolution is trying to tell us something. We actively try to kill some species classed as vermin etc but they're still going strong.

05-Dec-11, 15:06
[QUOTE=oldmarine;910557] I also agree with you about they being a gift from China. When gifts cost the receiver they are not gifts.

Yes, Oldmarine, they are gifts, the Chinese do not just hand Panda's out on a whim, a lot of work had gone into this. Strange you just read the first two words of my reply, however, I am well aware, going by previous comments that you have written on other threads, how you you feel about the Chinese people in general, and will, at all costs find something negative to say about them.
If you were treated like we Marines and even many Brits plus Missionaries were treated by the Chinese Communist Government I believe you likewise would feel the same as we do. They killed many of us even while we were trying to help the common Chinese people. There have been many books written about what happened in China during those times. You young people evidently don't have any idea what went on during those times. It's not the Chinese people in general, but the Chinese Communist government of which I have something negative to say. I saw how many common Chinese people were mistreated and even killed by their new Communist government because they did not accept them fast enough.

05-Dec-11, 15:44
One a side note: My major problem with Pandas is the effort and resources put into the conservation of a species that refuses to breed, perhaps evolution is trying to tell us something. We actively try to kill some species classed as vermin etc but they're still going strong.

We had 'two male, supposedly gay penguins' here who didn't want to breed, so they seperated them and there was a cry from the 'gay' campaigners...why would you do that!!! Be careful...you could be accused of Discrimination......haha

05-Dec-11, 17:46
Interestingly, Scotland now has more pandas than Tory MPs.

Corrie 3
05-Dec-11, 19:14
Interestingly, Scotland now has more pandas than Tory MPs.
Thats a good thing isn't it? If I had a choice of voting between the Panda Party and the Tories the Panda's would get my vote everytime !!!!
Anyway, the Panda's are better looking and probably have superior brain power!!


05-Dec-11, 19:34
[QUOTE=golach;910405]Has Eck finally flipped, Panda Day??? Whats that??? we need pandas in Edinburgh as much as we need trams.
The cost is going to be £250K a year for 10 years, and he is saying that they are a GIFT from China, gifts cost nothing in my house. :confused

Mr. G....I don't think any Political Party knows the way out of our Problem...Oldmarine has the same prob with the Republicans and Dems and we have the same thing.
Perhaps your 'Man' is doing the Panda dance, to make people feel good and get a different 'spin' on his Politics.

05-Dec-11, 20:23
I heard on the radio this morning that the Pandas were coming here for 10 years and the Chinese were having Fat Eck for the same. Best piece of trade Scotland has ever done, if it comes off.........

05-Dec-11, 20:26
I heard on the radio this morning that the Pandas were coming here for 10 years and the Chinese were having Fat Eck for the same. Best piece of trade Scotland has ever done, if it comes off.........

Oh if that were only true, I would go with that :lol:

Corrie 3
05-Dec-11, 22:37
Oh if that were only true, I would go with that
C'mon Golach, turn your hoose into a B&B and you will make loads of dosh on the backs of these Panda's.
You just dont realise when Alex and Co are looking after you in your old age!!!!!
You love Panda's, go on admit it you old softie!!!!!.....[lol]
