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secrets in symmetry
29-Nov-11, 23:28
I thought of posting this on Sandy's BBC thread, but I think it deserves one of its own....

I started watching BBC's 10 o'clock news tonight.... But I switched over to STV in disgust after about 5 minutes of sensationalist nothingness, idiotic gossip, biased claptrap, and inumerate downright-incorrect analysis. STV lasted about two minutes...after some idiot they called an "expert" gave us a "prediction" about the length and depth of the economic turndown that had occurred a month or two ago....

I am now on Sky News, which is tolerable because they are "only" discussing the death of Michael Jackson.

Ok, the point....

Is there any TV news programme (other than Channel 4 News) that isn't targeted at the uneducated, ignorant, inumerate moron?

I am beginning to think the BBC should have all their funding removed for producing the sort of crap they broadcast as "News" tonight!

secrets in symmetry
29-Nov-11, 23:42
Sky News didn't last long... To discuss tomorrow's strikes, they wheeled out some right wing williehead who wouldn't last two minutes on this forum. I think he used to be editor of the Sun.

29-Nov-11, 23:55
Is there any TV news programme (other than Channel 4 News) that isn't targeted at the uneducated, ignorant, inumerate moron?
I am beginning to think the BBC should have all their funding removed for producing the sort of crap they broadcast as "News" tonight!

What other kind of news would you suggest?
I find myself being caught up in it too often. Its difficult not to be if we listen to radio or watch tv and most people do.
You canna just call everone idiots because they listen to the news.

secrets in symmetry
30-Nov-11, 00:03
I'm not annoyed at consumers of the news, it's the broadcasters that should be boiled alive....

The BBC's Nick Robinson, Robert Peston and Stephanie Flanders are smart people. Why do they put their brains into reverse when they appear on TV at 10pm?

30-Nov-11, 00:14
I tend to watch or listen in the mornings and to be honest Im totally taken in by the format. Theyre a good team and I dont think its so heavy as evening viewing.

30-Nov-11, 07:20
Is there any TV news programme (other than Channel 4 News) that isn't targeted at the uneducated, ignorant, inumerate moron?

I would say no.

News channels, like any TV programme, are chasing ratings and do so by appealing to the lowest common denominator. Tabloid, populist claptrap for the masses.

I get annoyed watching almost every news channel, not because of the stories themselves but the obvious spin put on them by these "impartial" news agencies.

30-Nov-11, 08:13
If I want a general round up I go to the BBC (as the least annoying) If I want to know what's going on in different areas of the world I go to the local broadcasters. You can do that now you know.

You need to watch many channels so you can average out the spin. But, you have to say, that all news is censored or spun to some degree so you never really know what's going on unless you see it yourself.

I never read newspapers or look at their web sites-totally pointless.

secrets in symmetry
30-Nov-11, 11:08
Wow, such thoughtful responses to such an intolerant rant - thank you everyone!

The prat on Sky News last night was Kelvin MacKenzie.

30-Nov-11, 11:12
If you dont like it, dont watch it. Simple really.

30-Nov-11, 11:48
I agree with most everything else that's been said here and in addition BBC Scotland is even worse than the standard BBC news. and practically everything has 30-50% devoted to crappy entertainment and sports stuff which really shouldn't be there. Beyond Channel 4 news, Al Jazeera is actually pretty good at times and I used to watch MSNBC.

EDIT: Most news is kind of like this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMSHvgaUWc8). Charlie Brooker does a programme called Newswipe that's worth watching, it's been upped to YouTube I think. I find myself arguing with stupidity of bias on TV sometimes, I'm especially bad for it with news and current affairs stuff.

secrets in symmetry
30-Nov-11, 11:51
I disagree with your comments on BBC Scotland. Reporting Scotland is more news-based than the BBC's 10 o'clock news, which is not difficult....

secrets in symmetry
30-Nov-11, 12:01
I tend to watch or listen in the mornings and to be honest Im totally taken in by the format. Theyre a good team and I dont think its so heavy as evening viewing.I watch BBC Breakfast, but that's more of a magazine programme than proper news, it also serves to wake me up.

I can't abide the new business presenter on BBC breakfast, but that means I go into the shower when she appears - and I get to work a few minutes earlier than I used to!

30-Nov-11, 12:41
I watch BBC Breakfast, but that's more of a magazine programme than proper news, it also serves to wake me up.

I can't abide the new business presenter on BBC breakfast, but that means I go into the shower when she appears - and I get to work a few minutes earlier than I used to!

My theory on BBC breakfast is like you said that most people haven't woken up yet, so it's like a gentle introduction to the day. I don't expect any hard hitting reporting or insightful analysis.

30-Nov-11, 15:03
Glad it's not just me that's enraged by the news reporting on BBC and ITV! I can't watch Mark Austin without being reduced to swearing at the TV. It's not so much any bias that annoys me it's the patronising, sensationalist dramaticisation of the news that makes me mad. I want news-readers to read the news not tell me how I should feel about the news - I can manage that for myself!

secrets in symmetry
01-Dec-11, 00:15
You have summed up my feelings rather well, Duncansby. I started watching the news on STV tonight, but I managed to put the TV onto Mute before I started shouting at it. That'll teach it!

01-Dec-11, 00:31
If you dont like it, dont watch it. Simple really.Whilst I agree with the sentiment, I, like others, actually want to be informed on the daily doom n gloom. But I don't want the spin and I do know a wee bitty about the world so would appreciate it in a format that isnt below my 5 year old.

01-Dec-11, 03:38
Ok, the point....

Is there any TV news programme (other than Channel 4 News) that isn't targeted at the uneducated, ignorant, inumerate moron?

The only news channel I watch without having to read inbetween the lines about events happening in the UK is Russia Today (RT). They broadcast what the BBC and Sky etc wont. The problem with the BBC is twofold. Firstly its biased in what it does report, secondly, its the things they dont report because they, in their infinite wisdom decide its in our best interests not to know.Broadcast the news, warts and all and I'll then make my own mind up about it or investigate it further. By the way did you know that the BBC has a Royal charter as long as their reporting isnt biased .Theres a few things on youtube telling you that you dont have to pay your annual tax to them if they break this charter, which they cite many examples of them doing. But I cant be bothered looking for a link, but it tells you step by step how not to pay your annual tax to them. Good luck if you can be bothered going through the procedure,I would myself but the wife doesnt want what she calls hassle.

01-Dec-11, 09:09
The only news channel I watch without having to read inbetween the lines about events happening in the UK is Russia Today (RT). They broadcast what the BBC and Sky etc wont. The problem with the BBC is twofold. Firstly its biased in what it does report, secondly, its the things they dont report because they, in their infinite wisdom decide its in our best interests not to know.Broadcast the news, warts and all and I'll then make my own mind up about it or investigate it further. By the way did you know that the BBC has a Royal charter as long as their reporting isnt biased .Theres a few things on youtube telling you that you dont have to pay your annual tax to them if they break this charter, which they cite many examples of them doing. But I cant be bothered looking for a link, but it tells you step by step how not to pay your annual tax to them. Good luck if you can be bothered going through the procedure,I would myself but the wife doesnt want what she calls hassle.

My wife doesn't want what she calls hassle either, serves her right for marrying me in the first place

01-Dec-11, 10:04
wouldn't last two minutes on this forum..

"Oh would some pow'r the giftie gie us...!"