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21-Nov-11, 12:14
Hi there,
Before i go on, i have posted this question before and got some really horrible feed back from a few people, so let me just start by saying that I am a believer of certain things and i believe that there is somewhere after death. I however have not been christened or baptized, my husband is catholic and we are wanting to baptize our son.

Do i have to be baptised or is it ok that only his father is?

Amy x

21-Nov-11, 12:24
Do i have to be baptised or is it ok that only his father is?

You'd be best asking the individual minister/priest, but I believe as long as you promise to bring the child up in the ways of the church some wouldn't even ask what your own status is.

Another option is a humanist naming ceremony, you get the family event and enjoyment of a ceremony, but you're not forcing/promising the child into a religion before they're old enough to decide for themselves.

Beat Bug
21-Nov-11, 13:19
When we were having our eldest baptised 39 years ago, my husband, as a non Catholic, was asked to provide his baptismal certificate. As his parents couldn't find it, his father wrote a letter confirming that he had been baptised. All my husband had to do then was to agree that if I wished to bring our daughter up as a Catholic, he wouldn't object. My second daughter was baptised Church of England, and was recognised by the Catholic Church. She was then some years later received into the Catholic Church, when our Son was Christened. No doubts times have changed since then, but even that was a far cry from the teachings of the Church in my younger days. But ask the priest.

Corrie 3
21-Nov-11, 14:02
I would say wait till the child is 21 and let them decide for themselves if they want to follow a particular religion or not. I don't believe in forcing it on anyone, especially a child who doesn't even understand what it's all about!!!


21-Nov-11, 14:12
both my kids are Christened, their dad had been christened and his family attended church regularly but I have never been christened and my family only go to church for weddings and funerals but this was not a problem with the canon that did both services

David from Stockport
21-Nov-11, 14:29
As Corrie 3 says -leave it for the child to decide what if anything/one it believes in .
My Sons Mother is a Born again Christian whilst I am agnostic -and she was the one that
said let him decide him self .

Personally you only have to look around you to see the harm religion can cause , im against faith schools of all types and believe all schools should be Secular . I think we are storing up problems in this country with Muslim schools - you only have to look at Northern Ireland , kids play happy in the streets together until the age of 4 - then get sent to Catholic or Prod schools and from that moment on !!!! same in west of Scotland
people want to know if you support Rangers or Celtic ,when what they mean is are you Catholic or Prod ?.

Just try to bring your child up as a good person who treats people of whatever Colour /Religion in the correct way .

21-Nov-11, 14:39
.................. im against faith schools of all types and believe all schools should be Secular . I think we are storing up problems in this country with Muslim schools - you only have to look at Northern Ireland , kids play happy in the streets together until the age of 4 - then get sent to Catholic or Prod schools and from that moment on !!!! same in west of Scotland
people want to know if you support Rangers or Celtic ,when what they mean is are you Catholic or Prod ?.

Although I agree entirely with your sentiment David, there is no such thing in Scotland as a protestant state funded school. Only Catholic or Non-denominational. (That said, there is also 1 jewish school and 3 English Episcopalian).

Secularism all the way for me.

Beat Bug
21-Nov-11, 15:31
As with all aspects of life, you bring up your children according to your own beliefs and morals etc. No need to force anything on anyone, just teach your children to be tolerant and respectful of the beliefs of others. Because no matter what you teach or force upon them, they will find their own way in life, and make up their own minds on everything, including faith/religion.

22-Nov-11, 20:14
I was christened, my mum bought a proper Christening robe but all the family thought " I looked a in it" so that was ditched in favour of a romper. :D

22-Nov-11, 20:49
I would say wait till the child is 21 and let them decide for themselves if they want to follow a particular religion or not. I don't believe in forcing it on anyone, especially a child who doesn't even understand what it's all about!!!


For once I am in total agreement with you.