View Full Version : The Check-Oot Quinne's Lament by Sheena Blackhall

20-Nov-11, 13:30
Tatties, neeps, and ingan,
Poother for the wash,
Wullie's needin new sheen,
Grip, skyte, flash.

Sweeties, ale, some flooer,
A tinnie wi a bash.
I'm wirkin like a robot,
Grip, skyte, flash.

Safties, glesses, bacon,
Eyntment for a rash,
Ma hoose is like a midden,
Grip, skyte, flash.

Mealie jimmies, ganzie,
Cheque, or caird, or cash,
Ma dowp is dottled sittin,
Grip, skyte, flash.

Aathin's in a hurry,
Fowk in sic a hash,
Customers anonymous,
Grip, skyte, flash.

A trolley like Ben Nevis!
Michty, fit a fash!
I'm scunnert and I'm foonert,
Grip, skyte, flash.

Noo ma shift is endin,
Beans and orange squash.
Hame tae dee the hoosewirk,
Up, oot, dash!

Sheena Blackhall

Great stuff - spare a thought next time !!

20-Nov-11, 21:14
that made me laugh trinkie, as an ex Asda temp, I can relate [lol]