View Full Version : Caithness Airsofting club?

20-Oct-06, 00:44
Heya! My name is Lewis Dunbar, and I'm one of the various chairpersons of the Caithness Airsofting Club.

Though I should probably start by explaining what Airsofting is, I'm terrible at explanations - so I've got a few links to define the sport first :)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airsoft (about the sport itself)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airsoft_guns (a bit about the tools of the sport)

Basically, its a sport very similar in nature to Paintball, but with the emphasis on a state of suspended disbelief of being in the army/navy/police/swat/whatever else ya wanna be. Similar to military simulation in a way, but with a more fun related focus.

The only real difference is that we use different equipment, and dress differently.

But anyhoo, thats not why I'm postin' here!

My dilemma is that we've been an organisation for some months now - and have been regularly skirmishing through in Olrig Forest in Castletown (anyone attending the home movies thing in the cinema in Orkney on Nov 11th will be able to see some footage of us playing!)
However, we were saddened to find out that the Owner of said forest decided that we could not use the forest any more due to a neighbours concern for the conservation of the area (despite it's plans to be cleared, and the minimal impact the sport has on nature due to our use of biodegradable ammunition)

Either way, we were left with no choice but to stop skirmishing until we can find another area - and despite having a few leads, not many of them came through in the end - though we have possible plans to use a small, near-derelict farmyard just outside of thurso in the springtime(once the livestock have been moved back to the fields)

Basically, I'm asking, as politely as I can, that if anyone has any land that they'd be willing to allow our club to use regularly (probably once a week, or twice a month, depending on numbers)

So if anyone has access to things like, small forests, derelict farms, large abandoned buildings - all that kind of thing, that they'd be willing to let us use, either in the winter or next year, please could ya email me personally at [email protected]

Some other notes -
The land/property, for safety/security reasons, shouldn't be near any major roads or areas - although signs will be put up to warn and alert anyone of whats going on - it only takes one person to misconceive whats happening [the sport can get fairly realistic at times] and we've got a major problem with the law...

Also, its important for the wellbeing of animals that any and all livestock/other animals be kept a safe distance away from the area.

We are a non-profit club, just a group of members who have to buy/maintain their own equipment, as such, we don't really take money off our members - therefore, we won't be able to pay any landowners anything. However, if, during the spring/summer of 07, we can attract more players, perhaps a small fee for land usage could be arranged...

Last thing before I shut up! ;) Since none of us own cars anymore (our car driving members are all moving away at the end of october) Any land must be within walking distance of Thurso, most of our members are so determined, they will happily hike for 5-10 minutes before playing ^_~

Sorry for the long read everyone! If anyone has any further questions/comments/flames or can perhaps help our situation, or heck! are even Interested in joining us, either post here, or email me - ya can also catch me on MSN messenger at the above adress too...

thanks a bunch dudes!
~ Lewis

13-Feb-07, 17:41
Hi there, just another chairperson from CAC.
We do have limited transport so anywhere within about 15 miles of Thurso would be fine.

13-Feb-07, 18:55
hi ihave sugest a couple of thing last time you posted but considering your transport problems they are probably impracticle. i ahve also aske a couple of times for club details but have had no response as yet.

13-Feb-07, 20:43
What happens if some innocent dog walker, horse rider or youngster wanders into one of these battle scenarios not wearing protective clothing and gets shot?

There is a general right of responsible access to the countryside for everyone and this activity doesn't seem to be very responsible to me or compatible with other recreational pursuits. Do you have third party insurance cover, presumably any land owner doesn't want to find himself in the frame for an injury arising from what is going on.

Perhaps a disused warehouse or even old quarry would be a better venue or why not just ditch the weapons and climb some cliffs or mountains for a better adrenalin rush.

13-Feb-07, 20:49
Hence the warning signs we put up, the codeword for stopping games, permission from the land owner and finding out who uses the site.
We don't use places that are genarally used by the public, we also are well known by the police and have a good relationship with them.
The areas that we use are about 10 mins walk from any road and are normally a couple miles from a main road.

14-Feb-07, 17:10
Perhaps a disused warehouse or even old quarry would be a better venue or why not just ditch the weapons and climb some cliffs or mountains for a better adrenalin rush.

A disused warehouse or old quarry could well make a great venue, if you know of any particular locations, im sure the Caithness Airsofting Club would love to hear about them, afterall, that is exactly what this thread is about. :)

In regard to your comment about ditching our hobby to try another (and more dangerous ones at that)... many of us would've certainly looked at, tried and im sure in some cases still pursue various other recreational activities, but for our various reasons, we enjoy Airsoft. So your comment is rather like someone posting in a Shinty thread telling them to ditch their shinty sticks and take up Rugby instead... but i know you meant well. :)

14-Feb-07, 18:49
Try Steven Sutherland at Sibmister farm. They have a quarry - Stonegunn - go up Spring park towards weydale , turn L to Castletown , Quarry on immediate R , farm house on L down hill after bridge.
Big narrow quarry , lots of varied terrain and cover , seldom see sheep in it , totally enclosed and away from public.

The Forss ex US Navy base has underground buildings.

Be prepared to offer something in return for a venue , even if it is just a bottle of very expensive malt each occasion, split between gamers!!

15-Feb-07, 03:47
What happens if some innocent dog walker, horse rider or youngster wanders into one of these battle scenarios not wearing protective clothing and gets shot?


My understanding of airsoft guns is that they are classed as toys not weapons because they do not fire at a force that would pierce even if it hit you in the eye. It would hurt right enough but not cause any lasting damage. Paintball guns are classed as weapons due to the nature of the gun and any public use of these would be dealt with under the firearm laws.

15-Feb-07, 13:01
My understanding of airsoft guns is that they are classed as toys not weapons because they do not fire at a force that would pierce even if it hit you in the eye. It would hurt right enough but not cause any lasting damage. Paintball guns are classed as weapons due to the nature of the gun and any public use of these would be dealt with under the firearm laws.

Thats correct, airsoft weapons have a speed limit as such in the UK, so that the small 6mm plastic BB's travel at a speed that is unable to pierce skin, they can however, leave little red welts, and chip a tooth... a shot to the eye would be really rather painful, but ive never heard of any serious damage being caused, but we wear eye protection at all times, often with a scarf or a full face mask, to cover the mouth also.