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ice box
19-Oct-06, 21:11
Ok tell me why is there no chip shops open after 9:00pm? Was working late and missed dinner so thought i will get a chippie. So went on my travels looking forward to getting a king rib supper only to find that ever chip shop in the town was shut .. what is happen to this town ... rant over .:mad:

19-Oct-06, 22:32
I know it is really annoying - we went to get chips a couple of Sundays ago and both chip shops were shut and Sandras was chock-a-bloc. I wouldn't mind if it was at an awkward time but it was at 545!

20-Oct-06, 08:46
Down here a lot of the smaller local chippys close well before the pubs come out because they were fed up getting abuse from drunks.
Plus the local ne'er do wells used to hang aroung outside causing havoc in the area.

23-Jun-07, 15:07
We haven't had a fish supper for many a moon so last night being as we had to go to Halkirk on another errand we'd have our tea in the car - it was only about 6pm and it was closed!!

Can anyone tell me has the shop closed for good or was it closed for a reason?

We ended up going back into Thurso to Reid's but oh what a disappointment – the fish was so dry and only warm – YUK!

It’ll be many moons before we have another at this rate.


23-Jun-07, 15:18
I always go to robins because i don't think you get any better. They're usually open til about 10 i thought. They've started opening on sundays now aswell because it's summer

footie chick
23-Jun-07, 16:00
We haven't had a fish supper for many a moon so last night being as we had to go to Halkirk on another errand we'd have our tea in the car - it was only about 6pm and it was closed!!

Can anyone tell me has the shop closed for good or was it closed for a reason?

He's moved to Thurso Maggie Ann's

23-Jun-07, 16:02

Halkirk chippie has moved permanently to Princes Street in Thurso as Maggie Annes. No idea of their opening times, but they have a restaurant too so it can`t be too early.

The take away at High Ormlie Shalina spice do some chippy meals too which are cheaper than the alternative Maggie, Robin and Riverside. The take away meals at the harbour where ships chandlers used to be are said to be very good too.

Chips have never tasted right since the move to vegetable oil for cooking. Beef dripping makes the best chips for sure, and does not let the potato go soggy if used at the right temperature, therefore as healthy as a chip can be.

23-Jun-07, 17:11
Thank you Poppet and Footie Chick - so now I know!

Maybe I should get out more...:lol:


23-Jun-07, 17:23
I always go to robins because i don't think you get any better. They're usually open til about 10 i thought. They've started opening on sundays now aswell because it's summer

Robins is a good chip shop I remember years ago when robin didnt have a chip shop he used to have a chip van that went around all the streets at night and it was brilliant chip van food was always fine

footie chick
23-Jun-07, 17:25
Nobody can match the taste of Robins patties they are the best!

23-Jun-07, 17:28
I know when ever i come home i always have a pattie supper you dont get pattie suppers in aberdeen

23-Jun-07, 17:30
Robins van, thats a blast from the past.

Still reckon Robins is the best in town, before him i used to use the one behind the police station many many moons ago, thursday night there would be a queue down the street !

23-Jun-07, 17:53
The one behind the police station that used to be chadwicks chipshop

23-Jun-07, 19:16
And Stephens before that!

23-Jun-07, 22:49
...of the bakers in Dundee that had a "hole in the wall" open 24/7 in the 1970's where the desperate and drunk could get a mince roll (yes - beef mince in a bread roll) at 3am.......

also memories of deep fried pizzas in Edinburgh at 1am on the walk home....

and I was a size 12 in those days!

24-Jun-07, 09:59
i ALWAYS have a red pudding supper when i am home. at least twice.

i am so disapointed that you can't get red puddings south of Inverness.
When we were in Edinburgh, i asked the concerige of the place we were staying at if he knew of anywhere that did them, he didnt even know what it was lol.

24-Jun-07, 10:06
i ALWAYS have a red pudding supper when i am home. at least twice.

i am so disapointed that you can't get red puddings south of Inverness.
When we were in Edinburgh, i asked the concerige of the place we were staying at if he knew of anywhere that did them, he didnt even know what it was lol.

Please enlighten someone even further south, what's a "Red Pudding Supper"??? Sounds exotic...

24-Jun-07, 10:48

It`s called poloney south of Inverness, just like a giant sausage shape with a spam texture and a red skin.


The chip shop in Edinburgh just below Mathers pub on Broughton Street sells them if you are ever back in Edinburgh with a craving!

24-Jun-07, 11:37
I dont know about you guys but every time read this thread it makes me hungry

24-Jun-07, 11:58
Aye Eddie, chips really have that effect on me too - a quick whiff is just torture! Just wait until sniff-o-vision takes off [lol]

24-Jun-07, 14:32
Sorry!!! What is a pattie supper??

24-Jun-07, 14:50
And Stephens before that!
And Brass`s before that. Father of Norman who now owns Brass`s shop beside Mckays butchers:D

24-Jun-07, 17:13
Stephen`s was at the top of the street behind the police station, Brass` at the foot of the road. Brass` boasted sit in or take away.

Patties are a mince and potato mixture cooked in batter

24-Jun-07, 19:30

It`s called poloney south of Inverness, just like a giant sausage shape with a spam texture and a red skin.

now i always thought a poloney and a red pudding were different. i am sure someone told me once they were..

here is a wikipedia page on red puddings http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_pudding

24-Jun-07, 21:50
Nope Fluff - while I prefer a couple of polony slices, if the chippy doesn't have them I'll happily switch to a red pudding.

Must admit to being partial to chips, cheese & gravy from Sandra's though. Some might think this is a revolting concept but I'm sure the chippys have had worse requests than that!

25-Jun-07, 08:42
oh god sandras! dont eat their its vile!!!!

25-Jun-07, 10:07
Aye Eddie, chips really have that effect on me too - a quick whiff is just torture! Just wait until sniff-o-vision takes off [lol]
I remember something on the telly a while back about a London cab that had been converted to run on cooking oil. It seemed to work fine except the smell made customers and people in the street hungry.:lol:

25-Jun-07, 12:18
Nobody can match the taste of Robins patties they are the best!

we dont get patties down here, and when i was pregnant thats what i craved for... i always have to have a pattie supper when i come home....... i want one now...:(

25-Jun-07, 12:40
A King Rib supper, that's what I always craved when pregnant, with lashings of salt and sauce on.
That's what I miss most now, Salt & Sauce the Edinburgh (or Fife) way. None of this salt 'n vinegar nonsense...

25-Jun-07, 12:57

In my youth (When we had two chippies on one street) salt and vinegar was offered but proper chip sauce could be purchased in small bottles, about the size lea & perrins comes in. Now it is sachets of Heinz tomato or HP brown we are offered and it is just not the same!

King ribs are a fine treat, but whatever happened to "Beannies"? They were a similar texture to king rib but rounded with beans in the middle. Bean roundas were probably their real title and they were a speciality of Charlie`s Chipper in Grant Street Inverness many many moons ago.

25-Jun-07, 14:23
Beanies were taken off the market , i think someone tried to sue the makers after being scolded by the "bean juice".
red puddings are widely available(or were) also in the ayrshire and glasgow areas.
i also used to be able to get them from the chippy just up a bit from the haymarket station

25-Jun-07, 19:27
In my youth (When we had two chippies on one street) salt and vinegar was offered but proper chip sauce could be purchased in small bottles, about the size lea & perrins comes in. Now it is sachets of Heinz tomato or HP brown we are offered and it is just not the same!
Last time I was in Embra, got a bit tiddly and ended up dragging 3 bottles of chippy sauce back north. It was the real stuff, watered down with vinegar (plus secret additives???) and in a Barrs Irn Bru bottle. Punch a hole in the top and off ye go...
Used about half of one bottle, the rest went manky. What a waste.
Ahh, youth. Everything was better then, even the sauce...